Brian David Mitchell

Brian David Mitchell

Police mug shot of Mitchell
Born Brian David Mitchell
October 18, 1953 (1953-10-18) (age 58)
Salt Lake City, United States
Alias(es) Peter Shoulson
David Shirlson
Michael Jensen
Peter Marshall

Known to accomplice and
kidnapping victim as
Immanuel David Isaiah[1]

Charge(s) Utah (state court):
Kidnapping, two counts of aggravated sexual assault, two counts of aggravated burglary, conspiracy to commit aggravated kidnapping

U.S. (Federal court):
Kidnapping and illegally transporting a minor across state lines for sexual purposes

Kidnapping victim:
Elizabeth Smart
Additional attempts include Olivia Wright of Utah and a 12-year-old daughter of Virl Kemp of Lakeside, California

Conviction(s) Guilty of one count of kidnapping and one count of illegally transporting a minor across state lines for sexual purposes
Penalty Life Sentence
Status Held in Arizona Federal Prison, Federal inmate No. 15815-081
Occupation Beggar, formerly die cutter, jeweler, and salesman of alternative medical treatments
Spouse Wanda Barzee, 2 previous divorces
Children 4 biological, 9 step-children

Brian David Mitchell (born October 18, 1953) is a former street preacher convicted in United States Federal District Court in Utah for the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping following six years in psychiatric custody.[2] He was sentenced to life in prison on May 25, 2011.


Early years

Brian David Mitchell was born on October 18, 1953, in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was the third of six children born into a strict household of mainstream Mormons. According to family members Brian's paternal grandfather suffered from mental illness and was hospitalized for a time at the Utah State Hospital as a mental patient.[3] Brian's immediate family- his parents and siblings- were described by neighbors as friendly and main stream Mormons but a bit odd; Brian's father Shirl claimed he heard a voice telling him, "You are Christ" when he (Shirl) was seven years old but said he never heard such a voice again.[4] In 1997 Shirl Mitchell published a lengthy tome of his theologically tinged personal philosophy[5] titled Spokesman for the Infant God or Goddess. Brian was considered the black sheep of the Mitchell family during his youth and adult years[6]

Brian Mitchell's first known sexual offense was as a teenager when he exposed himself to an underaged girl, an act for which he was sentenced to time in a juvenile detention facility.[7] The resulting stigma from his time in detention further alienated him from his family and community.[6]

The first of Brian David Mitchell's three known legal marriages was when he married his 16 year old pregnant girlfriend when he was 19 years old. The first marriage produced two children before ending in divorce, with Mitchell gaining custody of the children until his former wife remarried. She then claimed and obtained custody of the two children but Mitchell fled to New Hampshire to prevent the children returning to their mother.[8] This was the first time Mitchell kidnapped, although it was as a parental kidnapping which was not considered a felony at the time.

After some time as a fugitive Mitchell decided to return the children to their biological mother, accepting the court's decision, though he would periodically petition, unsuccessfully, for full custody of the children during his subsequent marriages. His next marriage was after he became an active member of the LDS Church and married a divorcee with three children from a previous marriage and with whom he would father two additional children.[8]

Allegations of child abuse

Mitchell's second wife alleges that he molested one of his two teenaged stepdaughters and one of his own biological children. During the publicity following his capture his second wife stated to news media that she reported him to public authorities and to church authorities but Mitchell was never prosecuted or disciplined by the church. It appears from testimony that Mitchell's stake president at the time tried to discuss the issues with him, but since he refused to discuss the matter and stopped going to church there was felt to be nothing that could be done in a manner that would respect the rights of presenting both sides of the story and it was felt that someone not participating in the church would not be heavily affected by discipline either way. Most of the reports by Mitchell's second wife were made after they divorced. She said amongst other things: "I reported to four different agencies, plus the doctors knew... They were very well aware that my little 18-month-old was being molested because of what she was doing."[9] She also filed a police report alleging abuse but no action was taken. Mitchell's stepdaughter corroborated her mother's statements, stating that she was repeatedly sexually abused by Mitchell who manipulated her into remaining silent: "He would whisper in my ear not to tell anybody and if that I did nobody would believe me."[10] Mitchell's second wife claimed that during their marriage he changed from a gentle man, at least on the surface, into a controlling, abusive, and dictatorial husband who repeatedly tried to frighten her. She was also concerned about his interests in Satan. However, it was Mitchell who filed for divorce in 1984, accusing his second wife of being violent and cruel to their children.[8]

