List of Star Trek races

This is a list of sentient species and races from the fictional universe of the Star Trek media franchise.

  Notes   External links

Table of appearances

This table shows a list of races and their appearances on the five Star Trek television series as well as the 2009 movie Star Trek. Brief mentions or references of races and species are indicated with "Mentioned".

Aaamazzarite Yes No No No No No
Acamarian No Yes No No No No
Aenar No No No No Yes No
Akaali No No No No Yes No
Akritirian No No No Yes No No
Aksani No No No Yes No No
Alcyone No Yes No No No No
Aldean No Yes No No No No
Algolian No Yes No No No No
Alkian No No No Mentioned No No
Allasomorph No Yes No No No No
Alsuran No No No Mentioned No No
Andorian Yes Yes Mentioned Mentioned Yes Mentioned
Android Yes Yes Yes Yes Mentioned No
Angosian No Yes No No No No
Ankari No No No Yes No No
Annari No No No Yes No No
Antaran No Yes No No Yes No
Antarian No No No Yes No No
Antedean No Yes No No No No
Antican No Yes Yes No No No
Arbazan No No Yes No No No
Arcadian Yes No No No No No
Ardanan Yes No No No No Mentioned
Arcturian Yes No No No No No
Argala No No No Mentioned No No
Argelian Yes Mentioned No No No No
Argosian No No Mentioned No No No
Argrathi No No Yes No No No
Arkarian No Yes No No No No
Arkonian No No No No Yes No
Arrithean No No No Yes No No
Axanar Mentioned No No No Yes No
B'Saari No No No No Yes No
B'omar No No No Yes No No
Ba'ku No Yes No No No No
Ba'neth No No No Yes No No
Bajoran No Yes Yes Yes No No
Bandi No Yes No No No No
Banean No No No Yes No No
Bara Plenum No No No Mentioned No No
Barkonian No Yes No No No No
Barolian No Mentioned No No No No
Barzan No Yes No Mentioned[1] No No
Benkaran No No No Yes No No
Benthan No No No Yes No No
Benzenite No No Mentioned No No No
Benzite No Yes Yes No Yes No
Berellian No Mentioned No No No No
Betazoid No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Betelgeusian Yes No No No No No
Biomimetic lifeform No No No Yes No No
Bolian No Yes Yes Yes No No
Boraalan No Yes No No No No
Boray No No No Mentioned No No
Borg No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Boslic No No Yes Yes Yes No
Botha No No No Yes No No
Breen No Mentioned Yes Yes No No
Brekkian No Yes No No No No
Brenari No No No Yes No No
Briori No No No Yes No No
Brunali No No No Yes No No
Bynar No Yes No No Mentioned No
Byzallian No No Yes No No No
Byzatium No No Yes No No No
Caatati No No Yes Yes No No
Cairn No Yes No No No No
Caitian Yes No No No No No
Calamarain No Yes No No No No
Caldonian No Yes No No No No
Camorite No Mentioned No No No No
Capellan Yes No No No No No
Cardassian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Mentioned
Chalnoth No Yes No No No No
Changeling No No Yes Mentioned No No
Chokuzan No No No Yes No No
Chrysalian No Mentioned No No No No
Coridan Yes No No No Yes No
Corvallen No Yes Yes No No No
Cravic No No No Mentioned No No
Crystalline Entity No Yes No No No No
Cytherian No Yes No No No No
Cytoplasmic lifeform No No No Yes No No
D'Arsay No Mentioned No No No No
Dachlyd No Mentioned No No No No
Daliwakan No No No Yes No No
Debrune No Mentioned No No No No
Deltan Yes No No No Mentioned No
Denebian Mentioned No No No No No
Denobulan No No No No Yes No
Devidian No Yes No No No No
Devore No No No Yes No No
Dinaali No No No Yes No No
Doosodarian No Mentioned No No No No
Dopterian No Yes Yes No No No
Dosi No No Yes No No No
Douwd No Yes No No No No
Dralian No No No Yes No No
Drayan No No No Yes No No
Dream species No No No Yes No No
Dreman No Yes No No No No
Druoda No No No Mentioned No No
Edo No Yes No No No No
Ekosian Yes No No No No No
El-Aurian No Yes Yes No No No
Elasian Yes No No No No No
Elaysian No No Yes No No No
Ellora No Yes No No No No
Enaran No No No Yes No No
Enolian No No No No Yes No
Entaban No No No Yes No No
Entharan No No No Yes No No
Eska No No No No Yes No
Etanian No No No Yes No No
Evora No Yes Yes No No No
Excalbian Yes No No No No No
Exocomp No Yes No No No No
Farn No No No Yes No No
Fek'Ihri No No Yes No No No
Fen Domar No No No Mentioned No No
Ferengi No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Flaxian No No Yes No No No
Fotiallian Yes No No No No No
Frunalian No No Mentioned No No No
Galadoran No No Mentioned No No No
Gallamite No No Mentioned No No No
Garan No No No Yes No No
Garenor No No No Mentioned No No
Genton No Mentioned No No No No
Gorn Yes Mentioned Mentioned No Yes No
Grazerite No No Yes No No No
Gree No No No Mentioned No No
Grizzela No Mentioned No No No No
Haakonian No No No Yes No No
Halanan No No Yes No No No
Haliian No Yes No No No No
Halkan Yes No No No No No
Haradin No Mentioned No No Yes No
Harkonian No No No Mentioned No No
Hazari No No No Yes No No
Hekaran No Yes No No No No
Hierarchy No No No Yes No No
Hirogen No No No Yes No No
Horta Yes No No No No No
Hologram Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Human Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Human (Genetically Engineered/Augmented) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Human (Evolved/Advanced) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Hunter No No Yes No No No
Hupyrian No No Yes No Mentioned No
Hur'q No No Mentioned No Mentioned No
Husnock No Mentioned No No No No
Iconian No Mentioned Mentioned Mentioned No No
Ikaaran No No No No Yes No
Ilari No No No Yes No No
Ilidarian No No No Mentioned No No
Illyrian No No No No Yes No
Imhotep No No No Yes No No
Iotian Yes No No No No No
Ithenite Yes No No No Mentioned No
Iyaaran No Yes No No No No
J'naii No Yes No No No No
Jarada No Yes No No No No
Jem'Hadar No No Yes Yes No No
K'normian Yes No No No No No
Kadi No No No Yes No No
Kaelon No Yes No No No No
Kantare No No No No Yes No
Karemma No No Yes No No No
Kartelan No No No Mentioned No No
Kaylar Yes No No No No No
Kazarite Yes No No No No No
Kazon No No No Yes No No
Kelvan Yes No Mentioned No No No
Kesat No No No Yes No No
Kinbori No No No Yes No No
Klaestron No No Yes No No No
Klingon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mentioned
Kmada No No No Yes No No
Kobali No No No Yes No No
Kobliad No Yes Yes No No No
Kohl No No No Yes No No
Kolaati No No No Yes No No
Kolaran No Yes No No No Yes
Kolhari No No No Mentioned No No
Komar No No No Yes No No
Kostolain No Yes No No No No
Kotakian No No Mentioned No No No
Kovaalan No No No No Yes No
Kradin No No No Yes No No
Kraylor No No No Yes No No
Kreetassan No No No No Yes No
Krenim No No No Yes No No
Kressari No No Yes No No No
Kriosian No Yes No No Yes No
Ktarian No Yes No Yes No No
Kyrian No No No Yes No No
Kzin Yes Mentioned No No No No
Ledosian No No No Yes No No
Lethean No No Yes No No No
Leyron No Mentioned No Mentioned No No
Ligonian No Yes No No No No
Lissepian No No Yes No No No
Lokirrim No No No Yes No No
Lorillian No No No No Yes No
Lothra No No Mentioned No No No
Lurian No Yes Yes Yes No No
Lycocians No No Yes No No No
Lyridian No No No Mentioned No No
Lysian No Mentioned No No No No
Lyssarrian No No No No Yes No
Lytasian No No Mentioned No No No
M-113 creature Yes No No No No No
M'klexa No No No No Yes No
Makull's species No No No Yes No No
Maldorian No No No Mentioned No No
Malkoth No No No Mentioned No No
Malon No No No Yes No No
Malurian Yes No No No Yes No
Mari No No No Yes No No
Mawasi No No No Yes No No
Mazarite No No No No Yes No
Medusan Yes No No No No No
Megarite Yes No No No No No
Mekhar No No No Yes No No
Melkot Yes No No No No No
Menk No No No No Yes No
Menthar No Mentioned No No No No
Metrons Yes No No Yes No No
Microbrain No Yes No No No No
Mikhal Traveler No No No Yes No No
Mikulak No Mentioned No No No No
Minosian No Yes No No No No
Mintakan No Yes No No No No
Miradorn No No Yes No No No
Mislenite No No No Yes No No
Mizarian No Yes No No No No
Mokra No No No Yes No No
Monean No No No Yes No No
Morphinian No No No Mentioned No No
Motali No No No Mentioned No No
Mulzirak No No Mentioned No No No
Mylean No No No Yes No No
N'Kree No No No Yes No No
Nacene No No No Yes No No
Napean No Yes No No No No
Nasari No No No Yes No No
Nassordin No No No Mentioned No No
Nausicaan No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Nechani No No No Yes No No
Nezu No No No Yes No No
Night Aliens No No No Yes No No
Nihydron No No No Yes No No
Norcadian No No No Yes No No
Numiri No No No Yes No No
Nuu'bari No No No Yes No No
Nuvian No No No No Yes No
Nygean No No No Yes No No
Nyrian No No No Yes No No
Ocampa No No No Yes No No
Octran No No No No Mentioned No
Old Ones Yes No No No No No
Organian Yes No No No Yes No
Orion Yes No Mentioned No Yes Yes
Ornaran No Yes No No No No
Osaarian No No No No Yes No
Ovion No No No Mentioned No No
Pakled No Yes Yes No No No
Pah Wraith No No Yes No No No
Paraagan No No No No Yes No
Parada No No Yes No No No
Parein No No No Yes No No
Paxans No Yes No No No No
Peliar Zel natives No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Peljenite No No Yes No No No
Pendari No No No Yes No No
Petarian No No Mentioned No No No
Ponea No No No Mentioned No No
Pralor No No No Mentioned No No
Prang No No No Yes No No
Promellian No Yes No No No No
Prophet No No Yes Mentioned No No
Proxcinian No No Yes No No No
Pygorian No No Yes No No No
Q No Yes Yes Yes No No
Qomar No No No Yes No No
Quarren No No No Yes No No
Rakhari No No Yes No No No
Rakosan No No No Yes No No
Ram Izad No No No Mentioned No No
Ramuran No No No Yes No No
Reegrunion No No Yes No No No
Reman Mentioned Yes No No Yes No
Retellian No No No No Yes No
Rhaandarite Yes No No No No No
Rigelian No No No No Yes No
Rilnar No No No Mentioned No No
Risian No Yes Yes No Yes No
Romulan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rutian No Yes No No No No
Sakari No No No Yes No No
Saltah'na No No Mentioned No No No
Satarran No Yes No No No No
Saurian Yes No No No No No
Scathosian No No No No Mentioned No
Selay No Yes No No No No
Serosian No No No Yes No No
Sheliak No Yes No No No No
Shivolian No No No Yes No No
Sikarian No No No Yes No No
Silver Blood No No No Yes No No
Skagaran No No No No Yes No
Skrreea No No Yes No No No
Sky Spirits No No No Yes No No
Son'a No Yes Mentioned No No No
Species 8472 No No No Yes No No
Sphere Builders No No No No Yes No
Srivani No No No Yes No No
Stakoron No No Mentioned No No No
Susanite No No No Yes No No
Suliban No No No No Yes No
Swarm No No No Yes No No
T-Rogoran No No Mentioned No No No
T'Lani No No Yes No No No
Tak Tak No No No Yes No No
Takaran No Yes No No No No
Takarian No No No Yes No No
Takrit No No No Yes No No
Talarian No Yes Mentioned No No No
Talavian No No Mentioned No No No
Talaxian No No No Yes No No
Talosian Yes No No No No No
Tamarian No Yes No No No No
Tandaran No No No No Yes No
Tanugan No Yes No No No No
Tarahongian No No Mentioned No No No
Tarellian No Yes No No No No
Taresian No No No Yes No No
Tarkalean No No Yes No Yes No
Tarkan No No No Yes No No
Tarlac No Yes No No No No
Tavnian No No Yes No No No
Tellarite Yes No Mentioned No Yes No
Telsian No No No Yes No No
Teplan No No Yes No No No
Terellian No Mentioned Mentioned No No No
Terkellian No No No Mentioned No No
Terrelian No No Mentioned Mentioned No No
Terrellian No Mentioned Mentioned Yes Mentioned No
Tessic's species No No No No Yes No
Thasian Yes No No No No No
Tholian Yes Mentioned Mentioned No Yes No
Tiburonian Yes No Yes No Mentioned No
Torothan No No No No Yes No
Tosk No No Yes No No No
Trabe No No No Yes No No
Triannon No No No No Yes No
Tribble Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Trill No Yes Yes Yes No No
Troyian Yes No No No No No
Turei No No No Yes No No
Tygarian No Yes Yes No No No
Tzenkethi No No Mentioned No No No
U'tani No No No No Yes No
Ubean No No No Mentioned No No
Ullian No Yes No No No No
Uxali No No No Yes No No
V'radian No No No No Yes No
Vaadwaur No No No Yes No No
Valakian No No No No Yes No
Valerian No No Yes No No No
Valtese No Yes No No No No
Varro No No No Yes No No
Vaskan No No No Yes No No
Ventaxian No Yes No No No No
Ventu No No No Yes No No
Verathan No No Mentioned No No No
Verillian No No Mentioned No No No
Vhnori No No No Yes No No
Vian Yes No No No No No
Vidiian No No No Yes No No
Vissian No No No No Yes No
Vodwar No No No Yes No No
Vojean No No No Mentioned No No
Vok'sha No No No Mentioned No No
Vorgon No Yes No No No No
Vori No No No Yes No No
Vorta No No Yes No No No
Vostigye No No No Mentioned No No
Voth No No No Yes No No
Vulcan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wadi No No Yes No No No
Wogneer creature No Yes No No No No
Wyngari No No No Mentioned No No
Wysanti No No No Yes No No
Xarantine No No No No Mentioned No
Xepolite No No Yes No Yes No
Xindi No Mentioned No No Yes No
Xyrillian No No No No Yes No
Yaderan No No Yes No No No
Yallitian No No No Mentioned No No
Yalosian No No Mentioned No No No
Yash-El No Mentioned No No No No
Yattho No No No Mentioned No No
Yridian No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Zahl No No No Yes No No
Zakdorn No Yes No No No No
Zaldan No Yes No No No No
Zalkonian No Yes No No No No
Zaranite Yes No No No No No
Zetaran Life Form Yes No No No No No
Zeon Yes No No No No No
Zhuik No Mentioned No No No No
Zora Fel No No Mentioned No No No
Total/Unique 55/33 119/71 106/55 175/143 77/38 9/0


