
Biță is a Romanian rapper and urban soul musician.

He was born in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. His first album was Sevraj ("Withdrawal") in 2004 and his second album was Sinuciderea unui înger ("Suicide of an angel"), released before summer of 2005. In 2006 he released the third one, Fapte bune ("Good Deeds"), featuring also C.T.C., K-Gula, Grasu XXL, Brugner.

His first single video was Următorul pas ("The Next Step") together with Tataee from B.U.G. Mafia (Bucharest Underground Mafia). This was not Bitză’s first appearance on video. His biggest achievement so far are the 5 nominations on the 2005 issue of Romanian MTV Awards, after sharing media attention with Cheloo from the successful band Paraziţii for the video Vicii ("Vices") - 4 nominations in 2004. He recorded, mixed and mastered in the most important studios in Romania.

Furthermore, in 2010 he released an album called Goana dupa fericire (The pursuit of happiness) which featured B-Real, Young De, and other Romanian artists such as Holograf and Maximilian.


See also

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