Balloon were an early 1990s duo from London, consisting of Ian Bickerton and David Sheppard. Their first and only album, Gravity, was released in 1992 by Dedicated, a British record label known for neo-psychedelia.[1] Produced by Michael Brook the record featured contributions from Sarah McLachlan (on the track "Tightrope Walker")[1] and James Pinker. Bickerton wrote the lyrics, while Sheppard provided the melodies and arrangements. The album was recorded mostly in New Orleans,[1] at Daniel Lanois' studio. The duo toured the US in 1992,[2] with percussionist James Pinker as a touring member.[3]
Bickerton and Sheppard met in 1988. They recorded more than 60 demo tracks before they were signed by Dedicated.[2]
Critic Eve Zibart of The Washington Post described the band's music as "a peculiarly soothing mix of Feargal Sharkey, Storyville, white soul, mild social unrest punk and Leonard Cohen."[4] Jae-Ha Kim of the Chicago Sun-Times wrote, "Balloon's music is atmospheric and winsome, with acoustic guitars caressing velvety voices."[5]