Broad Popular Front

Broad Popular Front (in Spanish: Frente Amplio Popular, FRAMPO) is a Panamanian small left-of-center political party.

The FRAMPO was created in 1977 by Renato Pereira, a former leader of the Federation of Students, and Miguel Montiel[1] and was accorded legal recognition as a party in 1979.[2]

The FRAMPO was a pro-Torrijos and a pro-government group oriented slightly to the left of the PRD.[3] It joined the UNADE coalition behind official candidate Nicolás Ardito Barletta in 1984, but lost legal status by failing to win 3 percent of total vote in the Panamanian general election, 1984.[4]


  1. ^ Rouquié, Alain; Arnaud, Hélène. Les Forces politiques en Amérique centrale. Paris, Karthala, 1991. Pp. 292.
  2. ^ Political Handbook of the world, 1980. New York, 1980. Pp. 357.
  3. ^ Political Handbook of the world, 1980. New York, 1980. Pp. 357.
  4. ^ Library of Congress, Federal Research Division. Panama: A Country Study. Ed. Sandra W. Meditz and Dennis M. Hanratty. Washington: GPO, 1989. Pp. 314.