
Butugichag Corrective Labor Camp (Russian: исправи́тельно-трудово́й ла́герь, Бутугычаг) was a part of the bigger Tenlag, a subdivision of GULAG. The camp existed during 1945-1955 in the Kolyma region of North-Eastern Russia (later Magadan Oblast). The camp is mostly known for its deadly uranium mines [1] It is mentioned by some Russian historians such as Jores and Roy Medvedevs. It is one of a small number of camps where prisoners mined uranium, the truth of which has only recently been recovered.



In local folklore the area is known as the Death Valley. This name was given to the area by the nomadic tribes that domesticated and raised deer in the area. As they traveled along the Detrin River they stumbled upon a huge field filled with human skulls and bones. Soon after their deer became ill with a mysterious disease; the first symptom was loss of fur on their legs, followed by lack of energy and refusal to walk. Mechanically, this name was passed on to Beria's camps of the 14th department of GULAG.


The settlement has only recently come to light, and is not even listed among the abandoned camps as though it never existed. The remains of the camp can still be found about 35 miles north of Ust-Omchug near the Tenkin highway. There are two abandoned settlements in the area located near each other (6 miles): Butugichag was the camp itself where prisoners were kept, and Lower Butugichag, which housed the servicemen of the local electric substation. In 1955 when the camp was shut down, Lower Butugichag was abandoned and its population was moved to Ust-Omchug.

Located nearby (5 miles) is an abandoned chicken farm, which was left uncompleted and under construction due to the high concentration of radiation.

All the roads to the area have deteriorated, making it difficult to find the settlement and, thus, to reach it. The only practical way to get to the area is by a cross-country vehicle or by air transportation.


The camp's main activity was the mining of various types of ore, including tin, gold, and uranium. The camp also contained a top secret research-medical facility where a series of experiments were conducted on camp inmates. Witnesses of the camp state that the camp took the life of some 380,000 people in the 10 years of its existence. Most notable about the camp is the fact that uranium mining was conducted here manually without any protective gear whatsoever. The average miner's life span lasted only months here. To this day the radiation in the area is above normal. The administration of the Tenkin Raion installed warning signs around the area as a precaution for the trespassers.


In literature

(original) В. Филину

Мне помнится
Рудник Бутугычаг
И горе
У товарищей в очах.

Скупая радость,
Щедрая беда
И голубая
Звонкая руда.

Я помню тех,
Кто навсегда зачах
В долине,
Где рудник Бутугычаг.

И вот узнал я
Нынче из газет,
Что там давно
Ни зон, ни вышек нет.

Что по хребту
До самой высоты
Растут большие
Белые цветы...

О, самородки
Незабытых дней
В пустых отвалах
Памяти моей!

Я вас ищу,
Я вновь спешу туда,
Где голубая
Пыльная руда.

Привет тебе,
Заброшенный рудник,
Что к серой сопке
В тишине приник!

Я помню твой
Густой неровный гул.
Ты жизнь мою тогда

Привет тебе,
Судьбы моей рычаг,
Урановый рудник

Анатолий Жигулин

(translation) to V. Filin

It is remembering by me
the mine of Butugichag
and the grief
in eyes of my comrades.

The scanty joy,
the generous distress,
and the bluish hue
of its ringing ore.

I remember those,
who had forever withered
in that valley,
where the pit of Butugichag.

And then I found out
Today from out of newspapers,
That there are
no camps, nor towers any longer.

That on the ridge
and to its tophill
there grow big
incredible white flowers...

Oh, the nuggets
of unforgotten days
In empty tailings
of my memory you remain!

I'm seeking all of you,
again I hurry back,
where that bluish
dusty ore.

To you my greetings,
the abandoned pit,
That leaned against the sopka
and in total silence is set!

I still remember
Your dense uneven rumble.
You, life of mine back then,
Set upside down.

Hello again,
The lever of my fate,
The pit of uranium mining

Anatoliy Zhygulin

Notable convicts

See also



External links