House of Bonaparte

House of Bonaparte
Country French Empire
Kingdom of Italy
Kingdom of Spain
Kingdom of Westphalia
Kingdom of Holland
Kingdom of Naples
Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Titles Emperor of the French
Emperor in Elba
King of Italy
King of Spain
King of Holland
King of Westphalia
King of Naples
King of Rome (courtesy title only)
Grand Duchess of Tuscany
Founder Napoleon I of France
Final sovereign Napoleon III of France
Current head Disputed:
Charles Napoléon or
Jean-Christophe Napoléon
Founding 1804
Dissolution 1815, 1870
Cadet branches Prince Canino Line (extinct)
Prince Napoleon Line

The House of Bonaparte is an imperial and royal European dynasty founded by Napoleon I of France in 1804, a French military leader who rose to notability out of the French Revolution and transformed the French Republic into the First French Empire within five years of his coup d'état. Napoleon turned the Grande Armée against every major European power and dominated continental Europe through a series of military victories. He installed members of his family on the thrones of client states, founding the dynasty.

Throughout its history, the dynasty, as well as being Emperors of the French, held various other titles and territories including; their ancestral nation the Kingdom of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Westphalia, Kingdom of Holland and the Kingdom of Naples. The dynasty was in a position of power for around a decade until the Napoleonic Wars began to take their toll. Making very powerful enemies such as Austria, United Kingdom, Russia and Prussia, as well as royalist (particularly Bourbon) restorational movements in France, Spain, the Two Sicilies and Sardinia, the dynasty eventually collapsed under its own weight.

Between the years 1852 and 1870 there was a Second French Empire, again a member of the Bonaparte dynasty would rule; Napoleon III of France the son of Louis Bonaparte. However after tensions relating to Prussia, the dynasty was again ousted from the imperial throne. Since that time there has been a series of pretenders, supporters of the Bonaparte family's claim to the throne of France are known as Bonapartists. Current head Jean-Christophe Napoléon is ironically from a Bourbon mother.


Bonaparte family

The Bonaparte (originally Buonaparte) family were from minor Italian nobility who held most of their property in the hill town of San Miniato near Florence, Italy. The Buonapartes came from a Tuscan stock of Lombard origin. The name derives from Italian, buona, "good" and parte, "part" or "side".

After settling in Florence the family enjoyed a relationship with the then ruling Medici family. Jacopo Buonaparte was a friend and advisor to Medici Pope Clement VII. Jacopo was also a witness to and wrote an account of the sack of Rome, which is one of the most important historical documents recounting that event.[1] Two of Jacopo's nephews, Pier Antonio Buonaparte and Giovanni Buonaparte, however, took part in the 1527 Medici rebellion, after which they were banished from Florence and later were restored by Alessandro de' Medici. Jacopo's brother Benedetto Buonaparte maintained political neutrality.[2]

The family later separated into two branches: Buonaparte-Sarzana, Nobili di Sarzana had been compelled to leave Florence due to the defeat of the Ghibellines and later when Francesco Buonaparte came to Corsica in 16th century and the island was in Genoese possession.

The Buonaparte tomb lies in the Church of San Francesco in San Miniato.

Bonaparte arms

The arms of the Bonaparte family were: Gules two bends sinister between two mullets or. In 1804 Napoleon changed the arms to Azure an imperial eagle or. The change applied to all members of his family except for his brother Lucien, and the son of Jerome's first marriage.

Napoleon I

Napoleon I is the most prominent name associated with the Bonaparte family because he conquered much of the Western world during the early part of the 19th century. He was elected as first consul of France on 10 November 1799 with the help of his brother, Lucien Bonaparte, and president of the Council of Five Hundred at Saint-Cloud. He was crowned Emperor of the French and ruled from 1804–1814, 1815.

Following his conquest of most of Western Europe, the first Napoleon made his elder brother Joseph (1768–1844) king first of Naples (1806–1808) and then of Spain (1808–1813), his third brother Louis (1778–1846) king of Holland (1806–1810) (subsequently forcing his abdication after his failure to subordinate Dutch interests to those of France) and his youngest brother Jérôme Bonaparte (1784–1860) king of Westphalia, the short-lived realm created from some of the states of northwestern Germany (1807–1813).

