Bakasyon (Filipino for vacation) is an adventure story arc of the Philippine comic strip series Pugad Baboy, created by Pol Medina Jr. and originally published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. This particular story arc lasts 15 strips long, the shortest among the major story arcs. In 1991, the story arc was reprinted in The Best of Pugad Baboy, officially, the second book compilation of the comic strip series.
The Pugad Baboy residents hie off to the beaches of La Union for a vacation, which is rudely interrupted by a band of Taokoy (mermen). The sea creatures take the gang captive for the purpose of scientific study into the anatomy of land-based humans. As Pao, Dagul and the rest of the gang are about to be dissected by the mermen, Polgas arrives in the guise of Aquapol, along with a pack of dogfish. The taokoy were frightened off and the Pugad Baboy residents rescued.