Allen Newcomb

Allen Newcomb is a rocket engineer and chief engineer for the BonNova, a team that is competing in the Northrop Grumman lunar lander challenge. He has over 20 of years experience in avionics and design for extreme environments, such as race cars with brutal vibrations and extreme EMI, and oil wells that can expose equipment to extreme heat.

He has worked as an avionics engineer at SpaceDev, he designed some of the electronics and all of the Mission Control and operations software for CHIPSat.

He attended at the 2009 Space Access Society conference as representation for BonNova.[1]

Partnered with Vanna Bonta, to test the 2suit used for microgravity intimacy.[2]

See also


  1. ^ "ReferencesView".  090801
  2. ^ NGC, The Universe, s3e4