Race Home planet Episodes
M = mention only
Aaamazzarite Aaamazzara (Therbia) Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Aaamazzarites, also called Therbians, are a hairless species with pale yellow skin. Aaamazzara orbits Epsilon Serpentis in the Alpha Quadrant. It is 70.3 light years away from Earth. Everything on the planet is bio-chemically produced from their mouths, including clothing and furniture. They are members of the United Federation of Planets.
Acamarian Acamar III "The Vengeance Factor" (TNG)

Acamarians are a generally peaceful race with a history of violent clan wars. Physically, they can be distinguished by a vertical crease in the center of the forehead. A splinter group, known as the Gatherers, composed of members of various Acamarian clans who opposed the peace treaty for approximately 100 years, was eventually repatriated into Acamarian society.

Aenar Andor (Andoria) "United" (ENT)
Aenar, along with the Andorians, inhabit the world of Andor (Andoria). In many regards, they are similar to the Andorians in physical appearance. However, their skin is a light blue/white color, they are almost totally blind, and they have powerful telepathic abilities. Aenar are pacifistic and do not use their mind reading abilities against the will of another individual. However, their blindness does not appear to hinder their ability to know that they are in the presence of a "blueskin" Andorian or detect obstacles.

Aenar government, such as it is, has little structure; leaders of Aenar society are chosen as the need arises, usually when contact with outsiders is called for. The Aenar are usually considered to be just a different ethnicity of the Andorian race and not an utterly separate species.

The Aenar population is approximately 11,000 in size and they inhabit the polar region of their world. Andorians believed the Aenar to be mythical creatures before their existence was confirmed circa 2104.

Based on Talla, Shran's daughter from "These Are the Voyages...", it has been speculated that hybrids of an Andorian and an Aenar would be a greenish color, perhaps explaining the greenish Andorian seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Akritirian "The Chute" (VOY)
The Akritirians are an advanced humanoid Delta Quadrant race with basic interstellar spaceflight, perhaps warp-capable. A dictatorship controls the planet, now dealing with an Open Sky group fighting to overthrow it.

Felons are kept in an isolated spacegoing station — as the U.S.S. Voyager's Paris and Kim discovers when wrongly sent there. Pardons or rehearings in convictions and sentencing are never heard.

Allasomorph "The Dauphin" (TNG)
An Allasomorph is an anthropomorphic shapeshifting species.
Andorian Andoria
Andorians are a humanoid species with blue skin and antennae. They consider themselves a warrior race, in contrast with the pacifist Aenar who also live on the Andoria. They are native to the moon Andoria, which orbits the planet Andor. They were a founding member of the United Federation of Planets.
Antaran "The Breach" (ENT)
The Antarans are mentioned by Doctor Phlox to have been at war with the Denobulans on several occasions. The Denobulans have tried to put the war behind them however there are still Denobulans who hate the Antarans. The Antarans are still very bitter and are raised from birth to hate Denobulans. There appear to be two different spellings: Antarian (plural Antarians) and Antarans (both singular and plural).
Angosian "The Hunted" (TNG)
Usually considered non-violent, 'Angosian authorities were responsible for genetically and chemically engineering soldiers to fight in their Tarsian Wars. But the process was irreversible, and the 'super soldiers' were considered outcasts and criminals that could not function or co-exist alongside the normal population of Angosian society, and as such were forced to be permanently confined to a penal settlement on an Angosian moon.
Non-canon: a novel trilogy, Star Trek: The Q Continuum shows that the Angosians have had some success in later efforts to reintegrate the soldiers, as one now serves on the Enterprise-E.
Antedean Antede III "Manhunt" (TNG)
The Antedeans from Antede III are an ichthyohumanoid species which resemble fish. While a member of the United Federation of Planets, they seldom receive visitors and thus have not been seen by many members of the Federation. Another trait that keeps them from interacting with their fellow Federation members is a strong distaste for space flight: although the Antedeans are a space-going race, space travel is quite traumatic for them. In order for individuals to deal with this problem they induce a catatonic state while in space flight. To awaken from this state takes several hours. Once awakened from the sleep Antedeans are generally ravenous and eat large portions of vermicula.

There is a division in the Antedean race on whether membership in the Federation is a good thing. Ambassador Lwaxana Troi foiled a plot on Stardate 42859.2 when 2 Antedeans tried to sabotage their planet's Federation membership conference on Pacifica with ultritium concealed in their garments.

Antican "Lonely Among Us" (TNG)
The Anticans are dog-like with snouts, dark fur and white hair. They applied for Federation membership but the ruling decision was put off because of their hostilities with their neighbors, the reptilian Selay. In a quest for meat, the Antican diplomatic team attempted to cook and consume a member of the Selay delegation.
Arcadian Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Arcadians have large, round, doll-like heads and have hair on the left and right sides of their heads with none in the middle. They are members of the United Federation of Planets with a representative on the Federation Council. They joined at least as early as the 2280s.
Arcturian Arcturas Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Arcturians are known for their clones which have the appearance of melted skin and hail from the densely populated world Arcturas.
Nothing has been revealed about them in dialogue, so their backstory (by Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher) is considered semi-canon.
The Axanar are the first extraterrestrial race befriended by Earth people aboard the NX-01 Enterprise. Archer and his people rescue Axanar aboard a ship that has been disabled, and when both another Axanar ship, and the preying ship, show up, Archer is able to persuade the Axanar to help him fight off the preying ship.

One of James T. Kirk's earliest commendations is the Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission, following the Battle of Axanar; although the exact nature of the conflict is unrevealed, it is revealed in the episode "Whom Gods Destroy" that Starfleet Captain Garth of Izar achieved a great victory on behalf of the Federation, and his strategies became required reading at Starfleet Academy (since Kirk himself studied these strategies, the Battle of Axanar must thus have occurred well before Kirk entered Starfleet Academy in 2250, which was itself almost 20 years prior to "Whom Gods Destroy"). Kirk claims that the Axanar Peace Mission "topped [Garth's victory] with a greater one" and preserved the civilization that made Spock and himself "brothers", implying that the mission may have contributed to healing a serious rift in the Federation at that time.


Image Race Home planet Episodes
M = mention only
Bajoran Bajor (M-class) "Ensign Ro" (TNG)
"Emissary" (DS9)
The Bajorans (or Bajora) are a humanoid species with characteristic nose creases. They live on the planet Bajor. They are a deeply spiritual people, who worship The Prophets. They are enemies of the Cardassians, who occupied Bajor and treated the Bajorans as slaves in the early 24th century.
Ba'ku Unknown, Briar Patch Star Trek: Insurrection
The Ba'ku people were a technologically advanced humanoid civilization. In the early 21st century, the race developed the means of building weapons of mass destruction and was on the brink of self-annihilation. A small enlightened group of the Ba'ku people escaped this horror and found an isolated planet.

