Bourke engine

The Bourke Engine was designed by Russell Bourke in the 1920s, as an improved two-stroke engine, based around harnessing the power of hydrogen-oxygen detonation instead of using the more progressive, slower carbon-oxygen burn normally found in Otto Cycle engines. Despite finishing his design and building several working engines, the onset of World War II, lack of test results,[1] the poor health of his wife and investors moth-balling further developments in 1958[2] compounded to prevent his engine from ever coming successfully to market. The main claimed virtues of the design are that it has only two moving parts, is light weight, powerful, has two power pulses per revolution, and does not need oil mixed into the fuel.

The only other type of Engine known to operate on similar hydrocarbon fuel chemistry as the Bourke Engine (high temperature shock wave fuel detonation instead of lower temperature progressive Carbon-Oxygen burn) is the Wave Disk Generator.



The Bourke engine is basically a two-stroke design, with one horizontally opposed piston assembly using two pistons that move in the same direction at the same time, so that their operations are 180 degrees out of phase. The pistons are connected to a Scotch Yoke mechanism in place of the more usual crankshaft mechanism, thus the piston motion is perfectly sinusoidal. This causes the pistons to spend a sufficiently[3] longer time near top dead center than conventional engines so as to allow hydrogen-oxygen detonation - complete combustion - of the fuel to occur (as opposed to slower, progressive and incomplete burning whilst undergoing expansion, as is the case with a standard combustion engine).[4] The incoming charge is compressed in a chamber under the pistons, as in a conventional crankcase-charged two-stroke engine. The connecting-rod seal prevents the fuel from contaminating the bottom-end lubricating oil.


The operating cycle is very similar to that of a current production spark ignition two-stroke with crankcase compression, with two modifications:

  1. The fuel is injected directly into the air as it moves through the transfer port.
  2. The engine is designed to run without using spark ignition once it is warmed up. This is known as auto-ignition or dieseling, and the air/fuel mixture starts to burn due to the high temperature of the compressed gas, and/or the presence of hot metal in the combustion chamber.

Mono-stroke Cycle

Bourke's work was within living memory of the design of the Otto Cycle engine: his documentation therefore uses the term "Mono-stroke", which is equivalent to the modern two-stroke. One crank revolution therefore has the following stages[5][6] :

  1. The crank bearing rolls across the yoke for a significant period (at the top of the sine wave), holding the piston for a prolonged period at or close to TDC, such that the gases burn very quickly at very high pressure and temperature until completely consumed and there is no longer a flame. Maximum pressure is developed. During this time at TDC, the piston has aligned with the intake ports in the crankcase and, due to the vacuum which was created, a fuel-air mixture is sucked quickly into the area underneath the piston.
  2. As the crank turns, the yoke begins to move the piston: the intake port is no longer aligned and the fuel-air mixture on the other side of the piston is compressed. At the same time, on the other side of the piston, the gases (which were fully combusted due to high-explosive detonation) expand, pushing the piston and thus turning the crank.
  3. When the piston reaches the other end of the chamber, the window in the piston lines up with the transfer ports, and at the same time the exhaust ports line up with the exhaust, and the compressed fuel escapes under pressure into the cylinder head, forcing the exhaust gases out the open exhaust ports. On its way through intake port, the air-fuel mixture passes a fin which causes it to become turbulent, thus fully mixing the air and fuel and causing cyclonic vortices.
  4. At the same time, the opposing cylinder is beginning its power impulse cycle: expansion is occurring in the opposing cylinder, and compression in the original.
  5. The original piston is now compressing the air-fuel mixture as it is no longer lined up with the transfer ports or the exhaust ports.
  6. As the original piston compresses the air-fuel mixture, there is a vacuum created on the other side.
  7. At around 90 degrees into crank travel before TDC, ignition occurs (of a low-grade fuel, taking considerable time to burn due to being a Carbon-Oxygen reaction) and compression continues
  8. The air intake port lines up, either allowing in an air-fuel mix or air to mix with the injected fuel, beneath the piston.
  9. On the other side (in the chamber), as compression continues the temperature increases, and fuel burns more rapidly (1800F). Sufficient force is created to stop the combined mass of the pistons, rods and the yoke. As TDC is reached, the fuel is completely burned and the pressure causes the piston to move.

