Barry Zuckerman

Barry S. Zuckerman is the co-founder of Reach Out and Read, a national childhood literacy program in the United States, and the founder of the Medical-Legal Partnership model.



Zuckerman has a B.A. from Rutgers University and M.D. from Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. Zuckerman spends much of his time promoting child health and development, training child professionals, and developing strategies to transform child health services. Since completing his medical training, he has helped start the Medical-Legal Partnership | Boston and the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, Healthy Steps, Health Leads, Witness to Violence, PainFree Pediatrics, and Reach Out and Read, that go beyond the scope of conventional medical care.

Dr. Zuckerman has authored more than 200 scientific publications about the impact of biological, social, health services, and psychological factors on children's health and development. He is an editor of four books, such as the Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics: Handbook for Primary Care, which was published in English and Spanish.

Awards and honors

Program rewards