This group of Ba'ku followed a simple way of life and disdained the use of technology. (As shown in the film Star Trek: Insurrection, however, the Ba'ku still possessed some form of technology and the ability to use it in emergencies, since they had attempted to repair the damaged Data.) At first the Ba'ku were unaware of the metaphasic radiation in the planet's rings, which caused their aging process to significantly decelerate, although it was later discovered and cherished.

The Ba'ku society consisted of strong bonds between each individual as there were less than a thousand living in a village. Their simpler way of life eventually prompted some of the younger Ba'ku villagers - who wanted to explore the galaxy with offlanders - to rebel against their elders, and an attempt was made to take over the village. When they were unsuccessful, they were exiled and eventually became the Son'a people.

In 2375 peace on the Ba'ku planet was restored, and several members of the Son'a returned to their families.

Bandi Deneb IV "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG)
The Bandi are a humanoid species native to the planet Deneb IV in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bandi appealed to the United Federation of Planets for membership in 2364 but were rejected because they had captured and enslaved an alien life form.

Perhaps purely by coincidence, "Bandi" was the name of a vaguely ursine empathic parasite in an early Star Trek story premise by David Gerrold, who was involved in the development of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and who novelized "Encounter at Farpoint".

Not seen on screen Berellian Unknown "Redemption" (TNG) M
When Lieutenant Commander Data takes temporary command of the USS Sutherland during the Klingon Civil War, his first officer on the Sutherland, Lieutenant Commander Thomas Hobson, implies that, as an android, Data is out of place commanding a Federation starship. Hobson compares the apparent dichotomy to that posed by a Klingon counselor or a Berellian engineer; "they're just not suited for those positions."
Benzite Benzar "Coming of Age" (TNG)
Benzites are a humanoid race from the planet Benzar and members of the United Federation of Planets.

Benzites possess smooth, hairless skin; it may range in color from bluish-purple to green-blue. A thick protrusion of the Benzite skull extends down over the face, displaying a prominent nasal lobe and brow. Two fish-like barbels droop down from above the upper lip. Benzites are highly resistant to poisons and other noxious substances. They can digest and derive nutrition from almost any organic compound. All Benzites from the same geostructure are physically similar, so much so that they are indistinguishable to a non-Benzite.

Betazoid Betazed "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG)
"Caretaker" (VOY)
The Betazoid are a humanoid species, originating from the planet Betazed. They are telepathic and are members of the United Federation of Planets. They have black irises.
Bolian Bolarus IX "Conspiracy" (TNG)
"Emissary" (DS9)
"Caretaker" (VOY)
Bolians are bald humanoids with blue skin and a small ridge running from the back of their heads to their noses. They were named after a regular Star Trek director, Cliff Bole. As an in-joke there have been references to the "Cliffs of Bole" on their planet. Neelix remarks that malfunctioning toilets will hit the Bolians especially hard, and during medical examinations 24th century doctors will commonly ask if a human patient has had sexual relations with a Bolian.

The Bolians have been active members of the Federation since 2320. Aside from contributing to the ranks of Starfleet they have a delegation within the Diplomatic Corps. In 2366, the Bolian government was maintaining an uneasy truce with the Moropa (TNG: "Allegiance").

The Bolians are known to make a crystal steel that is highly prized. They also own and operate the famous Bank of Bolius. In 2373, the Bolian government authorized the Ferengi Gaming Commission to manage their gambling emporiums.

During the Bolian Middle Ages the Bolians developed the medical philosophy known as the "Double Effect Principle" about euthanasia. This form of assisted suicide states that while euthanasia has the effect of relieving suffering it also has the effect of causing death. Bolian marriages often involve more than two members. Any additional spouse is referred to as a "co-husband" or "co-wife", respectively. Bolian blues is a highly appreciated musical genre among Federation species.

Borg Unknown "Q Who?" (TNG)
"The Best of Both Worlds" (TNG)
"Scorpion" (VOY)
"Regeneration" (ENT)
Star Trek: First Contact
While actually encountered in the Enterprise episode "Regeneration" as a result of minor alterations to the timeline during "Star Trek: First Contact", the Borg were not truly identified as the single greatest threat to the Federation until the events of The Next Generation episode "Q Who?".

The Borg were discovered to be a group without individuality, where every member is a part of a collective consciousness in an attempt to achieve perfection. They assimilate any species they come into contact with for either biological aspects (for example, Talaxians would be assimilated for their dense physical structure, useful for producing strong, resilient drones) or technological aspects (a species which has developed advanced engines or weaponry would be a sufficiently desirable target for assimilation) all in an attempt to further improve the overall perfection of the Borg as a whole.

The Borg have encountered and assimilated thousands of species, quantity most notable by their designation of Species 8472, although more may have been added to the total since that encounter.

The Borg are not so much a species, as a collection of species. In their assimilated state, most races are altered or augmented with cybernetic enhancements which make them all look similar, or at least instantly identifiable as Borg, making them a pseudo-species.

Encounters with the Borg have varied in type, from the disastrous defense of the Wolf 359 system ("The Best of Both Worlds"), in which many Federation ships were lost, the successful repelling of two Borg cubes from Sector 001 on two separate occasions ("The Best of Both Worlds" "Star Trek: First Contact") and the infiltration, usage of and destruction of a Borg transwarp hub (a critical part of their intergalactic menace) by the USS Voyager ("Endgame")

The Borg have not been seen onscreen since, but are still perceived as much a threat as ever.

Breen "Indiscretion" (DS9)
"Flesh and Blood" (VOY; hologram)
The Breen sided with the Dominion in the Dominion War. The Breen homeworld is rumored throughout the galaxy as being an extremely cold and a freezing place, but it is rather quite comfortable. When off of their homeworld, the Breen wear refrigeration suits. The Breen without their suits on, are never seen & they will not say why they need them, even to their allies. It may be a result of the refrigeration suits, but the Breen's voices are extremely shrill and require special modifications to the universal translators to understand them.
Not seen on screen Briori "The 37's" (VOY) M
The Briori routinely kidnap beings from worlds throughout the galaxy to be used as slaves. In the year 1937, the Briori abducted hundreds of humans from Earth and brought them to a world in the Delta Quadrant to use as slave labor. However, this proved to be short lived, as the humans revolted, killed the Briori, took their weapons and technology, and established a civilization on the planet.
The Brunali suffered recurring assaults from the Borg. In an attempt to protect themselves from further attacks, the Brunali genetically engineered one of their youth (Icheb) to act as a biological weapon once assimilated.
Bynar Bynaus "11001001" (TNG)
"Regeneration" (ENT)
The Bynars are a highly intelligent species who have become almost machine-like due to a constant connection with their homeworld Bynaus's master computer.

The Bynars are asexual beings roughly the size of a regular Human adolescent. They have very large heads which accommodate large brains. Their skin is purplish. The Bynars are an official member of the United Federation of Planets. Due to the Bynars' total dependence on their master computer they have become so machine-like that their speech is essentially a form of binary code. Their society is hive-like, so disconnecting a Bynar from the master computer or each other is near fatal. Due to this total interconnectivity, and their ability to speak in machine language, they are able to communicate at a rapid rate. So fast in fact that they require the aid of data buffers to be built into their clothing. Not surprisingly, the Bynars are known throughout the Federation for their skill with computers.

When a Bynar is born, a surgeon removes the infant's parietal lobe and replaces it with a synaptic processor.



The Cairn First are a race of mute, telepathic humanoids first introduced in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Dark Page". Because the Cairn's telepathic thoughts are represented as mental images rather than words, other telepathic species have difficulty interacting with them.


Caitians are a race of humanoid cat-like aliens. Caitians are upright bipeds with pointed ears, slit-shaped pupils, whiskers, a tail and thick fur (usually including a mane). In addition to physical traits, Caitians are curious and have a hunter's instinct. Caitians were introduced in Star Trek: The Animated Series, which featured communications officer M'Ress. Caitians have been observed in the feature films and appear often in the Pocket Books extended series. The Caitian homeworld is Cait,[2] a Class M planet known to the Caitians themselves as Ferasa.[3] Cait is a member of the United Federation of Planets.[3] Caitians speak a combination of vowel and soft consonant sounds which to human ears would not sound like speech so much as purring.[3]

A Caitian Admiral was seen in Starfleet Headquarters in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and a three-breasted felinoid dancer attacked Captain Kirk on Nimbus III in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Caitians are a playable species via purchasable content in the game Star Trek Online.


The Calamarain are intelligent, non-corporeal lifeforms that exist as swirls of ionized gas. They were once tormented by Q, who insisted that he did nothing "bizarre" or "grotesque" to them. The Calamarain communicate with high-pitched noises and grindings. They emit Berthold rays when probing something.


Only known appearance is in TNG episode The Price. This race was interested in buying the only known stable wormhole located in the Gamma Quadrant and were described as a race of scholars.




Changelings are an alien race that have the ability to shapeshift. The Changelings were introduced in the third season Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode The Search. Prior to this, Constable Odo, one of the main characters of DS9 was the only Changeling featured.

Their natural state is a liquid protoplasm. The Female Changeling once told Odo that their race once had bodies similar to those of other species, but they had since evolved beyond those physical bodies. Changelings have the ability to meld together (in a process known as "linking") to share information and emotions in a very intimate manner.


Changelings can turn themselves into almost anything. They can form themselves into any solid, liquid, gas, or even chemical reactions like fire, and can flow through any gap in their gaseous or liquid state. It is speculated that their power involves sending matter and energy to (and recruiting it from) subspace, as they have often demonstrated the ability to alter their apparent mass. (For instance, when Odo assumes the form of an object much smaller than he is, his temperature does not increase as it would if he were simply compressing his volume, and he can become light enough for an ordinary person to carry without trouble.) When they assume a different shape, such as a rock, scanners will show them as that substance. Changelings who have sufficiently disciplined their shapeshifting abilities are able to turn themselves into convincing imitations of lifeforms, including both animals and other humanoids. Changelings can even survive in the vacuum of space, and can somehow propel themselves through it. However, if a part of a changeling is separated from the whole, it reverts to the liquid state. In addition, some inexperienced Changelings (such as Odo) must regenerate, returning to their liquid form once every sixteen to eighteen hours. The Cardassian Obsidian Order developed a device which, by emitting a quantum stasis field, can prevent a changeling from reverting to the liquid form, a state which Odo swiftly found extremely painful.

