Blå Jungfrun

Blå Jungfrun National Park
IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location Kalmar County, Sweden
Nearest city Kalmar
Area 1.98 km2 (0.76 sq mi)[1]
Established 1926, extended 1988[1]
Governing body Naturvårdsverket

Blå Jungfrun, or "Blåkulla", is a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea. More precisely, it is situated in Kalmar Strait, between the provinces Småland and Öland. Administratively, it belongs to the municipality Oskarshamn. It is uninhabited and has an area of only about 0.7 km², though it rises 86 metres above sea level. Since 1926, it is one of the national parks of Sweden. As a national park, there are important limitations to the Everyman's right at Blå Jungfrun. For example, you are not allowed to make up a fire or spend the night on the island.

The island consists partly of bare rock, partly of dense hardwood forest. The black guillemot is a characteristic bird. There are several caves and an ancient stone labyrinth.

The island plays an important role in Swedish folklore, where it is viewed as an evil and magical place. The name Blå Jungfrun (Blue Virgin) was originally used by sailors to avoid provoking the evil spirits who dwelt on the island. According to a widespread belief, related already by Olaus Magnus in 1555, witches meet there each Maundy Thursday. Carolus Linnaeus, who visited the island in 1741, was sceptical:

... women and fairy-tales ... generally say that all witches will go here (truly a rather difficult journey) each Maundy Thursday; but those who have visited the place once are not likely to return, and should find out the reason for the fable: If any place in the world looks hideous, this is surely one of the most cruel...

According to a still living tradition, anyone who removes a stone from the island will suffer from bad luck until it is returned. Oskarshamn yearly receives stone shipments from people, often with an accompanying letter of warning describing the misfortunes and disasters which happened to them after removing a stone.

In summer, the island can be visited by tour boats from Oskarshamn or from Byxelkrok.

See also


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