Mitchell was diagnosed by forensic psychiatrists as having a history of pedophilia and that he had stalked other teenaged girls in the Salt Lake City area.[11][12] Details of his conviction at 16 resurfaced during the November 2010 Federal trial as evidence of his pattern of sexual predation.[13] During cross-examination Mitchell's elderly father stated that Mitchell had been arrested for exposing himself to a 3- or 4-year-old girl and sent to juvenile detention.[14]

Third marriage and diversion into religious idiosyncrasy

Mitchell's second divorce was finalized in 1985. He married Wanda Barzee the same day. Wanda had six children from a previous marriage, whom she had to leave with her ex-husband upon marrying Mitchell.[8] During this third marriage there were more accusations of abuse against Mitchell, although the predominant theme was of both his and Wanda's evolving religious views into their own new religion. They claimed to have seen angels and visions wherein Mitchell was named as Lord and Master with his name changed to "Immanuel" (meaning "the chosen one").[7][15] Part of the story also was that as 'Immanuel' he had the right to lead the LDS Church after the death of church president Ezra Taft Benson and to reintroduce the practice of polygamy.[16] Mitchell believed himself the fore-ordained angel born on earth to be the Davidic "servant" prepared by God as a type of Messiah who would restore the divinely led kingdom of Israel to the world in preparation for Christ's second coming. (Mitchell's belief in such an end-times figure – also known among many fundamentalist Latter Day Saints as "the One Mighty and Strong" – appeared to be based in part on a reading of the biblical book of Isaiah by the independent Latter Day Saint Hebraist, Avraham Gileadi,[17] with which Mitchell became familiar from his former participation with Stirling Allan's American Study Group.)[18][19]

Hearken! Oh ye inhabitants of the earth. Listen together and open your ears, for it is I, the Lord God of all the earth, the creator of all things that speaketh unto you …

—Opening words of The Book of Immanuel David Isaiah (April 2002)[18]

As Immanuel, Mitchell wrote a two-part text which he claimed were Revelations from God, called the "Book of Immanuel David Isaiah" (I & II).[20] The first of these revelations, completed in April 2002, included instructions for Mitchell to marry 7 more wives; God's chastisement of members for rejecting the Book of Mormon and especially the words of Ezra Taft Benson; for loving money and seeking the praise of the world; for ignoring the poor and needy; for failing to testify against secret combinations; and for turning to doctors to cure illness instead of relying on faith, herbs, and fruits.[21] The practice of polygamy and the rejection of the medical profession were clearly against the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The rest were clearly attacks on the Church as a whole about matters that in principal members of the Church would agree they have a duty to do but would disagree with Mitchell's assessment of the standing of the Church as a whole in relationship to them. Beyond this it is contratry to the teachings of the Church for someone in Mitchell's position to receive such guidance. The person who has the authority to receive such counsel and direction according to the Church is the president of the Church, at the time Ezra Taft Benson, and to a lesser extent his counselors and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. Thus even if Mitchell had not included the two claims that directly go against the teachings of the Church his claim to have the right to receive revelations for the whole Church by itself but him in conflict with the teachings of the Church.

According to testimony given by his wife, Wanda Barzee, to avoid church discipline and likely excommunication from the LDS Church he kept these revelations secret, sharing them only with family and a few close acquaintances. But they eventually reached local church officials who then excommunicated Mitchell and Barzee in absentia in June 2002, the same month Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped,[5][8] specifically "for activity promoting bizarre teachings and lifestyle far afield from the principles and doctrines of the Church".[5][22] Mitchell was also accused at the time of having pornographic pictures of young girls raising further suspicions of pedophilia amongst LDS Church members, but it was not included in his Church disciplinary council process.[23] Since disciplinary council proceedings are kept private and the Church does not proactively notify people of who has been excommunicated, there would have been no effect on what happened to Elizabeth Smart had this excommunication occurred earlier or had there been discussion of such accusations against Mitchell. This is especially so since the Smarts did not know Mitchell's real name and never interacted with him on the assumption that he was a member of the Church.