The Founders

The Changelings are native to the Gamma Quadrant. All but one hundred of the Changelings are Founders, the rulers of the Dominion (Odo is one of The Hundred, which were sent out to explore the galaxy). For many years, the Founders were considered mythical by many of the races in the Dominion, although their policy was enforced by the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar. It was not until 2371, when Odo discovered the changelings' homeworld in the Omarion Nebula, that the Founders' true status was revealed. They seek power because they were once persecuted by non-shape-shifters, whom they call 'Solids', or 'Mono-forms'. After the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole and the rise of the Dominion as a threat, the covert Federation Security organization Section 31 created a viral disease that slowly robbed the Changelings of their ability to shapeshift and deteriorated their bodies before killing them, with which they secretly infected Odo during the show's fourth season. This was later revealed during the show's nine-episode finale arc, when the Federation and Dominion were at war. Because Odo had linked with the Female Founder with whom he was familiar numerous times, this meant that the entire Great Link was infected as well. Deep Space Nine Chief Medical Officer Dr. Julian Bashir managed to find the cure for the disease, curing Odo. Odo himself agreed to pass on the cure to the Female Founder and then the Great Link in exchange for the Female Founder's surrender of the Dominion and herself to the Federation. After the Female Founder accepted this deal, and the war was over, Odo returned to the Founder Homeworld to fulfill his end of the bargain, as well as to teach his people about the solids from his unique perspective.


Chameloids are shapeshifters and reported to be mythical. However, Kirk and Bones meet a female chameloid named Martia in Star Trek VI, while imprisoned in the penal asteroid archipelago Rura Penthe. Martia there takes the forms of an attractive human woman, a blonde human child, a fur-covered humanoid brute, and finally, Kirk himself.

In an earlier version of the script, Martia states that the ability to shift shapes was particularly useful in smuggling, which was an "ancient and respected trade" on her homeworld of Arc, and the crime for which she was imprisoned in Rura Penthe.[4]


The Corvallens are a humanoid species of mercenaries who often engaged in interstellar commerce. They have been known to operate near the Romulan Star Empire.


The Cytherians were an advanced race who lived near the center of the galaxy. They were explorers and made contact with various other races. It should be noted that their manner of initiating first contact was atypical; they brought other races to them rather than traveling the galaxy in search of intelligent life.

In 2367, the USS Enterprise-D encountered an alien probe while attempting to repair the Argus Array. The probe interfaced with Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, and gave him the advanced knowledge needed to bring the Enterprise to the Cytherians, the presumed makers of the device. After the Enterprise had arrived at the Cytherians' homeworld, Lieutenant Barclay was returned to normal. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

The Cytherian was played by Kay E. Kuter.

"Cytherean" is also an adjective that is also used (along with "Venerian") to refer to things pertaining to the planet Venus. A hypothetical inhabitant (not very likely given the conditions there) of Venus could be referred to as a Cytherian; a NASA technical report was titled "A theoretical study of the martian and cytherian ionospheres".



In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Deltans are a closely humanoid species, probably Federation members. Only one named Deltan has been seen on screen, Lieutenant Ilia in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In addition, several anonymous Deltans have been shown:

Lt. Ilia has a bald head, which may be a defining Deltan trait. They have a limited telepathic ability, allowing them to use touch to stop another person from feeling pain. Deltans emit extremely powerful pheromones, provoking a strong sexual reaction in many other species.

When she reported to Kirk, Ilia stated that her "Oath of Celibacy" was on record. While the original theatrical release does not expand on this, deleted scenes that were later incorporated into the film include dialogue establishing that she is "as safe as any Human" and that she would never take advantage of a "sexually immature species". Deltan culture is also said to emphasise sexuality heavily: Roddenberry once said that, to a Deltan, sex was like a handshake. Deltans in Starfleet were forbidden from engaging in sexual activity, so as to limit their disruptive influence on other species. Various novels and other non-canon sources contend that sexual activity with a Deltan is such an intense experience that a non-Deltan who engages in such activity with a Deltan risks insanity.

Deltans were not seen or prominently mentioned at all in the 24th-century adventures.

In an episode of Enterprise (title "Bound", season 4), Travis Mayweather told Lt. Reed about the time a group of Deltans came aboard his family's ship when he was a teenager.


The Denobulans are a fictional humanoid race in the Star Trek universe. They were introduced in the Enterprise series. They originate from the planet Denobula Triaxa. Doctor Phlox is a Denobulan. The planet itself is densely populated, having 12 billion people living on one continent.

The Denobulans are humanoid with facial ridges. They sleep less than humans but do hibernate for six days a year. When threatened, Denobulans can inflate their heads like blowfish to scare off predators. Denobulans are also natural climbers, thus making them suitable for exploring caves, canyons and other sheer rock formations. Denobulans, or at least the ones that spend their time away from their planet, have a penchant for scientific research, and each Denobulan that Enterprise has encountered has been a researcher of some sort.

They have long tongues, unprotruded spines, and their toenails grow quickly, which need regular cutting (Phlox mentions that he cuts his once a week). They are long lived, which gives Phlox ample time to gain a number of degrees in various medical fields. They have considerably wide smiles, compared to humans, a fact emphasised by a secondary set of mouth muscles that widen the smile even further. Denobulans have successfully genetically enhanced their race without the violent consequences that humans suffered when they created augmented humans.

Denobulans are polyamorous, with each Denobulan typically having up to three spouses who, in turn, have up to three spouses. Phlox mentions that his extended family includes 31 individuals. They have complex mating rituals, and they (the males at least) do not like to be touched. Denobulans usually do not have pets, and they abandoned television a long time ago, believing their real life to be much more exciting. Despite their rather liberal views on sex, (male) Denobulans are exceedingly modest when it comes to disrobing in front of others.

Compared to other humanoid species, Denobulans are resistant to Borg nanoprobes and subsequent assimilation. ("Regeneration")

Denobulans used to be xenophobic, but they overcame it and now enjoy contact with other species, presumably after a race known as the B'saari made first contact with them. They were once at war with the Antarans, a neighboring species. They established friendly relations with Earth at least before 2151.


Devore (or Devoran) are a xenophobic race from the Delta Quadrant. The Devore made their first and only appearance in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Counterpoint.

The Devore are a humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant. Their distinguishing features are a series of delicate ridges over the eyebrows and down the bridge of the nose.

They especially harbor a deep mistrust of telepaths.



A type of immortal energy being with vast mental powers: capable of telepathic manipulation, creating convincing physical manifestations of potentially great size and power, and even of destroying an entire spacefaring race with a single hateful thought, though.


Drayans are a xenophobic race from the Delta Quadrant. The crew of the USS Voyager in Star Trek: Voyager discovered the Drayan elders when one of its shuttlecraft crashed on one of the Drayan moons.

Drayans live on Drayan II, and have little to no contact with outside races. They have a very closed society, due to their species unique attribute of aging. It is uncertain how Drayans are born: They are born looking as if they are elderly, around the human age of 100. From there, they age backwards, growing younger in body as they grow older in wisdom and experience.

When they appear to be the age of a six-year-old human child (making them over 90 in Drayan years), they are shuttled over to one of the moons of Drayan II, where they essentially die. Their bodies disappear, leaving only their clothes behind. This journey is viewed as a sacrament.

Basically humanoid in appearance, Drayans have a colored line down their forehead, the only visible mark that distinguishes them from humans.



The Edo are a species of humanoids on the planet Rubicun III. In general, the Edo resemble physically attractive blond-haired humans. They are a highly and openly affectionate people; according to Tasha Yar, they make love at a drop of "any hat." In addition, their laws are strange and unusual. The police officers (called "mediators") randomly and secretly select a "punishment zone"; however, the only 'punishment', no matter how trivial or severe the crime, is death by a painless poison injection. The Edo reasoned that since nobody knows which zone has been picked, and nobody wants to risk death, thus nobody would break any laws.

In the TNG episode "Justice", the Enterprise encounters this species. In that episode the planet's overseer entity sends a probe that interfaces with Data, rendering him unconscious for a short time. While accompanying members of the crew on a visit to the planet for shore leave, Wesley Crusher crashes through a protective screen onto new flowers. The Mediators inform him that he violated a punishment zone, and Crusher is sentenced to death. Riker, Yar, and Worf forcibly intervene, forcing Picard to become involved on the boy's behalf (despite the obvious Prime Directive violation caused by doing so).


Edosians (aka Edoans) are a race of tripodal sentient aliens. Edosians have an orange complexion, two yellow eyes, three arms and three dog-like legs. Navigator Lieutenant Arex was introduced in Star Trek: The Animated Series, but his planet of origin, Edos, was mentioned only in background material.[5] Passing references to Edosian flora and fauna have been made in episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Enterprise. In some tie-in novels and short stories, Arex is mentioned as actually being a Triexian.


Inhabitants of the inner of the two inhabited planets in the Tellan system. The Elasians are capable of rudimentary interplanetary space flight and have ships capable of reaching the outer planet Troyius, but do not at the time of TOS have warp drive. Bipedal humanoids with coppery complexions and black hair, the men approach nearly two meters in height and have a reputation according to the Federation scientists who performed the initial survey of Elas of being vicious and arrogant; quick to anger and with a highly developed sense of personal honor, fairly bursting with testosterone. Captain Kirk refers to the Elasians as "a warrior race." The women are much shorter, in the vicinity of 1.6 meters, with well proportioned feminine figures and equally vicious natures. Both sexes habitually go armed, preferring their hand weapons in arm sheaths of various types.

The women also can, apparently at will, secrete tears containing a biochemical "love potion." A male of any humanoid race who comes in contact with the tears of an Elasian woman will fall irreversibly in love with her. As shown in Elaan of Troyius the result of such contact is an immediate, deep and lasting devotion between the couple. The secretion of these tears appears to be the method by which Elasian women choose their mates. It may be speculated that this "love potion" is a necessary biological development compelled by the vicious natures of the sexes.


El-Aurians (sometimes known as The Race of Listeners) are a humanoid race first introduced in the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation with the character of Guinan. The species was named in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Rivals".

El-Aurians are physically similar to humans, but they can live well over 700 years and have a variety of racial types, with both dark and light skinned members of the race being shown on various Star Trek movies and television episodes. They are considered a race of listeners and often appear very patient and wise.

It is uncertain whether the El-Aurians have any powers beyond those of normal humanoids, but one possible piece of evidence that they do is when Guinan raises a hand threateningly to Q. This threat seems to be taken seriously at the time, though it is also possible that it may have been largely gestural. Another possible ability of this species is their ability to discern changes in the timeline.

Some El-Aurians, such as Guinan, visited Earth in the late 19th century, which suggests that they were warp-capable at that time.

