Bureaupedia is a wiki used internally at the FBI with the intention of capturing the knowledge of senior agents and reduce knowledge loss due to retirement.
Bureaupedia's existence was revealed in a September 2008 article in Federal Computer Week.[1]
FBI officials see Bureaupedia as a knowledge management tool that will let agents and analysts share their experiences to ensure that their accumulated insight remains after they retire. The project is a collaborative effort between the FBI’s chief knowledge officer and chief technology officer.
Analysts are questioning the need for Bureaupedia, since Intellipedia, a wiki established by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, was created for similar purposes, but for the sixteen organizational members of the intelligence community as a whole.[2] Congressional testimony from Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia,[3] notes the difference between vertical and horizontal information sharing and suggests that both could be successful e-government endeavors.