Napoleon's son Napoleon François Charles Joseph (1811–1832) was created king of Rome (1811–1814) and was later styled Napoleon II by loyalists of the dynasty, though he only ruled for two weeks after his father's abdication. Charles Louis Napoléon (1808–1873), son of Louis Napoléon, was president of France in 1848–1852 and emperor in 1852–1870, reigning as Napoléon III; his son, Eugène Bonaparte (1856–1879), styled the Prince Imperial, died fighting the Zulus in Natal, South Africa. With his death, the family lost much of its remaining political appeal, though claimants continue to assert their right to the imperial title. A political movement for Corsican independence surfaced in the 1990s which included a Bonapartist restoration in its programme.

Crowns held by the family

Emperors of the French

Kings of Holland

King of Naples

King of Westphalia

King of Spain

Grand Duchess of Tuscany

The family tree

French Monarchy -
Bonaparte Dynasty

Napoleon I
   Napoleon II
   Joseph, King of Spain
   Lucien, Prince of Canino
   Elisa, Grand Duchess of Tuscany
   Louis, King of Holland
   Pauline, Princess of Guastalla
   Caroline, Queen of Naples
   Jérôme, King of Westphalia
Nephews and nieces
   Princess Zénaïde
   Princess Charlotte
   Prince Charles
   Prince Louis
   Prince Pierre
   Prince Napoleon Charles
   Prince Napoleon Louis
   Napoleon III
   Prince Jérôme
   Prince Napoleon Joseph
   Princess Mathilde
Grandnephews and -nieces
   Prince Joseph
   Prince Lucien-Louis
   Prince Roland
   Princess Jeanne
   Prince Charles
   Prince Jerome
   Napoleon (V) Victor
   Maria Letizia, Duchess of Aosta
Great Grandnephews and -nieces
   Princess Marie
   Princess Marie Clotilde
   Napoleon (VI) Louis
Great Great Grandnephews and -nieces
   Napoleon (VII) Charles
   Princess Catherine
   Princess Laure
   Prince Jerome
Great Great Great Grandnephews and -nieces
   Princess Caroline
   Prince Jean-Christophe
Napoleon II
Napoleon III
   Napoleon (IV), Prince Imperial

Carlo-Maria (Ajaccio 1746–Montpellier 1785) married Maria Letizia Ramolino (Ajaccio 1750 – Rome 1836) in 1764. He was a minor official in the local courts. They had eight children:

