Bruce Lee: The Curse of the Dragon

Bruce Lee Curse of the Dragon is a 1993 Bruce Lee documentary that focuses on the life and death of the legend. It includes insights and interviews from some of his fellow students and opponents who worked alongside him in his movies. The film is directed by Tom Kuhn and Frank Weinntraub and written by Davis Miller, author of the books "My Dinner with Ali", and "The Tao of Bruce Lee".



Curse of the Dragon contains insights and interviews from the following people:


For a film of very low recognition, Curse of The Dragon received high praise from Bruce Lee fans. On "Bruce Lee Divine Wind" (one of the largest Bruce Lee sites on the internet), it is given a 5 star rating. Compared to other Bruce Lee documentaries, it is said to be one of the best ones that show the life of the Legend. Divine Wind also ranks it just below "Bruce Lee: The Legend" for the best Bruce Lee Documentary.
In 2000, Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey was released, containing lost footage of Lee's Game of Death. Since the two films are not the same type of documentary, all DVD's of Curse of the Dragon were released with A Warrior's Journey as a bonus disc after its release. A Warrior's Journey may also be found as a bonus disc on the 2004 special edition of Enter the Dragon.

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