Azizul Hoque (Islamist politician)

Sheikh-Ul-Hadith Allama Azizul Hoque
Full name Sheikh-Ul-Hadith Allama Azizul Hoque
Born 1919 (Age 93)[1]
Louhojang, Dhaka
Era Modern era
Region Islamic scholar
School Sunni Hanafi
Main interests Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, Tafsir, Islamic economic jurisprudence.
Notable ideas Establishment of Jamiah Rahmania Arabia Dhaka

Allama Azizul Hoque is a famous Bangladeshi Islamic scholar[2][3] and a Islamist political leader.[4] Azizul Hoque was born to a distinguished family in 1919, Louhojang, Dhaka. Allama Azizul Hoque was the first person who translated the Sahih al-Bukhari into Bengali language.[5][6] And he founded the Jamiah Rahmania Arabia Dhaka in 1986. He is the former rector[7] and his son Mahfuzul Haque is the present rector of the Jamiah.[8][9]

Deobandi Movement

Key figures

Qasim Nanotvi · Rashid Gangohi
Husain Madani · Mehmud Hasan
Shabbir Usmani · Ashraf Ali Thanwi
Anwar Kashmiri · Ilyas Kandhlawi
Ubaidullah Sindhi · Taqi Usmani

Notable Institutions

Darul Uloom Deoband, India
Mazahirul Uloom Saharanpur, India
Hathazari Madrassah, Bangladesh
Darul-uloom Nadwatul Ulama, India
Darul Uloom Karachi, Pakistan
Jamia Uloom ul Islamia, Pakistan
Jamiah Darul Uloom Zahedan, Iran
Darul Uloom London, England
Darul Uloom New York, United States
Darul Uloom Canada
Madrasah In'aamiyyah, South Africa


Tablighi Jamaat
Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind
Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam
Tehreek-e-Khatme Nabuwwat



After completing his initial formal studies Azizul Hoque joined Jamiah Islamiah Yunusia Brahmanbaria at the age of 7. There he spent 4 years under the care of Hadhrat Maulana Shamsul Haq Faridpuri (rahimahullah). The he joined Dhaka Boro Katara Madrasah in 1931 and completed Takmil (MA) spending 12 years there. Then, in 1943, he went to India for acquiring higher study and joined Jamiah Islamiah Talimuddin Dabhel in Bombe. In Jamiah Islamiah Talimuddin Dabhel he receives education from Shabbir Ahmad Usmani. Finally he went to Darul Uloom Deoband to study Tafsir. There he received education from Shaykh at-Tafseer Hadhrat Idris Kandhalvi (rh). After completing his study he returns to Dhaka by the order of his teacher Hadhrat Maulana Shamsul Haq Faridpuri (rahimahullah).


Allama Azizul Hoque begins his career as a teacher in Boro Katara Madrasah situated at Dhaka. Allama Azizul Hoque served there from 1946 to 1952. Then, he began teaching at Jamia Qurania Arabia Lalbagh since its establishment in 1952 and serves there teaching the students Sahih al-Bukhari including other important books till 1985. In 1978, he played an important rule in the formation of Bangladesh Qawmi Madrasah Education Board.[10] He currently serves as its general editor. In 1979, he taught Sahih al-Bukhari in the department of Islamic Studies of University of Dhaka as visiting professor and served there for three years.[6] In 1986, Allama Azizul Hoque established a Madrasah called Jamiah Muhammadia Arabia in "Muhammadi Housing" near Mohammadpur, Dhaka.[11] In 1988, he purchased a piece of land near Sath Masjid in Muhammadpur and transferred the Jamiah Muhammadia Arabia there renaming it to Jamiah Rahmania Arabia Dhaka.[9] At present, he is the chief Sheikul Hadith of this institution. He serves as the principle of Jamiah Shari'ah Malibag for a certain period of time. He also serves as the chairman of the Sari'ah Board of Al Arafah Islami Bank. Furthermore, he is serving as the rector and adviser of many other well-known institutions in the country.

Books and Translations

Without these Sheikhul Hadith Allama Azizul Hoque would write many other books.


See also