  1. Joseph Bonaparte (Corte 1768–Florence 1844), King of Naples and Spain, married Julie Clary, sister of Napoleon's childhood sweetheart, Désirée, who was to become the wife of General Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, the later Charles XIV of Sweden.
  2. Napoléon (I) Bonaparte (1769–1821) Emperor
  3. Lucien Bonaparte (1775–1840)
  4. Maria-Anna Elisa Bonaparte (1777–1820), grand-duchess of Tuscany married Félix Bacciochi Levoy
    • Marie-Laetitia Bonaparte Bacciochi Levoy
  5. Louis Bonaparte, (1778–1846) married Hortense de Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepdaughter
  6. Maria Paola or Marie Pauline Bonaparte (1780–1825), married in 1797 to French general Charles Leclerc and later married Prince Camillo Borghese.
  7. Maria Annunziata Caroline Bonaparte (1782–1839) married Joachim Murat
  8. Jérôme Bonaparte (1784–1860), King of Westphalia
Carlo Buonaparte
Maria Letizia Ramolino
Lucien Bonaparte
m.(2) Alexandrine de Bleschamp
Joseph Bonaparte
m. Julie Clary
Marie Louise of Austria
Napoléon I
Joséphine de Beauharnais
Alexandre, Vicomte de Beauharnais
Elisa Bonaparte
m. Félix Bacciochi
Pauline Bonaparte
m.(1) Charles Leclerc
m.(2) Camillo Borghese
Caroline Bonaparte
m. Joachim Murat
Betsy Patterson
Jérôme Bonaparte
Catharina of Württemberg
Napoléon II
Eugène de Beauharnais
m. Augusta of Bavaria
Hortense de Beauharnais
Louis Bonaparte
4 children
Achille Murat
m. Catherine Willis Gray
Jérôme Napoleon Bonaparte
m. Susan May Williams
Jérôme Napoléon Charles Bonaparte
Mathilde Bonaparte
m. Anatole Demidoff di San Donato
Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte
m. Marie Clothilde of Savoy
Charles Lucien Bonaparte
Zénaïde Bonaparte
Julie Joséphine Bonaparte
(b.&d. 1796)
Charlotte Bonaparte
Napoleon Louis Bonaparte
Napoleon Charles Bonaparte
Napoléon III
m.Eugénie de Montijo
Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte II
m. Caroline Edgar
Charles Joseph Bonaparte
m. Ellen Channing Day
Napoléon V Victor
m. Clémentine of Belgium
Napoléon Louis Joseph Jérôme Bonaparte
Maria Letizia Bonaparte
m. Amadeo of Savoy
Joseph Lucien Bonaparte
Lucien, Cardinal Bonaparte
Napoléon Charles Bonaparte
10 others
Napoléon IV Eugène
Marie Clothilde Bonaparte
Napoléon VI Louis
m. Alix de Foresta
Zénaïde Bonaparte
Mary Bonaparte
Eugénie Bonaparte
Napoléon VII Charles
Catherine Elisabeth Bonaparte
Laure Clémentine Bonaparte
Jérôme Xavier Bonaparte
Caroline Bonaparte
Jean-Christophe Napoléon
Sophie Cathérine Bonaparte

Current descendants

The headship of the family is in dispute between Charles Napoléon, born 1950, great-great-grandson of Jérôme Bonaparte by his second marriage; and his son Jean-Christophe (born 1986) who was appointed heir in the will of his grandfather Prince Louis Napoléon. The only other male member of the family is the brother of Charles, Prince Jérôme, (born 1957), unmarried. There are no remaining descendants in male line from any other of Napoleon's brothers. There are, however, numerous descendants of Napoleon's illegitimate, but recognized son Walewski from his union with Marie, Countess Walewski. Of these include the Wattier family and its union with the Bonaparte family. The later descendants were the Peschongs and Herrs. A descendant of Napoleon's sister Caroline Bonaparte is actor René Auberjonois.

See also


  1. ^ Jacopo Bonaparte: Sac de Rome. Écrit EN 1527 par Jacques Bonaparte. Témoin oculaire, hrsgg. by Bonaparte, Napoléon Louis, Florenz 1850
  2. ^ Joshua F. Drake, The Part-books of a Florentine Ex-Patriate: new light on Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Ms. Magl. XIX 164–7, Early Music (OUP), Vol. 33, no. 4 (Oct. 2005), pp. 639–646. [1]

External links

House of Bonaparte
Title last held by
House of Bourbon
Ruled as King of France
Ruling House of the French Empire
Succeeded by
House of Bourbon
Ruled as King of France
Title last held by
House of Orléans
Ruled as King of the French
Ruling House of the French Empire
Empire Abolished
Third French Republic Declared
Preceded by
House of Habsburg
Ruled as Nominal King of Italy
Ruling House of the Kingdom of Italy
Succeeded by
House of Habsburg
Ruled as King of Lombardy-Venetia
Preceded by
House of Bourbon
Ruled as Kings of Spain and Naples
Ruling House of the Kingdom of Naples
Succeeded by
House of Murat
(In Naples
Reverted back to Spanish Bourbons in 1815)

House of Bourbon
(In Spain)
Ruling House of the Kingdom of Spain
Preceded by
New Creation
Succeeded the Batavian Republic
Ruling House of the Kingdom of Holland
Kingdom Abolished
Part of the French Empire
Kingdom of the Netherlands created in 1815
Preceded by
New Creation
Formed from the territories ceded by Prussia in Peace of Tilsit
Ruling House of the Kingdom of Westphalia
Kingdom Abolished
Dissolved after Battle of Leipzig
Status quo of 1806 restored