The El-Aurian homeworld was located in the Delta Quadrant and was assimilated by the Borg in the mid 23rd century. Very few survived, and those who did were scattered throughout the galaxy. Some of the refugees came to the United Federation of Planets and it has been noted that this is likely an analogy for the spread of Africans around the Earth via colonialism and slavery.[6]


The Enarans are the natives of the planet Enara Prime in the Delta Quadrant. They are a warp capable species but have only relatively low level engines. The Enarans are very concerned with personal hygiene and invented radioseptics for hand washing and personal cleaning. In addition to Enara Prime, they maintain an outpost at the Fima Colony.

Physically, the Enarans are humanoid with red spotting near the eyes and forehead. As a species they are telepathic, able to implant memories in another person whether they are willing or not. However, making telepathic contact with an unwilling person is deeply condemned.


Eska are a humanoid race with a ridge that goes from their forehead down to their nose. The Eska go to a rogue planet to hunt the local wildlife, hunting large pig-like creatures, animals they call Fire Wolves, and Wraiths, the planet's sentient species, a shape-shifting, telepathic gastropod. The Eska appeared in the Enterprise episode Rogue Planet.



The Fek'Ihri were an ancient enemy of Kahless the Unforgettable on Qo'noS 1,500 years ago, when he was building the Klingon Empire. Kahless conquered the Fek'Ihri wielding the Sword of Kahless, the first bat'leth. ("The Sword of Kahless")





Gallamites are a humanoid race who have a transparent skull. They are mentioned in the Deep Space 9 episode ,Penumbra. It is also possible that the humanoid Worf was fighting in the holosuite in the episode The Way of Warrior was a Gallamite.




Delta quadrant race which was at war with Talax. Doctor Ma'bor Jetrel of the Haakonian Order created the Metreon Cascade, a cataclysmic weapon which destroyed Rinax, Neelix's homeworld. Neelix was understandably upset by Doctor Jetrel's presence on Voyager, though his anger was mitigated somewhat when Jetrel revealed that he was attempting to find a way to revive the victims of the Cascade.


The Hazari are an aggressive race from the Delta Quadrant who made themselves available as bounty hunters to capture alien vessels.

The USS Voyager encountered the Hazari race when they were hired to capture the ship, forcing Captain Janeway to enlist help from a travelling "Think Tank" to avoid capture.


The Hierarchy species were a species from the a region of space near the Beta-Delta Quadrant border that controlled the Hierarchy.

Physically the species is humanoid with dull brown skin, and few distinguishing features - hairless, and with few noticeable facial features, it is almost impossible for other species to distinguish between individuals of this race.

They use surveillance on passing ships for future raids. This is done by special surveillance ships, hiding in Nebulae for example, who use sensors to assess the tactical risk of attacking passing vessels and the available loot. They use cloaked ships to sneak up on vessels.

They first appear on Star Trek: Voyager's episodes Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy, The Void, and Renaissance Man.

Their general appearance somewhat resembles the Sontaran race, from the BBC's Doctor Who sci-fi series.


The Hirogen are a fictional race in the Star Trek universe. They are spacefaring and nomadic and featured in Star Trek: Voyager. Resident to the Delta Quadrant, the Hirogen are roughly technologically equal to Starfleet, though have a primitive social structure, where each pack is led by an "Alpha", with a "Beta" serving directly under him.

The Hirogen view all other races as prey, and make sport of pursuing what they deem worthy adversaries. With this in mind, some far-seeing Hirogen believe their society, which has broken up into a number of factions each engaged on their own hunts, has become too divided to survive in the hostile Delta Quadrant.

Hirogen are typically much taller than a human, perhaps seven to eight feet in size. They are powerfully muscular. It can be surmised that their close combat capabilities outstrip those of a typical Starfleet officer by quite a margin. Hirogen hunters of all ranks wear tough blue armour, generally with face masks. Before a hunt, all Hirogen hunters colour their faces with some type of war paint.



Human (Augment)

Augment is a term used to describe a group of genetically engineered Humans created by DNA resequencing in the late 20th century, a group of Klingons, and other genetically-engineered beings. (Those from the 20th century were also called supermen.) The Augments were designed to be stronger, faster, and more intelligent than a normal Human being. Even their resistance to energy weapons was improved, as it took multiple shots with a phase pistol to stun one.


Hunters are a species who live in the Gamma Quadrant. They are part of the Dominion, serving as navigators and trackers. To hone their skills, Hunters engage in lifelong pursuit of another, related species, Tosk. Hunters value a long, challenging hunt, preferably ending in the Tosk's heroic death. If they manage to capture a Tosk alive, they will reluctantly take it back to their homeworld and subject it to ridicule and public display. Following a hunt which was briefly interrupted on Deep Space Nine, the Hunters declared it (and the entire Alpha Quadrant) off limits for future hunts.

Hunters respect and value the Tosk they hunt; to the Hunters, Tosk are the living embodiment of all that is noble and courageous.


The Hur'q are a species that conquered the Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS (Kronos) about 1,000 years prior to the timeline of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Their name is the Klingon word for "outsider" and is probably not their own name for themselves. The Hur'q plundered Qo'noS, stealing the revered Sword of Kahless. They apparently originated in the Gamma Quadrant, and may have travelled through the Bajoran Wormhole to reach this part of the galaxy. The Hur'q have never been seen on Star Trek, and are believed to be extinct.

The Hur'q invasion of Qo'noS was said to be the first most serious threat to the Klingon people in their history, the second being the Augment virus (Affliction), followed by the explosion of Praxis, the moon of Qo'noS.



The Iconians were a highly advanced ancient culture that was destroyed around 200,000 years ago by orbital bombardment that destroyed the surface of their planet, however some may have escaped through a device known as the Gateway, which is capable of transporting a person hundreds of thousands of light-years in an instant. Legends refer to the Iconians as ..."demons of air and darkness", according to USS Yamato commanding officer Captain Donald Varley, who was almost obsessed with the Iconian legend.

Iconia, the home planet of the Iconians is located in the Romulan Neutral Zone near Romulan space. It was discovered by the United Federation of Planets in 2365 by Captain Donald Varley of the USS Yamato.

The Iconians were also mentioned in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Benjamin Sisko and company assisted Jem'Hadar soldiers in destroying a second gateway. This episode marked the first appearance of the Vorta Weyoun.

In the 2001 crossover novel series Gateways, the Iconians returned after a long absence, introducing chaos across the galaxy by opening all their Gateways and auctioning the entire network to the highest bidder.

The idea of The Ancients of the fictional Stargate universe bears a resemblance to that of the Iconians. Both races used gateways for instantaneous interstellar travel. Both are described as ancient, advanced, mythological cultures having vast empires.


Ithenites are a member of the United Federation of Planets in the 26th century of the fictional Star Trek universe. Ithanites are one of the species that serve on board the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) and play a hand in the Battle of Procyon Five, in which the Federation defeats the Sphere Builders.





The Kadi are a humanoid species that live in the Delta Quadrant. They are a deeply spiritual people; shunning everything from entertainment to spicy foods. In their culture, males and females work separately. The Kadi bathe with pure water only, and observe prayers eight times each day. The ritual greeting upon entering unfamiliar territory is to say "Travelers who have left the sanctity of their home and family, we welcome you to our home; our family." The Kadi were featured in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Someone to Watch Over Me."


The Karemma are a humanoid civilization native to the Gamma Quadrant, and members of the Dominion. Similarly to many other Gamma Quadrant species, they have only made appearances in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In 2371, Federation agents onboard the USS Defiant, came together with First Minister Ornithar of the Karemma in an attempt to contact the Dominion. This appointment has been made by Quark, who worked as an ambassador of the Ferengi to the Dosi and the Karemma. (DS9: "The Search")

In 2372, a Karemma ship commanded by Hanok was intercepted by the Jem'Hadar while conducting trade relations with the USS Defiant. All of the ships entered the atmosphere of a gas giant, where the badly damaged USS Defiant was able to destroy the two Jem'Hadar attack ships and rescue the Karemma transport. (DS9: "Starship Down")


Kaylar are featured in the Talosian flashback/fantasy created by the Talosians for Christopher Pike in "The Cage", and reappearing in "The Menagerie (Star Trek)". A confrontation between the Kaylar and members of Pike's landing party on Rigel VIII led to seven injuries and three deaths among the latter, including Pike's yeoman. The male Kaylar warrior in "The Cage"/"The Menagerie" was played by Mike Dugan.


See also Trabe. Delta-Quadrant species featured in Star Trek: Voyager. Technically unadvanced species used for many years by the Trabe as slaves until they rebelled and took over Trabe worlds, ships, and technology. Divided into several sects each led by the "First Maje," they are a distinctive looking species with facial ridges and elaborate hair and head-dress.


Klaestrons are an intelligent humanoid race from the planet Klaestron IV. The Klaestrons are first encountered in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Episode "Dax".

Klaestrons are distinguishable in appearance by an ear ridge that comes forward to the eye, raising the hairline over the ear. In Klaestron society, males and females are considered equals.



The Kobali are a tall, bald, ash-purple species found in the Delta Quadrant. They procreate by taking the corpses of other races, reanimating them (which usually results in severe memory loss of their previous life), and altering their cellular structure so as to make them entirely Kobali. Such changes are very difficult, if not impossible, to reverse - even on a cosmetic scale. They appear to be a (at least medically) technologically advanced warp-capable species. Very little is known about their physiology, other than that they have a mutispheric brain and are considered quite intelligent (compared to humans). Their language is very complex and robust, their central motto is "Do not harbor ill-will towards those who brought you death, for they gave you the chance to live again."


Kolarans are a humanoid pre-warp civilization located on Kolarus III. These humanoids live in isolated pockets at an early stage of industrial development, comparable to mid-20th century Earth.

In 2379, the Kolaran natives encountered an armed away team from the USS Enterprise-E that had invaded their territory to salvage the android B-4. The natives attacked the away team, but the team's highly superior technology allowed them to escape unharmed. (Star Trek Nemesis)


A race of aliens who have fought the Klingon for centuries, they appear in the Peter David novel Strike Zone, fighting for Cognocenti weapons. Since Star Trek novels are not considered part of 'official' Star Trek history, the Kreel are considered non-canon.


Kreetassans were one of the first races encountered by Captain Jonathan Archer and his crew on Star Trek: Enterprise. However, the contact did not go well: While being led on a tour of the ship, the Kreetassan delegation abruptly turned tail and left in a huff. The Enterprise crew quickly learned the reason: In Kreetassan culture, the simple act of eating a meal is viewed as an intimately private ritual, similar to mating. When the Kreetassans saw the Enterprise's mess hall, they were so mortified by the sight of many humans eating meals together, that the first contact between the two species was abruptly cut short. (Episode "Vox Sola")

Later, the Enterprise visited the Kreetassan homeworld - inadvertently causing another incident when Captain Archer's dog, Porthos, relieved himself on a sacred Kreetassan tree. Captain Archer, to save face, was forced to perform an elaborate ritual of apology (mainly involving cutting pieces off the tree and arranging them in an intricate pattern) to the Kreetassan government. The Enterprise needed a machine part for their warp engines, but the Kreetassan government was so impressed with Archer's apology ceremony because he did it with such style, they gave the Enterprise two replacement parts. (Episode "A Night In Sickbay")


The Krenim Imperium is a technologically advanced race in the Delta Quadrant. Their military revolves around temporal based weapons that distort the space-time continuum. Armed with Chroniton Torpedoes, Krenim Warships are able to take on even the most well armed vessels. Being out of sync with normal space-time, the torpedoes can penetrate any conventional shielding. One example of the advancement of the Krenim is the Temporal Weapon Ship that was commanded by Annorax. With a single shot from its temporal core, the ship could easily alter history; destroying an entire species or a single molecule. The Krenim were the featured antagonists of the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Year of Hell".


