
Hebrew בָּצְרָה
Founded 1946
Founded by Demobbed soldiers
Council Hof HaSharon
Region Sharon plain
Affiliation Agricultural Union

Batzra (Hebrew: בָּצְרָה‎‎) is a moshav in central Israel. Located in the Sharon plain near Ra'anana, it was redeemed by South African Jewry. [1] In 1947 it had a population of 80.[1] It falls under the jurisdiction of Hof HaSharon Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 868.

The moshav was established in 1946 by demobilised soldiers who had received technical training in the British Army. It was named after Basra in Iraq, where the unit was stationed for some time during World War II. [1]

Batzra was built on land north of the Palestinian village of Tabsur, which was depopulated in April 1948.[2]


  1. ^ a b c Jewish National Fund (1949). Jewish Villages in Israel. Jerusalem: Hamadpis Liphshitz Press. pp. 12. 
  2. ^ Khalidi, 1992; p. 562