Design features

The following design features have been identified:

  1. The high compression ratio means that the temperature of the exhaust gases is considerably lower.
  2. Use of lower-grade fuels and ignition pre-TDC results in an initial slow burn that becomes a highly explosive combustion (detonation) at top dead center. The fuel chemistry is therefore entirely different from a standard Otto Cycle Engine.
  3. An arrangement of 4 cylinders (two on each crank) with each pair firing in opposite directions results in a completely mechanically-balanced engine.
  4. The scotch yoke results in a pure sine wave, end-result being that compression at TDC is longer than on a normal piston with a camshaft, as can be seen from graphs comparing Scotch yoke with standard piston design.
  5. There are no valves, only ports, reducing complexity and maintenance.
  6. Piston blow-by does not go into the crankcase, because the chamber under the piston is also ring-sealed and is used to store (lower-pressure) incoming charges. Piston blow-by therefore gets recirculated and mixed with incoming charges.[7]
  7. The triple sleeve bearing on the crankshaft is counterbalanced with a counterweight, resulting in no vibration of the crankshaft.[8]
  8. Exhaust ports are deliberately similar sized as the inlet ports; the intake air-fuel charge deliberately smaller than the piston chamber's size at BDC; a small amount of completely burned exhaust (comprising water vapour and carbon dioxide) is deliberately left in the piston chamber; these factors combine so that there is a residual amount of water mixed with the air-fuel mixture to catalyse the detonation at TDC.[9]

Mechanical features

Gas flow and thermodynamic features


Claimed and measured performance

Engineering critique of the Bourke engine

The Bourke Engine has some interesting features, but many of the claims are contradictory to those familiar with Otto Cycle Engines, making it difficult for people familiar only with Otto Cycle Engines to accept the efficiency, emissions and power claims.[19] When reading the critiques below it has to be pointed out that Bourke himself observed many people attempting not to duplicate his work, failing to first fully understand the chemistry behind the design decisions made, but to tamper detrimentally with the design, usually by applying lessons learned from Otto Cycle Engine development which is based around a completely different chemical combustion process.[20]

Design Controversy

Bourke spent 14 years of study - 1918 to 1932 [46] - prior to creating the first prototype.[47] In 1933 he showed a set of blueprints to the Professor of Engineering at Berkeley University, California, and, on pointing out that a working engine was in the back of his truck, received a curt response, "There is no use wasting your time and mine, Mr Bourke - this engine cannot possibly run. Good day.".[48] That first experience of an adverse reaction to the design became an inexplicable trend throughout Bourke's life.

As the section in this article shows on the Engineering Critique, the design is sufficiently different from an Otto Cycle, and its design parts critically inter-dependent as well as taking advantage of hydrocarbon chemistry (detonation) which the modern designs of Otto Cycle Engines go to extreme lengths to avoid, as well as Bourke's understanding of chemistry being based on scientific texts that are in a completely different context from modern chemistry, makes it very challenging for people to accept what Bourke discovered.