Ktarians are an alien species native to the Alpha Quadrant. They are recognized by their catlike eyes and large frontal skull bones. Ktarians mature much faster than other species of their region of space - Naomi Wildman, half Ktarian, appeared to age at over double the rate of humans.

In 2368, a Ktarian plot to take control of Starfleet (episode The Game ) was uncovered when a mercenary named Etana Jol was captured while attempting to spread a mind-controlling device throughout the fleet. Since the Star Trek: Voyager episode "The Voyager Conspiracy" confirmed that the Ktarians are members of the Federation, it is unclear why they would do such a thing, although it is also unclear exactly when they became Federation members (and exactly who Etana was actually working for). "The Voyager Conspiracy" does mention that the Ktarians sympathize with the Maquis, however.

The seventh planet in the Ktarians' home star system is used by their race as a sacred burial ground - Ktarians will lay thousands of stones on the graves, each stone representing a special prayer. While visiting this world, Chakotay once accidentally desecrated a grave by removing one of the stones.

Ktarian cuisine is also well known throughout the galaxy. Noted Ktarian desserts include the Ktarian chocolate puff and spice cake; Ktarian eggs are highly sought after as a breakfast dish. (Star Trek Generations)

The name of the Ktarian homeworld is Ktaris. Naomi Wildman once built a model of the planet for a school project while on Voyager. (episode "Child's Play")


The Kzin are a race of feline humanoids. They are the featured race in the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "The Slaver Weapon". The Kzin are the only example of a race appearing on Star Trek that had been created and appeared previously in another science fiction universe. The Kzin were created by science fiction novelist Larry Niven, and had appeared in several of Niven's "Known Space" novels, including the Ringworld series, before making their appearance on ST:TAS. The Kzin area of space and homeworld are noted on a starmap seen in several episodes of ST:TNG.



The Lanatosians are a water-breathing race of fish-like humanoids encountered by the crew of the Enterprise in the Next Generation comic book series published by DC Comics.

In this story arc, the Lanatosian homeworld was about to be destroyed by a comet and the Lanatosians, as members of the Federation, asked the Enterprise to help them evacuate - which seemed unusual as the Lanatosians have space-travel capability themselves; it transpired they needed the help to remove some sacred monuments rather than people. During the mission, Troi and Data discovered that the Lanatosians had concealed the fact that there was another intelligent species on their world - the telepathic, sea serpent-like Skriiti. Disregarding them as mindless animals, the Lanatosians hid them from the Enterprise crew to avoid them taking up space on the ship and leaving less room for the monuments. Much to the Lanatosians' disgust, Captain Picard insisted that the Skriiti should be evacuated and the monuments left behind.

Once taken to their new home, the Lanatosians were advised to put aside their differences with the Skriiti and work with them to rebuild their society. Whether they did this was not shown, but in the final panel featuring the two races, a Lanatosian appears to be peacefully talking with a Skriiti.


Lurians are a large humanoid race known for their voracious appetites, perhaps due to the fact they have two stomachs.

Although little is revealed about the Lurian homeworld on the show, it was implied Lurians are usually found near the Hyundite Nebula.

The Lurian government is a monarchy.

A familiar Lurian character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is Morn (the only Lurian to actually appear in a Star Trek source).

Morn also appeared in the pilot epiosode of Voyager and in the Birthright crossover episode of TNG, so Lurians actually appeared in 3 series.



The Malon are a technologically advanced humanoid species in the Delta Quadrant.

Their homeworld is Malon Prime. It is supposedly a very beautiful planet, but kept that way only because the Malon dump all their industrial "contaminated antimatter" into space. This dumping comes at a high cost: the regions of space contaminated by Malon waste become uninhabitable. While it is thus official Malon policy to dump waste only in uninhabited space, some "waste export" captains have been known to cut corners by deliberately dumping close to inhabited space. The Malon also regard adverse, unintended consequences of their dumping, such as accidental discharges of radioactive material, as simply the cost of doing business.

In addition, the salary for waste export vessel crew members, especially "core laborers" who work directly with the waste storage tanks, is extremely high to match the attrition rate due to death by radiation exposure. Crew members who sign on for just one export mission, even if they do not die, may still suffer severe, progressive, and incurable sickness from the "theta radiation". (Under Malon law, if any crewmember dies from sickness incurred in the line of duty, his or her family is compensated for the loss.) The Malon tell legends of "Vihaar," monstrous life-forms created by the radiation that haunt, and attack, Malon ships. In reality, Vihaar are export vessel crew members so sickened and deformed by the radiation that they have been driven insane ("Juggernaut").

The starship USS Voyager had several encounters with the Malon, and at one time even offered to give them Federation treatment technology to make the waste harmless, or even beneficial. However, this offer was initially refused, as such an advance would essentially make the waste export industry, a key sector of the Malon economy, obsolete. It is unknown whether the Malon ultimately adopted clean technology. There has been no formal contact with the Malon government as such, merely a series of accidental encounters with their ships. Since these encounters have occurred over thirty thousand light years apart, it is possible that Malon territory extends across these kinds of distances - making their space far larger than the Federation. However, the Malon are known to have access to at least one stable "spatial vortex" - apparently a form of wormhole. It is possible that they have access to others which allow them to cross large distances, or even that they are able to build such phenomena themselves.


The Mari are a telepathic species indicative to the Delta Quadrant. When last seen, they had a near-utopian society. They found that violent thoughts lead to violent actions, so they made having such thoughts illegal. This created an underground black market of violent thoughts. The current situation on the Mari homeworld is unknown.


The Mazarites are a humanoid species native to the Alpha Quadrant planet Mazar. They are distinguished by two folded skin flaps on the sides of their faces that run from their eyebrows and surround their ears and under their temples. Mazarites also have dark hair with streaks of white hair swept back from the temples, along the sides. And at least in males, it is usually worn pulled back into a ponytail. In 2152, Mazarites were slightly more technologically advanced than humans, with starships that could reach approximately warp 5.2, with deflector shields and communications jamming technology, but apparently no transporter technology. Mazarites appeared in two Star Trek: Enterprise episodes: "Fallen Hero" and "Affliction".


The Medusans are a highly intelligent, incorporeal species and member of the United Federation of Planets. Their first appearance was in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Is There in Truth No Beauty?".

The Medusans are some of the few (if not the only) incorporeal beings that are active members of the Federation. Because of their different structure and correspondingly different sensory systems, they are much better suited for space travel than most members of the Federation. However, it is very difficult for the Medusans to interact in a meaningful way with the mostly-humanoid Federation. This is because the Medusans have not completely shed their physical form and must always have it with them. This physical form is said to be so hideous that a humanoid viewing it without protection will be driven hopelessly insane. An interesting side note is that while the Medusans' body is grotesque in the extreme, their advanced minds - when viewed by those with telepathic abilities - appears to be quite beautiful.

The name came from the ancient Greek mythology where Medusa was originally a beautiful woman until she had intercourse with Poseidon in Athena's temple. She was changed into a hideous Gorgon as punishment; subsequently, her gaze would turn men to stone.


The Mekhar are a species of the Delta Quadrant. They are thrill seekers, often venturing into space alone (although sometimes as a pilot-navigator team) for extended periods.


Pronounced 'Maynk', they are one of two humanoid species from the planet Valakias. The Menk are less evolved than Valakians, they are similar in appearance much like how humans were similar in appearance to Neanderthals. The Menk were up on land were nothing could be grown by the Valakians. While the Valakians have ships that have already left their solar system, the Menk were still living in huts. The Valakians may have put the Menk in barren ground, they give them clothes, food, water and everything they need. While the Valakians began to die of a genetic disease, the Menk began to evolve. Dr. Phlox said that in two centuries the Valakians would be extinct, but he also noticed that the Menk were evolving and soon would become the masters of Valakias. The Menk appeared in the Enterpise episode, "Dear Doctor".


Little is known about the Menthars or their rivals the Promellians. Around 1000 AD, a great war occurred between these two races "Booby Trap". The two species mutually destroyed each other with the destruction of several Menthar and Promellian colonies. The Menthars were known for their advanced engineering skills and the Menthar traps they built.


The Metrons are a highly-advanced species appearing in Star Trek: The Original Series in the episode "Arena". They forced Kirk and the Gorn captain of the ship the Enterprise was pursuing to fight each other, in punishment for violation of their space.


A race ruled by a paranoid dictatorship. Appears in the Voyager episode "Resistance".



Seen only briefly at the beginning of The Next Generation episode "Eye of the Beholder", Lieutenant Daniel Kwan was half-Napean with a human father. Napeans are partially empathic and can be distinguished by cartilage that extends from the top of the nose up between the eyes and widens slightly as it extends to the top of the forehead. Though only seen in one episode of the television franchise, Napeans have appeared in several Star Trek novels and in the game Star Trek: Elite Force II.


Nausicaans are a strong and typically violent race. The name appears to be an allusion to Nausicaa from Homer's Odyssey, a woman whose name means "burner of ships." This may also be a continuation of a tradition (which began with ST:TNG) of incorporating subtle tributes to Japanese manga and anime; Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind was a manga and later an animated feature by acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki.

In the 22nd century, before the founding of the Federation, Nausicaan pirates were a significant threat to human freighters, and the early Starfleet spent much of its time on watch for Nausicaan pirates. This included a raid on the ECS Fortunate, a civilian cargo freighter, in 2151. This was detailed in the Enterprise episode "Fortunate Son".

In 2327, a young ensign Jean-Luc Picard was stabbed in the back by a gang of three Nausicaans in a bar fight at the Bonestell Recreation Facility at Starbase Earhart, requiring the replacement of his heart with an artificial one. This event was depicted in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Tapestry," in Season 6.

Nausicaan culture includes a concept of warrior-spirit referred to as "garumba", which one Nausicaan accused Tom Paris of lacking. Contact between Nausicaans and other species such as humans in bars or similar environments is likely to lead to brawls or duels, so prudent humans avoid them.


