Basilis (Greek: Βασιλίς, Modern form: Vas(s)ilis) was an ancient settlement in Arcadia. It is a direct descendant of Greek: Βασίλια, the Greek word for 'kingdom'.
Pausanias mentioned Basilis as a village in his Arcadica, which is his description of Arcadia. It was said to be founded by the banks of the Alfeios in the foot of the Lykaio mountains near the Arcadian Trapezus. The settlement had a temple and statue of Demeter, which many of the settlers thought was Cypselus, son of Cresphontes. Basilis was one of the cites that colonized Megalopolus, which was founded by Epaminondas. Basilis was part of the archaic Parrhasian province in Arcadia. Basilis was later abandoned.[1].
The location of the ancient settlement remains unexcavated. It is believed to be located in the area between the Alfeios and Isoma. [2]