Bulgarian Hound

Bulgarian Hound
Male Bulgarian Hound
Other names Bulgarian Barak
Balgarski Barak
Country of origin  Bulgaria
Weight Male 23-27 kg
Female 19-22 kg[1]
Height Male 53-58 cm
Female 48-53 cm[1]
Classification and standards
Not recognized by any major kennel club
Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

Bulgarian Hound (Bulgarian: Български барак, Balgarski Barak), also known as Bulgarian Barak is a Bulgarian hunting breed of dog with coarse coat.



The Bulgarian Hound is an ancient breed of dog. It's not exactly known when it was selected. Some scholars suggest that the Bulgars came with dogs, similar to the modern Barak. The Ottoman Turks also brought hunting dogs, which also contributed in the creating of the modern breed.

Breed standard

The Bulgarian Hound isn't recognized by FCI. The standard of the Bulgarian Kennel Club put it in group 6 - “Scenthounds and similar breeds”, section 1.2 - “Medium-sized scenthounds”.

The Bulgarian Hound is scenthound with medium height. Its body is balanced, strong, with rectangular outline.

The coat is yellow-rufous coloured in various shades, halm yellow or dark rufous. The coat can be in one colour or combinated with grey or black-grey in the middle part of the body. Some white spots are accessible in definite places.

The Bulgarian Hound has balanced nervous system. It's loyal to his owner and incredulous to strangers. It has lively, strong hunting instinct.

The Bulgarian Hound is a scenthound, used to hunt small and big game. The Barak has good scent and orientation sense.


  1. ^ a b Standard

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