The Neyel are first mentioned in The Sundered by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels (August 2003), set in 2298 aboard the USS Excelsior. They are again mentioned in Taking Wing[7] in which they are mentioned as being offshoots of Earth-bound Humanity who inhabit the Small Magellanic Cloud[7] The Neyel are also featured in the Star Trek: Titan novel The Red King.[8]



Originally surface dwellers and the dominant species of their homeworld, the Ocampa exhibited phenomenal mental powers far in excess of any similar race in Star Trek canon. Their amazing mental abilities were offset, however, by their extremely short nine-year lifespan, less than that of dogs. This is in marked contrast to the usual practice of making alien races longer-lived than humans.

The development of the Ocampa race was interrupted when an exploratory vessel from another galaxy chose to visit the Ocampa homeworld. The propulsion system of the intergalactic vessel caused an irreparable chain reaction in the atmosphere of the planet, destroying the ability of the atmosphere to carry on a rain-cycle: according to Captain Kathryn Janeway, the planet's atmosphere was "completely devoid of nucleogenics". The intergalactic explorers, upon realizing their mistake, took upon themselves the responsibility of taking care of the Ocampa. The Caretakers built a massive underground cavern with access to the only remaining natural water source on the planet, and supplied it with energy via transmissions from a gigantic orbiting station. From this station, the "Caretaker" dutifully watched over the Ocampa, supplying every need and protecting them from every danger. As a result of this life of absolute ease, the Ocampa eventually stopped using their mental powers and, due largely to their short lifespans, eventually forgot about them completely. Over time, the Ocampa became completely dependent upon the Caretakers for all necessities of life.

The Ocampa remained in this state until the only Caretaker remaining on the station began to die. This Caretaker reasoned that only his own offspring would be able to carry on his work of protecting the Ocampa, and so began a galaxy-wide search to find a genetically compatible race through which it might produce offspring. This search consisted of a long series of trans-galactic ship-jackings, which is how the Federation Starship Voyager came to be in the Delta Quadrant.



Orions are a green-skinned, humanoid alien species. An Orion was first portrayed as an illusion in the original Star Trek pilot, but was not seen in the broadcast series until this original pilot was incorporated into the two-part episode "The Menagerie" in the first season. Orions have also been portrayed in Star Trek: The Animated Series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise. Rachel Nichols played Orion Starfleet cadet Gaila in the 2009 Star Trek film. The Orion Syndicate is a criminal organization operated by Orions. The culture initially was shown with Orion males dominating and enslaving Orion females, said to be some of the most sensuous female humanoids in the galaxy. The reality is that the Orion females control Orion culture, with Orion males cooperating with their "mistresses" to promote the illusion. They appear to exert their control through sex, and it is a rare male of any species who can resist one. On scant evidence, the Orion females appear to do this through telepathic rather than biochemical means, like Elasian women do. (see TOS episode Elaan of Troyius).


Pah Wraith


Pakleds are short, stocky humanoids with large bushy eyebrows. They are fairly simple-minded, but they keep pace with the capabilities of other spacefaring races by stealing technology (such as shields of Romulan design) from ships they encounter.

Pakleds tend to over-emphasize their simple-mindedness to their benefit: their simple and childlike speech ("We look for things. Things that make us go. Can you make us go?" "We are smart, we are strong!!") leads their victims into thinking the Pakleds are harmless and helpless; the Pakleds request help from the target ship, wait until their benefactors' guard is down, then use a show of force to take what they need.

The Pakleds were first seen in the TNG episode "Samaritan Snare". In the episode "Brothers", Lore comments that after being reassembled he drifted in space until picked up by Pakleds. Several Pakleds appeared as background characters on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In a deleted scene from Star Trek Nemesis, the android B-4 commented that some Pakleds had rescued him from Omicron Theta and made him work for them for a few months before they dumped him, finding that he was useless even by their low standards.



In the fictional universe of Star Trek, the Preservers are an ancient race of aliens who visited Earth thousands of years ago and removed some human specimens from the planet. The aliens then "seeded" these humans on other planets within the galaxy that had similar Earth-like environments.

No one is sure why the aliens did this, and most speculate that it was part of a great experiment to test the adaptability of humans, whom the aliens believed would one day serve as their replacements. It appears that the Preservers themselves were a dying race and no longer exist. The only evidence of their culture are ancient artifacts and ruins that litter various humanoid worlds. Many races that have been encountered have a sketchy pre-history, some unable to explain their sudden appearance on their worlds, while other cultures have clearly documented evidence that they are not native to their home planets.

The Preservers are discussed explicitly in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Paradise Syndrome", in which Preserver technology inadvertently (and temporarily) erases Captain Kirk's memory, and the amnesiac Kirk settles down in a Preserver-seeded society of Native Americans. Although popular in fan fiction, the Preservers are never again featured in explicit canon.

In William Shatner's novel Preserver, the Preservers are said to be responsible for other duplicate Earths (such as Miri's homeworld) and transplanted human civilizations (Magna Roma of "Bread and Circuses", Omega IV from "The Omega Glory") seen in the original series.

The idea that the Preservers are the "Ancient Humanoid" aliens, first mentioned in "Return to Tomorrow" and featured in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Chase" is uncertain and debated amongst Star Trek fans. Although their "seeding" actions seem to parallel that of the Preservers, the Ancient Humanoids may in fact be a different culture entirely, as they were active billions of years before the actions of the Preservers. Screenwriter of "The Chase" Ronald D. Moore has stated they "could be them and be internally consistent."[9]








The Selay are a snake like species, who have had numerous conflicts with the Anticans.


The Sheliak are a non-humanoid species - classification R-3. The Treaty of Armens, more than 500,000 words in length, maintains peace between the Sheliak and the Federation. The Sheliak apparently regard humans as a lower species, and refuse to have any contact with the Federation beyond what is necessary to enforce the Treaty of Armens. They have a stubborn insistence on protocol which Jean-Luc Picard has used against them. Sheliak colonists being transported to a new planet are referred to as a "membership".

The Sheliak inhabit types of planets that humans normally do not, e.g. H-Class worlds with levels of radiation that would be fatal to most humanoids. Sheliak appear vaguely humanoid, but with a dark, very rough skin and few identifiable features.

Species 8472

Sphere Builders

The Sphere Builders are aliens from another dimension in the fictional Star Trek universe. They are bent on conquering the galaxy by reconfiguring the fabric of space to make it more hospitable to them using specially designed moon-sized spheres. They were first seen in the 2004 Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Harbinger". Their technology is responsible for the creation of a region of space known as the Delphic Expanse, where the physical laws of our universe often break down. The Expanse is extremely hostile to residents of our dimension, and those that enter have great difficulty in leaving. The Expanse is also not yet entirely suitable for the Sphere Builders.

The Sphere Builders act as antagonists in season 3 of Star Trek: Enterprise, where they manipulate the Xindi in order to advance their goals of conquest. They are eventually defeated by the Enterprise crew.

Silver Blood

Y-class planets, also known as Demon-class planets, are the most inhospitable to known humanoid races. On one such planet located in the Delta Quadrant, even though the surface temperature was ridiculously hot, an away team of Tom Paris and Harry Kim found a small pool of cool, viscous silver liquid. It was found that it created a perfect copy of any organic matter it came in contact with. Perfect, except for the fact that it still needed to breathe the indigienous gases of the planet. Before it had copied Tom and Harry, it had never known sentience, and now it wanted it badly. So badly that it was willing to destroy the USS Voyager and all the "originals" in order to copy them. Janeway convinced them to let her crew continue on its way if she let them copy the Voyager crew.

In a later episode, we see that the Silver Blood-copies forgot that they were just copies, created an entirely new Voyager out of silver blood, and were trying to make their way back to Earth just like their original counterparts. However, they made some adjustments to their warp core, causing their Silver Blood bodies to deteriorate, as did the ship. They tried to find a new Deamon-class planet to set down on, but the miners on it would not let them near it, and they were not in any shape to put up a fight about it. The last surviving crew member, Harry Kim (who was the first one to get copied, oddly enough), and the rest of the ship completely deteriorated mere moments before they were to meet up with the real Voyager.


The Son'a are a space-faring race featured in the film Star Trek: Insurrection. They are an offshoot of the Ba'ku. While the Ba'ku chose to reject advanced forms of technology such as warp drive, the beings that would eventually become the Son'a were belligerent toward this philosophy and left the Ba'ku home world bitterly. The Son'a and Ba'ku are reunited at the end of Insurrection.



Tak Tak

The Tak Taks live in the Delta Quadrant and have a method of communicating not only involving spoken words but also ritual gestures. They are very set in their ways, and if someone makes rude gestures (such as putting their hand on the hips) they become very violent.


The Takarans are a humanoid species native to the planet Takara.

Takarans are characterized by a very unusual anatomy and physiology where their internal organs are not as distinct as those of most humanoids – their organ systems are much more evenly distributed around their bodies, resulting in Takarans having a very high resistance to injury. Takarans also have voluntary control over their own physiology down to a cellular level and can place themselves in a form of stasis resembling death.

To Starfleet medical equipment, only the rate of cellular decay could verify whether a Takaran was dead or alive – a slow rate of cellular decay was indicative of a Takaran in voluntary stasis; the rate of cellular decay would be much faster if the Takaran were truly dead – this was unknown to Doctor Beverly Crusher until 2369.

Takarans are also able to put only a part of their body in stasis at a time, enabling them to slow injury in specific areas and thereby reduce the overall effects of the injury. (TNG: "Suspicions", episode 248)

NOTE:Since Dr. Crusher knew little of Takaran physiology and also stated Jo'Bril was the first Takaran she'd ever met, it is unlikely that Takarans were Federation members as of 2369.


Talarians are a humanoid race with a homeworld in the Alpha Quadrant. Their society is patriarchal and competitive. They were only featured on screen in the Next Generation episode Suddenly Human, but referenced in a few others.


Talaxians (pronounced /təˈlæksiənz/) are a humanoid civilization in native to Talax in the Delta Quadrant. Neelix is a Talaxian who had left his homeworld after conflict with the Haakonians; eventually, Neelix discovers another colony of his people, and leaves Voyager to be with them. The Talaxians are a relatively peaceful race whose members willingly cooperate with the crew of Voyager.


Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie".


The Tamarians are a bald, orange, humanoid species of the Alpha Quadrant who speak primarily (if not entirely) by metaphor. Their metaphoric language is based on the Tamarian ancient history, making it virtually incomprehensible to anyone without background knowledge of the history. It is also inferred that they have limited, or no, concept of individuality. They are an advanced species capable of space travel, though to what degree is unknown.


The Tandarans are humanoid species native to Tandar Prime, occupying several worlds in the Tandar Sector. They are physically almost indistinguishable from humans, except for a circular wrinkle between their brows. In 2152, they had been at war with the Suliban Cabal for over 8 years, and had placed all Suliban civilians living in their territory into concentration camps. Tandarans appeared in the Star Trek: Enterprise episodes "Detained" and '"Two Days and Two Nights".