According to Daniel Petersen, a scholar of religion, including Mormon studies, Mitchell's revelations were "logical," falling within the traditions of breakaway Mormon groups.[20] The name Mitchell/Immanuel gave his proposed group was the Church of Jesus Christ and the Sanctified and the Last Days.[24] As later described by psychologist Richard DeMier, these revelations said Mitchell would at one point come to battle the Anti-Christ, with Barzee becoming the "Mother of Zion," with her being able to conceive a male child, despite her having had a hysterectomy, which future child would in turn become the Davidic king in his own right.[25] (Later, Forensic investigator Richard Forbes characterized Mitchell's behaviors and writings as controlling, similar in this manner to those engaged in by other criminals Forbes had researched such as Ervil LeBaron and Charles Manson.)[26][26]

Soon Mitchell came to be frequently seen wearing robes around Salt Lake City and begging for money, something he called "ministering to unbelievers".[12] Then, in following the revelations, he came to approach women to voluntarily become polygamists wives with him and Barzee, but was unsuccessful.[23] The first was a single mother in Salt Lake City and the second was Julia Atkinson, approximately 21 years of age, a young woman who had formerly been a member of the Kingston polygamist clan[27][28] in Davis County, Utah. Being unsuccessful in both attempts, Mitchell then received a new revelation in which, according to testimony from Barzee,[29] he was commanded to forcibly take Mormon girls between the ages of 10 and 14 to become his polygamists wives.[30] This new revelation was then supplemented by another one where he was commanded to forcibly take a 14 year old to become his first polygamist wife, of a total of 350 wives (seven times seven wives plus one,[31] again times seven) that the revelation told Mitchell to take.[29] He then kidnapped Elizabeth Smart from her home at knife point around 2 a.m. Later he would unsuccessfully attempt to kidnap Olivia Wright, a cousin of Elizabeth Smart, for which he was indicted in Utah on aggravated burglary and conspiracy to commit aggravated kidnapping charges. Later he also attempted to kidnap a 12-year-old girl near San Diego, California, but was unsuccessful in that attempt too.[32] After this second failed kidnapping attempt Mitchell would claim that the Lord revealed that they were not yet ready to receive more wives.[29]

For more details on Mitchell's kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart see Elizabeth Smart kidnapping.

Competency hearings and conflicting medical opinions

The issues surrounding Mitchell's competence to stand trial revolved around his revelations and whether if following them made him incompetent and/or insane. In the federal trial his insanity defense was based on his propensity to receive revelations from God, as he claims, and then to act out according to what he is told by those revelations, something which met the standard for an insanity defense according to his lawyers.[33] However other people, especially Elizabeth Smart and Wanda Barzee as well as other lay witnesses, testified that Mitchell used these so called revelations only to manipulate others and for self gratification.

Utah State Competency Hearing

Both defence and prosecution agreed that Mitchell was competent to stand trial on August 31, 2004, during plea negotiations. During a court hearing Mitchell was asked "have you had sufficient opportunity to speak to your attorneys?" to which Mitchell nodded in agreement, and then also agreed to a stipulation.[34] He was then found competent to stand trial by Dr. Jennifer Skeem, who was brought in from California for a neutral opinion, on September 16, 2004.

However plea negotiations broke down soon afterward. Mitchell accepted and was willing to plead guilty to aggravating kidnapping and burglary for a ten to fifteen year sentence. However prosecutors would not drop the sexual assault charges due to Elizabeth Smart's insistence they include them[35] and by October 2004 plea negotiations fell apart. During these proceedings no reference was made to Mitchell's competence. Soon after Dr Skeem was asked to re-examine Mitchell. At this point Mitchell changed his behaviour in court, started signing and stopped cooperating with his own defence lawyers. On February 1, 2005 Dr Skeem filed a report that Mitchell was incompetent to stand trial due to being severally impaired by his delusional disorder. Dr Skeem mentioned Mitchell's divorce and his inability to sleep well in prison as important factors in Mitchell's fall into delusional schizophrenia.[34]

