British Occupational Hygiene Society

The British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS), whose vision is a healthy working environment for everyone, was established as a charity in 1953 to reduce work-related ill-health, and makes a distinct and valuable contribution to preventing ill-health in the workplace. BOHS is both a learned society, publishing the world-renowned, scientific, peer-reviewed journal, Annals of Occupational Hygiene [1], and the only professional society representing qualified occupational hygienists in the UK. The Society supports, develops and connects its members with resources, guidance, events and training, and encourages new members. Its Faculty of Occupational Hygiene sets professional standards and is the only UK examining board for qualifications in occupational hygiene which are recognised internationally.

BOHS is the only UK based organisation that:


Occupational Hygiene

Occupational hygiene is the scientific discipline that protects people against the wide range of health risks that can arise from exposure to health hazards at work. The breadth of knowledge and skills brought together in occupational hygiene is unique.

It focuses:


BOHS is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation which is managed by a board of directors, known as the Council. The Faculty of Occupational Hygiene is run by the Faculty Board and reports to Council through its Registrar. The Society’s Head Office, based in Derby, is led by a Chief Executive who is directly accountable to Council, with a senior management team responsible for finance and operations, membership services, conferences and events, publications, examinations management, marketing and communications, and overall administrative services. It also has a range of committees, chaired by members and with input from other volunteers and staff; these committees, alongside a team of regional organisers (also volunteers from the membership) provide technical, strategic and project-by-project input to the Society’s various initiatives and on-going activities.

Faculty of Occupational Hygiene

The Faculty of Occupational Hygiene is the professional arm of BOHS. Membership is restricted to BOHS members with specific qualifications in occupational hygiene and related subjects.

As the examining board for the profession, the Faculty administers a suite of examinations and awards qualifications in occupational hygiene and allied subjects, and provides a qualifications’ verification service.

The Faculty also runs the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme, which is mandatory for all non-retired Faculty members.

It maintains a Directory of Occupational Hygiene Services [2], which is searchable online or available in hard copy, and is free of charge.


BOHS is a founding member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA). It has collaborated with other global organisations including the International Labour Organisation, World Health Organisation, American Industrial Hygiene Association, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, and Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, among others to carry out research, develop training and sponsor conferences.[3]


BOHS publishes the Annals of Occupational Hygiene, a peer-reviewed scientific journal (via Oxford University Press). Additionally, the Society produces Exposure magazine, e-bulletins, guidance and position statements, and a directory of occupational hygiene services [4].


Every two years, BOHS awards the Thomas Bedford Memorial Prize. Named for the society's first president and instituted initially in 1978, the prize is given to the best paper in the Annals of Occupational Hygiene and includes a £500 award. BOHS also gives the Ted King and David Hickish Awards to recognize top certificate- and diploma-earning hygienists. Annually, the Peter Isaac Award is given each year to honor an occupational hygienist for valuable contributions workplace health. The Bedford Award which was instituted in 1978, named after the first President of BOHS, T Bedford CBE, and is the Society’s prime honour. It is awarded irregularly, and marks outstanding contributions to the discipline of occupational hygiene, either in the general field or in work for the Society. [5]


  1. ^ [1] Annals of Occupational Hygiene
  2. ^ Directory of Occupational Hygiene Services British Occupational Hygiene Society
  3. ^ Partner Organisations. British Occupational Hygiene Society.
  4. ^ Publications British Occupational Hygiene Society.
  5. ^ BOHS Awards. British Occupational Hygiene Society.

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