Creative Commons license

A Creative Commons license is one of several copyright licenses that allow the distribution of copyrighted works. The licenses differ by several combinations that condition the terms of distribution. They were initially released on December 16, 2002 by Creative Commons, a U.S. non-profit corporation founded in 2001.

As of July, 2011, Creative Commons licenses have been "ported" over 50 different jurisdictions worldwide. No new ports are being started as preparations for version 4.0 of the license suite begin.[1]


Original licenses

The original set of licenses all grant the "baseline rights", such as the right to distribute the copyrighted work worldwide, without changes, at no charge.[2] The details of each of these licenses depends on the version, and comprises a selection of four conditions:

Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.
Noncommercial (nc) Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes.
No Derivative Works (nd) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based on it.
Share-alike (sa) Licensees may distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work. (See also copyleft.)


Mixing and matching these conditions produces sixteen possible combinations, of which eleven are valid Creative Commons licenses and five are not. Of the five invalid combinations, four include both the "nd" and "sa" clauses, which are mutually exclusive; and one includes none of the clauses. Of the eleven valid combinations, the five that lack the "by" clause have been retired because 98% of licensors requested attribution, though they do remain available for reference on the website.[3][4][5] This leaves six regularly used licenses:

For example, the Creative Commons Attribution (BY) license allows one to share and remix (create derivative works), even for commercial use, so long as attribution is given.[6]


Since 2004, all current licenses require attribution of the original author.[4] The attribution must be given to "the best of [one's] ability using the information available".[7] Generally this implies the following:

Applicable works

Work licensed under a Creative Commons License is governed by applicable copyright law.[8] This allows Creative Commons licenses to be applied to all work falling under copyright, including: books, plays, movies, music, articles, photographs, blogs, and websites. Creative Commons does not recommend the use of Creative Commons licenses for software.[9]

However, application of a Creative Commons license may not modify the rights allowed by fair use or fair dealing or exert restrictions which violate copyright exceptions. Furthermore, Creative Commons Licenses are non-exclusive and non-revocable. Any work or copies of the work obtained under a Creative Commons license may continue to be used under that license.

In the case of works protected by multiple Creative Common Licenses, the user may choose either.

Other licenses

A number of additional licenses have been introduced, which are more specialized:

Retired licenses

Due to either disuse or criticism, a number of previously offered Creative Commons licenses have since been retired,[12] and are no longer recommended for new works. The retired licenses include all licenses lacking the Attribution element[3] other than CC0, as well as two licenses not allowing at least non-commercial verbatim distribution worldwide:

Public domain tools

Besides licenses, Creative Commons also offers a way to release material into the public domain through CC0,[13] a legal tool for waiving as many rights as legally possible, worldwide. Development of CC0 began in 2007[14] and the tool was released in 2009.[15][16]

In 2010, Creative Commons announced its Public Domain Mark,[17] a tool for labeling works already in the public domain. Together, CC0 and the Public Domain Mark replace the Public Domain Dedication and Certification, [18] which took a U.S.-centric approach and co-mingled distinct operations.

In 2011, Free Software Foundation added CC0 to its free software licenses, making CC0 a recommended way of dedicating software to the public domain.[19]

Partial list of projects that release contents under Creative Commons licenses

See also


  1. ^ "CC Affiliate Network". Creative Commons. Retrieved July 8, 2011. 
  2. ^ "Baseline Rights". Creative Commons. June 12, 2008. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  3. ^ a b "Retired Licenses". Creative Commons. Retrieved July 5, 2007. 
  4. ^ a b Announcing (and explaining) our new 2.0 licenses
  5. ^ "Creative Commons Licenses". Creative Commons. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  6. ^ "Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 United States". Creative Commons. November 16, 2009. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  7. ^ "Frequently Frequently Asked Questions". Creative Commons. February 2, 2010. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  8. ^ "Creative Commons Legal Code". Creative Commons. January 9, 2008. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  9. ^ Creative Commons FAQ: Can I use a Creative Commons license for software?
  10. ^ "Sampling Plus 1.0". Creative Commons. November 13, 2009. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  11. ^ "Creative Commons — NonCommercial Sampling Plus 1.0". Creative Commons. November 13, 2009. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  12. ^ Lessig, Lawrence (June 4, 2007). "Retiring standalone DevNations and one Sampling license". Creative Commons. Retrieved July 5, 2007. 
  13. ^ "CC0". Creative Commons. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  14. ^ "Creative Commons Launches CC0 and CC+ Programs" (Press release). Creative Commons. December 17, 2007. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  15. ^ Baker, Gavin (January 16, 2009). "Report from CC board meeting". Open Access News. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  16. ^ Expanding the Public Domain: Part Zero
  17. ^ Marking and Tagging the Public Domain: An Invitation to Comment
  18. ^ "Copyright-Only Dedication (based on United States law) or Public Domain Certification". Creative Commons. August 20. 2009. Retrieved February 22, 2010. 
  19. ^ "Using CC0 for public domain software". Creative Commons. April 15. 2011. Retrieved May 10, 2011. 

External links