Branton Files

The Branton Files are a series of documents espousing various conspiracy theories. They have circulated on the internet since at least the mid-1990s. They are named after their editor, Bruce Alan Walton.[1] The UFO conspiracy theory is prominently featured, but many other conspiratorial ideas are also mentioned. Many wild claims are made and are presented as self-evident, but little in the way of coroborative evidence is offered. The Branton Files might be seen as elaborate urban legends.

The Branton Files are typically written in a rambling style, with many digressions and asides... probably due mostly to the fact that his manuscripts are 'collections' of writings from dozens of different sources, compiled/edited in no particular order, but given with the intent that the reader will sort through and assimilate the information in keeping with their own individual perspectives on reality.


  1. ^ The Obscurantist: Branton

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