Replication of Bourke Engines

Bourke trusted some investors with the future of his engines: in April 1958 they took control of the Corporation, moved the workshop and commercially-developed engines being assembled to a secret location and terminated all development.[49] Decades later, these mothballed engines found their way into the hands of Roger Richards.[50] Between 1958 and 1968, many people contacted Russ Bourke, attempting to replicate the engine: almost all of them failed, by virtue of attempting to make modifications to the design before fully understanding it.[51] From having access to a number of original engines that were still operational after 40 years, Roger Richards is one of the very few people to have not only succeeded in replicating the Bourke Engine but also in having made some incremental improvements of the earlier designs, based on improvements learned by Bourke in his later work.[52]

From bitter experience, Richards patiently explains why it is so critical that, prior to replication of a Bourke Engine,[53] it is so absolutely essential to understand that the chemistry involved is very different,[54] and also that every part of the engine's design is critically inter-related.[55]

There is however evidence of other people making successful replication and incremental improvements on the Bourke Engine design. Daniel M. Reitz is the registered holder of an expired patent, granted in 1975,[56] that allows the piston rod some lateral play, to overcome issues associated with the scotch yoke when the engine is run under design conditions different from those envisaged by Bourke himself.[57]


  1. ^
  2. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p75 para 2
  3. ^ Piston motion equations
  4. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, published 1968, p71 para4
  5. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p38, "Bourke Cycle Chemistry Defined"
  6. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p33, "Bourke Cycle"
  7. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p72 para 9
  8. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p72 para 8
  9. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p59, "Velocity of Reactions and Catalysts"
  10. ^
  11. ^ The Most Powerful Diesel Engine in the World
  12. ^ Paul Niquette. "The Bourke Engine". Retrieved 2011-12-06. 
  13. ^ GS Baker "Ship Form, Resistance, and Screw Propulsion" p215
  14. ^ "Bourke Engine Com". Retrieved 2011-12-06. 
  15. ^
  16. ^ "Unbenannt-1" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-12-06. 
  17. ^ "aircraft engine development". Retrieved 2011-12-06. 
  18. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p68, "Thermo-Nuclear Engine"
  19. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 pp240-245|Trade-off between efficiency, emissions and power
  20. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p75 para 10
  21. ^ |Friction of seals
  22. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 p723|Pumping losses
  23. ^ C Feyette Taylor "The Internal Combustion Engine" 4th edition, p194 para 2-3, p205 fig 124b, p258|Pumping losses in two strokes
  24. ^ C Feyette Taylor "The Internal Combustion Engine" 4th edition, p119|stresses due to detonation
  25. ^ Engine balance#Single-cylinder engines Balance of single-cylinder engines
  26. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 p20|Importance of primary balance
  27. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p51-52
  28. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p73 para2
  29. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 pp240-245, p881|Scavenging ratio and low efficiency
  30. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p34-36
  31. ^ adiabatic expansion
  32. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 pp240-245|Scavenging ratio effect on torque output
  33. ^ The Bourke Engine Documentary, published 1968, p71
  34. ^ C Feyette Taylor "The Internal Combustion Engine" 4th edition p194 para5|Pumping losses in two strokes
  35. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p75-76 para 11
  36. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p59, "Velocity of Reactions and Catalysts"
  37. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 p452-3|Increased thermal losses due to detonation
  38. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p57-59
  39. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p38
  40. ^ JB Heywood "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" ISBN 0-07-100499-8 pp240-245, p881|Scavenging ratio and high emissions
  41. ^ "Science Links Japan | Effect of Piston Speed around Top Dead Center on Thermal Efficiency". 2009-03-18. Retrieved 2011-12-06. 
  42. ^ The Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968 by Elvin Coutant, p38, paragraph 2
  43. ^ Hot bulb engine
  44. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p104
  45. ^ The Bourke Documentary, Published 1968, p51, "Important Factors in Engine Design"
  46. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p72 para4
  47. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p73 para5
  48. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p73 para8
  49. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p75, para2
  50. ^
  51. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p75 para9
  52. ^
  53. ^, para6
  54. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p57-59
  55. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p71-72, p75-76
  56. ^
  57. ^ Bourke Engine Documentary, Published 1968, p51, "Important Factors in Engine Design" and p51 para 7

Note: The Bourke Engine Documentary, referenced above, was not published with an ISBN number.

Patents (expired) include:

External links