Black Lab Linux was a free software, open-source Linux distribution for Power Architecture hardware. It was first released in 1999 for the Apple Macintosh as a product of Terra Soft Solutions, a Colorado (USA)-based software company specializing in Linux on the Power Architecture. Black Lab Linux was a variant of Yellow Dog Linux tailored both for embedded systems development and for high-performance, parallel computing. It focussed exclusively on the Apple PowerPC and IBM RS/6000 hardware platforms Black Lab Linux became an enhancement CD providing developer tools for Yellow Dog Linux customers, then was completely merged into Yellow Dog Linux. Black Lab Linux developer Jeremias Sauceda was then able to focus on adding new functionality to the developer tool set rather than supporting a full distribution.[1]
Formerly, TerraSoft Solutions supported two PowerPC-based distributions, Yellow Dog Linux, the more general-purpose distribution, and Black Lab Linux. These were two of three Linux distributions that focused exclusively on the Apple PowerPC and IBM RS/6000 hardware platforms (the other was LinuxPPC).
Y-HPC is presently Terra Soft's cluster construction suite for both the x86 and Power architecture. It is the world's first commercial, cross-architecture cluster construction suite as the success of any cluster is in part associated with the cost of ownership—rapid imaging, efficient maintenance, and uptime are invaluable. Y-HPC supports image-based cluster construction, support for x86, x86-64, and Power architecture head and compute nodes, and when used with Yellow Dog Linux, support for Ganglia, Moab, NFS, OpenMPI, IB and PVFS2.