

Buruntza's north-west face
Elevation 441
Pronunciation Basque: [buˈɾunts̻a]
Location Gipuzkoa, Spain
Easiest route From Azkorte in Lasarte-Oria

Buruntza (441 m) is a minor mount in the Basque Country (Spain) 12 km south of San Sebastian. Several towns lie at its foot, namely Andoain (S), Lasarte-Oria (N) and Urnieta (E). The mount stretches out in a north-east to south-west disposition, starting at the pass of Azkorte (hermitage) on to a quarry at the southern end, by the neighbourhood Buruntza in Andoain. The mount rises opposite to Adarra (E) and stands in turn to the east of the mountain Andatza (562 m). There is a big cross fixed at the summit.

The Oria River flows north along Buruntza's north-west face over a close valley run by the N-1 E-5 E-80 main road on both banks of the river. Actually, this tract was a race-car circuit between 1923 and 1935, its sinuous layout bearing witness to that origin. On the south-eastern side (Urnieta, Andoain), the outer reaches of the Urumea valley extend out south-east as a corridor, leaving the prominence of Buruntza towering right in the middle as a perfect vantage point over all the surroundings.


Access points and trails

The main access point lies at the Azkorte hermitage (210 m). To start with, a fence pass must be crossed to gradually gain height through a trail heading roughly south-east. The whole trail is well signposted. The access to the summit over the south-eastern end has been altered on account of the expansion of the quarry. A mud track starting in this quarry cuts across the north-eastern forest at middle height, the trail becoming a concrete road on its final stage sloping down to the last houses of the neighborhood Oria by the first exit from the A-1 into Lasarte-Oria.

Landscape and quarries

Buruntza is at the southernmost tip of a minor rigdeline where Urgonian limestone outcrops stand out at different spots all along.[1] Geological features like this might have rendered all the area attractive to stone extraction, the mount being dotted all around with quarries widening ever more, in a way that even the current Azkorte hermitage shifted out of its former place to its present location of the Burundain pass on account of a stone extraction site being established (1973). Also, a second hermitage revered in Andoain, San Roke, stands not far from the edge of the southernmost quarry. As for vegetation, Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) for logging prevails, especially on the steep north-east face; willow trails behind in number. Incidentally, legend has it, mythological character Sanson hurled a stone against the people of Arano with a willow-made sling, but slipping on a dong the stone fell short, so originating the present-day ridge of Aballarri (meaning 'stone of the sling').

Archeological findings and history

Buruntza holds a relevant archeological site on the slopes near the summit. It consists of an enclosed settlement of the Iron Age (first millennium BC), where remains of cereal (wheat, oats, barley) and leguminous plants (broad bean, pea) have been found, among other vestiges. This data have provided the basis for a newly released and breakthrough theory establishing the ancient boundaries between the Vascones and the Varduli at the east of the mount (in Leitzaran).[2]

Moving on, at the beginning of the Civil War (1936), a fiery battle between Republicans and Francoists took place in Buruntza. Republicans set up a defence-line, the mount being of strategical importance to keep in check Lasarte-Oria, Andoain and the communication lines between San Sebastian and Bilbao. Its slopes were heavily entrenched by Republicans, so it took three days of fighting to Francoist troops to take over the summit.



  1. ^ "Albian sediment-filled fissures on an Urgonian carbonate platform as kinematic indicators of extension, Westernmost Pyrenees". Estratigrafia eta Paleontologia Saila. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. http://www.sociedadgeologica.es/archivos/geogacetas/Geo41/G41Art07.pdf. Retrieved 2008-05-25. 
  2. ^ "Leitzaran: la frontera de la Edad de Hierro". DV. http://www.diariovasco.com/20071005/cultura/leitzaran-frontera-edad-hierro-20071005.html. Retrieved 2008-05-25.  Site in Spanish