
Baltix 3.0 screenshot (GNOME)
Company / developer Open Source for Lithuania / Mantas Kriaučiūnas
OS family Linux
Working state In production / development
Source model Free and open source software
Initial release June 2003 (2003-06)
Latest stable release 11.04 / 22 September 2011; 4 months ago (2011-09-22)
Available language(s) Multilingual (more than 55)
Update method APT (several front-ends available)
Package manager dpkg
Kernel type Monolithic
Default user interface GNOME and Unity, in some versions LXDE (previously KDE)
License Various
Official website

Baltix GNU/Linux is an operating system for Lithuanian and Latvian people, based on Debian and Ubuntu[1]. The main language is Lithuanian.

It uses the GNOME desktop environment and is distributed as an installable Live CD.

The first public versions of Baltix GNU/Linux were released in 2003 and were based on Knoppix Live CD and Debian software packages,[2] and later, on the Morphix Live CD framework. Most recently, Ubuntu technology was chosen for Live CD. Despite of changes in startup and installation technologies, Baltix is always distributed as an installable Live CD with graphical installer[3].

Since 2007 separate Baltix CD/DVD images for home/business use, educational institutions (DVD version for "Science and Education"[4]) and servers are being released.

Baltix can run directly from its live-CD, without installation to a computer's permanent storage (hard disk, solid state drive, etc.), but also can be installed into a computer's Linux or Windows partition(s).


Additional software

Baltix has software packages not included in default Ubuntu CD/DVD images:

- connections to Lithuanian/Latvian mobile Internet providers and drivers for popular 3G and 4G (Wimax) modems
- universal dictionary software OpenDict
- various spelling and hyphenation dictionaries, etc.

Baltix Goals


External links