Mitchell was declared incompetent to stand trial by Salt Lake City District Judge Judy Atherton on July 26, 2005, who ordered he be retained until he becomes competent to stand trial. The ruling was based mainly on Dr.Jennifer Skeem[36] report for February 2005, who found Mitchell to be a delusional paranoid schizophrenic with little grasp of reality who could not rationally assist counsel in preparing a defense nor did he understand the legal proceedings against him.[37] The same Judge rejected forcibly medicating Mitchell due to the reported low probability of a positive outcome. Mitchell was committed to a psychiatric prison hospital in Provo, Utah. He was again found "incompetent to stand trial" on December 18, 2006. A third finding of Mitchell being currently incompetent to stand trial was made by Judge Atherton on October 9, 2008.[38]

Federal District Court Competency Hearing

On October 10, 2008 US District Attorney Brett Tolman commenced federal proceedings to prove Mitchell's competency to stand trial before the statutes of limitations expired for a federal kidnapping case. His strategy was based on both expert witness testimony, mainly from New York forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner, an associate professor of psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine and chairman of The Forensic Panel, plus many lay witnesses including Elizabeth Smart and staffers who attended to Michell in the State Hospital.[37] The use of lay witnesses testifying as to his competence was a new legal strategy utilized in hearings to determine competence and has established a precedent. Several defense motions to stop lay witnesses testifying and to move the trial outside of Utah were rejected.[39] The hearing commenced in October 2009, with Smart giving early testimony, and continued throughout November and December 2009.

The mental health professionals who found Mitchell incompetent (over time[40]) include: Richart DeMier, a court appointed forensic psychologist from the U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri, who said Mitchell was not making rational decisions about his criminal defense and specifically "If he believes he's going to be miraculously delivered from prison by God in two years time, that's not a rational thought process,". He concluded that Mitchell is a paranoid schizophrenic who is incompetent partly due to Mitchell's belief "that he is divinely ordained to fulfill a special role at the end of the world, putting himself on par with Jesus or God";[41] forensic psychologist Stephen Golding, who concluded Mitchell to have a delusional disorder with deviant sexual behavior and paranoia;[42] and Jennifer Skeem, a psychology professor from the University of California-Irvine who found Mitchell incompetent to stand trial for the Utah state process in 2004, finding that he has a rare delusional disorder. She wrote in her 2004 report for Judge Atherton that Mitchell believes that "he would be held in jail for seven years until a day of judgment when he would be rescued by God and reunited with Smart and his now-estranged wife, Wanda Barzee"[43] which would be during 2010, counting from the time of Mitchell's arrest.

Michael Welner, a psychiatrist from New York City, found Mitchell competent to stand trial, finding that he suffers from a range of disorders, including pedophilia, anti-social and narcissistic personality disorders, but that he was not psychotic nor delusional.[44] Dr Welner was critical of other mental health professionals who did not research the level of acceptance and the roles played by revelations, prophets and prophesies in religions of the Latter Day Saints movements or Mormonism which Mitchell was a part of.[45] His conclusions included the fact that Mitchell can control situations and that "Lust trumped religion" for Mitchell [6] He also noted that Mitchell is used to operating in a parallel world of concealment and obfuscation just as most polygamist breakaway groups from the modern LDS church do. In his conclusions, he also compared Mitchell's behavior to that of pedophile Catholic priests who "routinely and dramatically distort their relationship with God" to justify their sexual acts.[46]

In this third competency hearing, this time before Judge Dale Kimball of the U.S. Federal Court for the District of Utah, Mitchell was found competent to stand trial on March 1, 2010,[23] with Kimball's describing Mitchell as an "effectively misleading psychopath" who has manipulated people into thinking him incompetent.

Mitchell 2010 federal court trial

Mitchell's criminal trial on federal kidnapping charges began on November 8, 2010.[47] The jury ended up deliberating for only about five hours, a relatively short time given the amount of evidence they needed to cover, rejected the insanity plea and return guilty verdicts on both counts early on Friday 10 December 2010.[48]

