
Location in Yemen
Country  Yemen
Governorate Shabwah
Time zone Yemen Standard Time (UTC+3)

Beihan (Arabic: بيحان‎), also known as Bayhan al Qisab (Arabic: بيحان القصاب), is a city in western Yemen. According to the census of 2005 conducted by the Yemeni government, the town has about 100,000 inhabitants. It was formerly the capital city of Emirate of Beihan, and today is an administrative province in the Shabwah Governorate.



Geographically, Beihan is a valley connected between al-Baidha in the north-west, Ma'rib in the east and Ataq in the south. It is a fertile valley irrigated by water streams fall from the northern mountains as well as from the digged wells. The main cultivated crops are dates, cereals and citrus and people depend on livestocks to a large extent to survive. Nonetheless, people increasingly adopt trade and exchange/commerce, in addition to incorporate in government business.

History= Bayhan valley historically had several main groups. The Musabein Tribe living in the NORTH which was dominated by Alsaleh (Ahmed saif tribe) and the Alfatima (Naji Alawi tribe). These two factions were in consistent feuds. Historically the MIDDLE of the valley was populated by the Al-Habieli family,descendants of the Prophet, who arrived in the valley in the late 1600's. They had been sent by the Imam of Yemen to protect the trade routes.

The Al-Habieli family are direct descendants of the first,al Hadi Yahya bin Hussein, and seventh, Qassim al Mansur bin Abdullah,Imams of Sanaa.

The South of the valley was dominated by the Balharith Tribe who were also continuously fighting one another as to who was their paramount sheik and like the Masabin also split into 2 main branches.

The ruling Al-Habieli family, recognized by the Hashimite Grand Sharifs of Mecca as related, established themselves as religious leaders in Bayhan in 1680 and became independent. The Hashemite Emirate of Bayhan was included in the Western Aden Protectorate before joining the Federation of Arab Emirates of the South on 11/2/1959 and the Federation of South Arabia on 4/4/1962. The Emirate was abolished by revolutionary Yemen in 7/1967 (the People's Republic of South Yemen on 30/11/1967). Capital was Naqub. Al Amir Talal Saleh Hussein Al-Habieli is current dynastic head of the family. The family tree is as follows: Muqbil, 1st Amir of Bayhan 1680-

Amir Hasan.

Amir Ghalib.

Amir Hussein.

Amir al Habieli.

Amir Saifallah.

Amir Mubarak.

Amir Muhsin.

Sharif Ahmad Muhsin Al Habieli, Amir of Bayhan 1903-abdicated 1935, independent c1900. Father of: HE Sharif Hussein Ahmad Al Habieli, Regent of the Hashemite Emirate of Bayhan 1935-1967, formerly Minister of Interior of the Federation of South Arabia. HE Sharif Hussein was married to Halima, daughter of the Sheikh of the Musabein tribe. Their son:

HH Sharif Saleh al Hussein Al Habieli(1935-Feb 2010), Amir of Bayhan, deprived of ruling powers on 28/8/1967 by revolutionary Yemen (the People's Republic of South Yemen on 30/11/1967).

Prince Al Amir Talal Saleh Hussein Al-Habieli current Heir Apparent(Feb 2010-present).

Princess Diane Carol Al-Habieli resides in USA.


Beihan comprises different societal layers. The main tribes are those of Masabin and Belharith. In addition to a lesser number of Sada and Ashraf (the two latter claim they descend from the prophet Muhammad), the majority of the population, consists of non-tribal large families who have lived in Bayhan for hundreds of years.

There was also a Jewish presence in Beihan. They were brought to Israel in 1949.

Notable natives

See also