The Tarkan are a Delta Quadrant species which, according to the Mekhar, are so curious that, if they see an unfamiliar ship, they will detain the ship and put it up on display and capture and study (by dissecting, from the sound of it) the crew.



Thasians are an incorporeal race believed to be native to the planet Thasus. In 2266, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) encountered them after it retrieved a young man, Charles Evans, from a ship that had rescued him from Thasus. Evans soon displayed extraordinary abilities, and the Thasians were forced to retrieve him and return with him to their home world. Extrapolating from the abilities they granted Evans, Thasians are telepaths and can materialize, restructure and disintegrate matter at will. They can project themselves across short distances of space and they can travel through space in a glowing construct analogous to a space vessel. They can confer psionic ability on other beings (as they did with Evans) but either cannot or will not remove that power. The only individual seen so far appeared as a large floating head that rippled and wavered. It stated that it had taken that form centuries ago so that it might communicate with humans; this is unlikely to be the race's true form.



Torothans are a humanoids species native to the Beta Quadrant planet Toroth, with a clan-based society. A member of the Torothan clan was identified by facial markings consisting of two pairs of line. The outer pair began at each end of the lips and curve inward towards on the chin. The inner pair begins separately near the center of the bottom lip and intersects about midway, becoming one line which intersects the two outer lines on the chin. In 2152, their society was rent by a civil war. Torothans appeared in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode: Desert Crossing.


Tosk are a reptilian humanoid species from an unknown planet in the Gamma Quadrant. Tosk are bald and covered in green scales, the only information Tosk give about themselves is saying 'I am Tosk'. Tosk are hunted by an unknown race, which is similar in them in appearance but have hair.


The Trabe were at one point a major power in the Delta Quadrant. They were brutal slave masters ruling over the Kazon race, until the Kazon revolted. All Trabe technology and spacecraft - even their homeworld - were all stolen by the Kazon. The Trabe have been reduced to wanderers, constantly pursued by Kazon fleets and unable to settle on any permanent planet for fear of being exterminated by the former slaves. The Trabe attempted, with Kathryn Janeway's assistance, to make an alliance with the Kazon in "Alliances", but were unsuccessful due to the Trabe's secret attempt to kill the Kazon majes.



Mentioned in dialogue in a couple of episodes of Deep Space Nine, the Tzenkethi are a spacefaring race in the Alpha Quadrant. Their government is formed of several member star systems and is known as the Tzenkethi Coalition. The planet is called "Tzenketh". Ruled by autarch caste system. The principal change of government is via the "coup d'état". A persistent rumor in fanon is that the Tzenkethi are the same race as Larry Niven's Kzinti but no evidence has been found to support this.

According to Geoffery Mandel's Star Trek Star Charts, The Tzenkethi homeworld orbits a red dwarf.



The Ullians are a race inclusive of telepathic historians, collecting memories to preserve planets' history.




Vissians appear in the Enterprise Season 2 episode entitled Cogenitor. Their race have a third gender, which comprises about 3% of the population and is vital to reproduction.


Vaadwaur appear in the Voyager Season 6 episode entitled Dragon's Teeth (Star Trek: Voyager). The Voyager crew takes refuge on a planet that appears to be experiencing a nuclear winter. The crew discovers that there are stasis pods and revives the inhabitants who claim that they are the Vaadwaur.

The Vaadwaur are reptilian in appearance and appear on the surface to be physically similar to the Cardassians; they have a pale, grey skin and pronounced neck ridges. They are an expansionist military culture that controlled areas of the Delta Quadrant. They are said to have used subspace corridors to travel great distances and surprise other species with sneak attacks. They also seem to be a duplicitous race in that they will agree to certain conditions with another species and then go back on their word. No wonder then, that the word "Vaadwaur" in ancient Talaxian means "fool" - in the sense that it is foolish to trust such an enemy, despite common goals.

After an armed conflict, 53 ships of the Vaadwaur managed to have escaped the planet they were on and entered a subspace corridor. Even though Seven points out to Captain Janeway that their technology is effectively 900 years behind the times, Janeway sees this race as being extremely adaptable and aggressive; traits that could help them establish their hold on regions of the Delta quadrant.


Vorgons visit the planet Risa in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Captain's Holiday", claiming to be security personnel from the 27th century on a mission to secure a dangerous artifact known as the Tox Uthat. In reality, they were thieves attempting to steal the massively destructive device.

Humanoids with vagely fishlike faces, Vorgons appear to have something like gill slits where most humanoids would have a nose. Embedded in the upper portion of their heads are touch-sensitive devices which permit them to teleport (and possibly to time travel).


Vorta appear in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The Vorta serve the Dominion's Founders, whom they worship as gods, in administrative roles. They typically serve as diplomats or as officers charged with managing Jem'Hadar units. This function is somewhat similar to political officers. The presence of a Vorta typically denotes Dominion interest in, or involvement with the given situation.

Vorta are humanoids with white skin, black hair and lilac-colored eyes. They have good hearing and poor eyesight in comparison to humans, and are immune to most forms of poison. The Vorta also have a very poorly developed aesthetic and sensory taste. About the only things they can taste are certain food items from their home world.

The Vorta reproduce by cloning. Unlike the unisexual Jem'Hadar, there are both male and female Vorta, although it is not specified whether the Vorta are actually capable of sexual reproduction.

While only a single telekinetic Vorta is seen, Eris claims that limited telekinesis is a trait of her species. As she was otherwise being deceitful at the time, this assertion is questionable. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar")

Vorta have a suicide device implanted at the base of their skulls. If a Vorta needs to take its own life, he or she can activate the device and be dead within seconds. Although Vorta are told it is a painless process, actual practice suggests otherwise. (DS9: "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River")

Vorta are purposefully engineered to be immune to poison, a fact demonstrated by Weyoun who gulps down a deliberately poisoned bottle of Kanar and then boasts about his immunity. "It helps when you are a diplomat." (DS9: "Ties of Blood and Water")

Little is known about the Vorta's history. According to Weyoun 6 in "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River", the Vorta have a legend that they were a simple arboreal species until a Founder crashed on their planet. The Vorta helped the Founder, and in turn the Founder promised that they would one day be an important part of a great empire. The Founders then helped the Vorta through genetic manipulation; the Vorta believe that the Founders are gods as a result of this.


The Voth are a reptilian humanoid species descended from Earth's dinosaurs, most likely a Hadrosaurid. They appear in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Distant Origin; according to this episode the Voth escaped Earth when the environment was wrecked by an asteroid impact 65 million years ago. They travelled across the galaxy, eventually settling in the Delta Quadrant. The Voth are extremely advanced technically, possessing transwarp drive systems.

Voth territory seems to be in close proximity to Borg space. The Borg have been able to assimilate individual Voth, but the technology of the Voth civilization seems at least as advanced as that of the Borg, and (given the relative ages of the two species) may be considerably more advanced. Whatever the case, they have obviously managed to avoid wide-scale assimilation. The Voth's contact with the Borg may have contributed to their strong antipathy towards mammalian humanoids.

The Voth are ruled by a dogmatic government whose laws, which are referred to as "The Doctrine", reject the notion that they are immigrants from Earth. They have been away from Earth for 65 million years and have achieved much technologically, including the construction of vast city ships that can travel at transwarp speed, and possess transporters that can beam an entire Intrepid-class starship into their hold, dampeners that can instantly deactivate a captive's weapons, and personal cloaks that can mask individuals from the perceptions and sensors of others through some unspecified means.

In the 24th century, the Voth leadership threatened to destroy the crew of Voyager and a rogue Voth scientist, Gegan, if they refused to disavow evidence that the Voth originated on Earth. This was the so-called "Distant Origin" theory. At the close of contact between the Voth and Humans in the 24th Century, it was not considered hopeful that the two sister species would unify anytime soon.




The Wadi are a race from the Gamma Quadrant who first appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. They are Human-like, with black markings on their chins and/or foreheads. The Wadi have a huge love for games. One game, consisting of 5 "shapps", or levels, somehow gets Cmdr. Sisko, Kira, Jadzia Dax, and Doctor Bashir actually playing the game by being the pawns. The Wadi appear in the episode Move Along Home.



Xaranite are a reptilian humanoid species, they are never fully seen, but have green scaled faces. Xaranites work for the Cardassians as smugglers. It is possible that Xaranites are a subjugate species of the Cardassian Union, which may explain why a Xaranite captain allowed Sisko to search his cargo when Gul Dukat ordered him to.



Xyrillians are a bald humanoid race, covered in dark orange scales, they have larger more pronounced scales on their cheek bones. Xyrillians appear in the Enterprise episode, Unexpected



The Yridians were a warp capable race from the Alpha or Beta Quadrant. They were regarded as information merchants and smugglers and were generally considered devious and untrustworthy.


Mentioned only once in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Before and After"; the Yattho was described as a race that had precognitive visions with "uncanny accuracy". They are native to the Beta Quadrant.




The Zaldans are a species that appears almost totally Human except for webbing between their fingers. In the Zaldanian culture, courtesy is viewed as an insult and is not tolerated. It is viewed as a way to mask true emotions and feelings. The Zaldans made their first appearance in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Coming of Age.[10]

Zetaran Life Forms

Seen in the original series episode The Lights of Zetar, the Zetarans once lived on doomed planet, Zetar. They went out into space and would kill people who would resist them. The Zetarans need solid species to live in, if you resist you will be killed. The Zetarans wiped out everyone on the library planetoid, Memory Alpha.


Zeons are a race which is almost identical to humans, they are from the ringed planet Zeon. The Zeons are at war with the other species from their star system, the Ekosians. All Zeons on Ekos are treated like the Jewish people during World War II. Zeons appear in the Original Series episode Patterns of Force. The Zeons are a peaceful race, violence and their "warlike period ended dozens of generations ago." The Ekosians would later blame the Zeons for all their political, economical and other problems, and began trying to exterminate them.

See also


  1. ^ Star Trek Voyager - Season 3 Episode 5 - False Profits
  2. ^ Biography of Lt. M'Ress published by Lincoln Enterprises in 1974
  3. ^ a b c The Worlds of the Federation published by Pocket Books in 1989 - ISBN 0-671-70813-9
  4. ^
  5. ^ Biography of Lt. Arex published by Lincoln Enterprises in 1974
  6. ^ Hastie, A. Fabricated Space: Assimilating the Individual on Star Trek: The Next Generation in Enterprise Zones: Critical Positions on Star Trek. Eds. Harrison et al. (Westview Press: Boulder, 1996).
  7. ^ a b p 358 Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels (April 2005) Pocket Books NY, London, Toronto, Sydney, Ki Baratan
  8. ^ Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin (September 2005)
  9. ^ Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (2003) ISBN 0-7434-5798-6. Page 244
  10. ^

Further reading

External links