Barbiellini is a noble family of counts, title wanted from an assembly in Rome during the Pontificial State. The Barbiellini originally come from the family of conti di Sant'Eustachio, an ancient family which lasted from the 700 to 1477 and was a descendant of the king of Antiochia. The first member of the family was a man who travelled a lot all over the world with Magellan. The family combined by marriage to the Amidei the 20th of April 1749. In 1800 there was a wedding of Filippo Barbiellini Amidei with a Lelmi or L'elmi, a rich family who had as only discendant a woman, and in order to maintain their name, they came to an agreement so that the last name could be kept and would become Barbielliini Amidei Lelmi. The Barbiellinis still live mainly in Rome and Elba Island.
Bernardo Barbiellini Amidei was an important political figure between 1920 to 1940. He was the founder of a school in Naples, which teaches oriental languages. in his honor a street in Rome was named after him. Bernardo Barbiellini Amidei was the son of the daughter of Anna Rosa Gattorno. She was Beatified the 9th of April 2000. Gaspare Barbiellini Amidei is a famous Italian journalist and writer. One of the possessions of the Barbiellinis was a mansion in the center of Rome which was then sold at the end of the nineteenth century to the State and a palace in Placense. In Elba Island another mansion was given first to Napoleon and then it was transformed into a museum. The family is now very numerous, and is even related to a marquise, who descends from the family of the Medici Tornaquinci of Florence. A castle in San Martino was then sold from the husband in the second marriage, to a rich owner of an industry who later on donated it to the Church. Some properties and a few castles still remain part of this family.