
Basilinda, a game created by George Howard Monks, the author of Halma. It lists itself as a game for the amusement of children. Copyrighted in 1890 by Halma Co., Basilinda was published by E.I. Horsman, 80 & 82 William St., N.Y.. The game involves the placing of cannon and pieces on either side of a screen that is then removed and the results imposed. Pieces are removed and play resumes with the screen back in place. This is repeated until one side has lost its "Captain" piece, which ends the game. It originally sold for $1.00 in the 1890s.

Basilinda game box with instructional booklet, copyrighted 1890 by Halma Co.; Published by E. I. Horsman, 80 & 82 William St., N. Y.