The European Chemical Industry Council or CEFIC (from its French name Conseil Européen des Fédérations de l'Industrie Chimique), is the main European trade association for the chemical industry. It was founded in 1959, and its history follows through the creation of the European Union. Its headquarters are located in Brussels.



Federation Members

Association Country
Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs Austria
Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic / Svaz chemického prumyslu Ceské republiky Czech Republic
Procesindustriens Brancheforening / Association of Danish Process Industries Denmark
Kemianteollisuus ry Finland
Union des Industries Chimiques France
Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. Germany
Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries Greece
Hungarian Chemical Industry Association / Magyar Vegyipari Szövetség Hungary
PharmaChemical Ireland Republic of Ireland
FEDERCHIMICA - Federazione Nazionale dell'Industria Chimica Italy
Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie Netherlands
Norsk Industri Norway
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry Poland
Associação Portuguesa das Empresas Químicas Portugal
Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak Republic / Zväz chemického a farmaceutického priemyslu Slovenskej republiky Slovakia
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Slovenia
Federacion Empresarial de la Industria Quimica Espanola Spain
Plast-& Kemiforetagen - The Swedish Plastics and Chemicals Federation Sweden
scienceindustries Switzerland
Turkish Chemical Manufacturers Association Turkey
Chemical Industries Association (CIA) United Kingdom

Associated Federations

Association Country
Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry/Branshova Kamara na Turgovskite Drujestva ot Chimicheskata Promishlenost Bulgaria
Association of Chemical Industry/Udruzenje Kemijske Industrije Croatia
Federation of Estonian Chemical Industries/Eesti Keemiatoostuse Liit Estonia
The Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry/Latvijas Kimijas Un Farmacijas Uznemeju Asociacija Latvia
Association of Lithuanian Chemical Industry Enterprises/Lietuvos Chemijos Pramones Imoniu Asociacija Lithuania
FEPACHIM - Romanian Federation of Chemical and Petrochemical Industry/Federatia Patronatelor din Ramura Industriei Chimice si Petrochimice din Romania Romania

External links