In summarizing Mitchell and his behavior for reporters outside the courthouse Dr. Michael Welner said to reporters outside the courthouse: "Brian David Mitchell is someone who had severe personality disorders, narcissistic and anti-social....there is no questioning that he was bright and thought that he might have a better future...and as someone who had psychopathic qualities ...he stumbled into the structure of the LDS and that was good for him and it was healthy for him, it gave him an opportunity to rise and gave him an opportunity to have structure. But we are who we are, and he reached the place where he could only go so far and the way he was could not be boxed in that LDS place. The natural graduation, for him,...who had his pedophilic demons, was through that fundamentalist LDS schism track...and he went along a path that could accommodate him. Somewhere along that line, where he could express himself in a grand way....that path....intersected with his pedophilia, which was part of his life at some points and not part of his life at others. And it's when that path intersected with his pedophilia that [has] brought us to the point where we all meet here today."[49]

Sentencing and other post-conviction developments

Robert Steele, Mitchell's defense attorney, filed a motion on May 17, 2011, seeking to have Mitchell placed in a mental health facility and not in prison after sentencing.[50] The motion failed and Mitchell was transported to Federal Prison on August 30, 2011. On May 25, 2011 Mitchell was sentenced to life in prison without parole for his crimes.[51]

On June 27, 2011, the Salt Lake County District Attorney Sam Gill filed a motion to dismiss the six state felony counts against Mitchell in connection with both his kidnapping of Smart and attempted kidnapping of her cousin on the grounds that since his federal sentence was for life without parole there was no added punishment the state could inflict upon him.[52]

Mitchell is currently serving his life sentence at the United States Penitentiary, Tucson, a high security federal prison in Arizona.[53]

