
Bombora is an indigenous Australian term for an area of large sea waves breaking over a shallow area such as a submerged rock shelf, reef, or sand bank that is located some distance from the shoreline and beach surf break.

As the wave passes over the shallow area its shape is raised and steepened, creating a localised wave formation.[1] The size and shape of bombora waves makes them attractive to surfers willing to take the risk of riding what is generally considered a hazardous pursuit.

These formations can pose a significant danger even in good weather as a bombora may not be identifiable because it may not always have breaking waves.[2]

Well known instances

A bombora is also a term used for a sketchy surf spot where waves seem to break on the outside. For an example, see "Cow Bommie," a gnarly tow-in surf spot near Margaret River, in Western Australia. [1]

See also


  1. ^ Bird, Eric (2008). Coastal geomorphology: an introduction. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 17. ISBN 0470517301. 
  2. ^ "Boating Handbook: Safe Operation" (pdf). NSW Maritime. Retrieved 2009-06-18. 
  3. ^ Arjun Ramachandran (2008-08-25). "One dead as boat hit by wave". Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2009-06-18.