See also

Utah portal
Biography portal
Crime portal


  1. ^ McFarland, Sheena; Falk, Aaron (November 12, 2010). "Complete: Third day of Elizabeth Smart’s testimony". Salt Lake Tribune. 
  2. ^ "Elizabeth Smart and the 'prophet': kidnap case that gripped a nation goes to trial". Fairfax Media. November 1, 2010. 
  3. ^ Hunt, Stephen (November 17, 2010). "Mitchell’s father: Son’s ‘alienation’ began in womb". Salt Lake Tribune. 
  4. ^ Smart, Tom; Benson, Lee (April 1, 2006). In Plain Sight. Chicago Review Press. pp. 43–44. 
  5. ^ a b c John-Charles Duffy. "The Making of Immanuel, Brian David Mitchell and the Mormon Fringe". Sunstone. 
  6. ^ a b c "In Plain Sight, a Kidnapped Girl Behind a Veil". New York Times. 
  7. ^ a b "the Kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart". Channel 4 UK. 
  8. ^ a b c d e Charles Montaldo. "Brian David Mitchell". 
  9. ^ "Elizabeth Smart's Alleged Kidnapper is a Master Manipulator, Says Ex-Wife". Fox13Now Utah.,0,4740775.story. 
  10. ^ "Timeline of Elizabeth Smart's captivity". KSL Salt Lake City. 
  11. ^ "Brian David Mitchell stalked other girls, doctor says". Deseret News Utah. 
  12. ^ a b Rogers, Melinda; Neugebauer, Cimaron (November 19, 2010). "Transcript: Barzee calls Mitchell ‘great deceiver’". Salt Lake City Tribune. 
  13. ^ "Parents describe struggles during Brian David Mitchell's childhood". Deseret News. 
  14. ^ "Transcript: Mitchell’s family testifies in Elizabeth Smart kidnap trial". Salt Lake Tribune. 
  15. ^ Derrick L. Thompson, Raised by Wolves, AuthorHouse March 8, 2005 Paperback 
  16. ^ Rogers, Melinda; Neugebauer, Cimaron (November 19, 2010). "Transcript: Barzee calls Mitchell ‘great deceiver’". Salt Lake City Tribune. 
  17. ^ Gileadi was excommunicated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in September 1992 possibly as a result of having written such things out of line with Latter-day Saint doctrine, since the church does not publicly discuss the reasons people are excommunicated and even excommunications of people involved in advocating doctrines not in harmony with the teachings of the Church are often primarily excomunnicated for violating the law of chastity, it can not be actually stated why Gileadi was excommunicated
  18. ^ a b Duffy, John-Charles (October 15, 2003). "The Making of Immanuel: Brian David Mitchell and the Mormon Fringe". Sunstone magazine. 
  19. ^ Manson, Pamela; Neugebauer, Cimaron (December 3, 2010). "Mitchell defense rests in Smart kidnap case". Salt Lake Tribune. p. 6. 
  20. ^ a b "BYU prof says there's a logic to Mitchell's writings". The Salt Lake Tribune. 
  21. ^ "New Research Reveals Secrets About Psychology of Polygamous Sects and Their Leaders". ABC News Nightline. March 1, 2010. 
  22. ^ Lee Benson. In Plain Sight: The Startling Truth Behind the Elizabeth Smart Investigation. Chicago Review Press 2006. 
  23. ^ a b c "Witnesses talk of Mitchell's religion, past during competency hearing". The Salt Lake Tribune. 
  24. ^ Rogers, Melinda; Neugebauer, Cimaron (November 19, 2010). "Transcript: Barzee calls Mitchell ‘great deceiver’". Salt Lake City Tribune. 
  25. ^ Manson, Pamela; Neugbauer, Cimaron (December 3, 2010). "Expert: Mitchell’s book shows ‘mainstream’ beliefs". Salt Lake Tribune. 
  26. ^ a b "Prosecutors explore religion of Smart's accused kidnapper". ksl. 
  27. ^ "U.S. Marshall testifies Mitchell's behavior different inside courtroom". KSL. December 6, 2010. 
  28. ^ "Witnesses talk of Mitchell's religion, past during competency hearing". KSL TV. December 1, 2009. 
  29. ^ a b c "'He was a great deceiver,' Wanda Barzee says of her husband". Deseret News. November 19, 2010. 
  30. ^ "Smart's Alleged Kidnapper: Grim Portrait of a 'Righteous Man". Time. Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010.,8599,2032820,00.html#ixzz16BInI700. 
  31. ^ Carrier, Scott (December 2, 2010). "The One Mighty and Strong". Salt Lake City Weekly. 
  32. ^ "Elizabeth Smart recounts Mitchell's 'sex, porn revelations". Deseret News. November 9, 2010. 
  33. ^ "Smart's accused captor Insane, or a calculating 'deceiver'?". CNN. November 21, 2010. 
  34. ^ a b MICHAEL WELNER, M.D.. "U.S. vs Brian David Mitchell". THE FORENSIC PANEL. 
  35. ^ What Lara Logan can learn from Elizabeth Smart | Author=MICHAEL WELNER | date=June 11, 2011 | publication=The Salt Lake Tribune |Accessed=September 1 2011
  36. ^ [1]
  37. ^ a b "New twist to Mitchell's federal competency hearing: Non-experts testify: Lay witnesses describe a man who is cunning, not crazy.". Retrieved 2010-11-14. 
  38. ^ Deseret News, June 29, 2011
  39. ^ "In The United States District Court For The District Of Utah Central Division Memorandum Decision & Order Case No. 2:08CR125DAK". Retrieved 2010-11-14. 
  40. ^ since competence is a variable factor the fact that not all findings of incompetence were simultaneous means that these multiple findings at different times do not act to support eachother
  41. ^ "Witness: Suspect in Smart case not faking illness". December 10, 2009. 
  42. ^ "Witness: Suspect in Smart case has disorder". December 8, 2009. 
  43. ^ "Smart case competency hearing begins second week". December 6, 2009. 
  44. ^ "Alleged Elizabeth Smart Captor Competent". CBS News. March 1, 2010. 
  45. ^ "New Research Reveals Secrets About Psychology of Polygamous Sects and Their Leaders". March 1, 2009. 
  46. ^ "Witness: Religion used to justify Smart kidnapping". December 7, 2009. 
  47. ^ "Smart kidnapping trial to begin Monday". KSL-TV. October 31, 2010. 
  48. ^ "Elizabeth Smart Thrilled Her Kidnapper Faces Life in Prison". Foxnews. December 10, 2010. Retrieved February 22, 2011. 
  49. ^ "Video: Doctor Welner speaks outside the court". KSL-TV. Retrieved December 9, 2010. 
  50. ^ Pat Reavy. "Attorneys want Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper sent to mental health facility instead of prison" in Deseret News, May 17, 2011
  51. ^ Deseret News, May 25, 2011
  52. ^ Pat Reavy. "Prosecutors Move to Drop State Charges Against Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper" in Deseret News, June 29, 2011
  53. ^

External links
