Azerbaijani people

Azərbaycanlılar, Azərilər
آذربایجانلیلار ,آذری لر
Total population
approx. 22-35 million[1][2][3]
Regions with significant populations
 Iran 12 to 19.4 million (CIA Factbook, Library of Congress, Columbia 2000 Gulf Project, etc.),[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] 18.5 to 27 million[15] , or (Political organizations - 30 million)[16][17] 13-30 million[18][19]
 Azerbaijan 8,172,000 [20][21]
 Turkey 800,000 [22]
 Russia 622,000 [23]
 Georgia 284,761 [24]
 Kazakhstan 85,300 [25][26]
 Germany 55,000
 Ukraine 45,200 [27]
 Uzbekistan 44,400 [28][29]
 Turkmenistan 33,400 [30][31]
 Netherlands 18,000 [32]
 Kyrgyzstan 16,745 [33]
 United Kingdom 15,000 [34]
 Belarus 6,362 [35]
 United States 5,553 [36]
 Canada 3,465 [37]
 Latvia 1,697 [38]
 Austria 1,000 [39]
 Lithuania 891 [40]
 Estonia 880 [41]
 Greece 300 [42]
 Australia 290 [43]
 Denmark 231 [44]
other regions 30,000



Predominantly Shia Islam; minorities practice Sunni Islam, Christianity, Bahá'í Faith, and Zoroastrianism

Related ethnic groups

other Turkic peoples, Iranian peoples, Caucasian peoples

The Azerbaijanis[45][46][47][48] are Turkic people living mainly in northwestern Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as in the neighbourhood states, Georgia, Russia (Dagestan) and formerly Armenia. Commonly referred to as Azeris (آذری - Azərilər) or Azerbaijani Turks[49][50] (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan türkləri), they also live in a wider area from the Caucasus to the Iranian plateau. The Azerbaijanis are predominantly Shia Muslim[51] and have a various other heritages including Turkic, Iranic[52] in addition of indigenous Caucasians.

Azerbaijanis are the Indigenous small-numbered people of the Republic of Dagestan (Russia).[53]

Despite living on two sides of an international border since the treaties of Gulistan (1813) and Turkmenchay (1828), after which Iran lost its then northern territories to Russia, the Azeris form a single ethnic group.[54] However, northerners and southerners differ due to nearly two centuries of separate social evolution in Russian/Soviet-influenced Azerbaijan and Iranian Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani language unifies Azerbaijanis, and is mutually intelligible with Turkmen, Qashqai, Gagauz and Anatolian Turkish (including the dialects spoken by the Iraqi Turkmen), all of which belong to Oghuz, or Western, group of Turkic languages.[55]

Following the Russo-Persian Wars of 1813 and 1828, Qajar territories in the Caucasus were ceded to the Russian Empire[56] and the treaties of Gulistan in 1813 and Turkmenchay in 1828 finalized the borders with Russia and Iran.[57][58] The formation of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918 established the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.



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Azerbaijan Portal

The country of Azerbaijan is believed to be named after Atropates, a Persian[59][60][61][62][63] satrap (governor) who ruled in Atropatene (modern Iranian Azerbaijan).[64][65] Atropates is derived from Old Persian roots meaning "protected by fire".[66] The current name Azerbaijan is the combination of two Persian words, "Āzar" meaning "(holy) fire" and "pāygān" meaning "the place of". The "G" and "P" were replaced to "J" and "B" respectively during the Arab invasion of Persia, as these two sounds do not exist in Arabic. Azerbaijan has seen a host of inhabitants and invaders, including indigenous Caucasian Albanians but also the Medes, Scythians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Khazars, Arabs, Oghuz Turks, Seljuq Turks, Armenians and Russians.

Ancient Azerbaijanis spoke the Ancient Azari language, which belonged to the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.[67] In the 11th century A.D. with Seljukid conquests, Oghuz Turkic tribes started moving across the Iranian plateau into the Caucasus and Anatolia. The influx of the Oghuz and other Turkmen tribes was further accentuated by the Mongol invasion.[68] Here, the Oghuz tribes divided into various smaller groups, some of whom – mostly Sunni – moved to Anatolia (i.e., the Ottomans) and became settled, while others remained in the Caucasus region and later – due to the influence of the Safawiyya – eventually converted to the Shi'ite branch of Islam. The latter were to keep the name "Turkmen" or "Turcoman" for a long time: from the 13th century onwards they gradually Turkified the Iranian-speaking populations of Azerbaijan, thus creating a new identity based on Shiism and the use of Oghuz Turkic. However, it is notable that the Turkification of Azerbaijanis was completed only by the late 19th century, while the old Iranic speakers can still be found in tiny isolated recesses of the mountains or other remote areas (such as Harzand, Galin Guya, Shahrud villages in Khalkhal and Anarjan). Today, this Turkic-speaking population is also known as Azeris.[69] According to Rybakov: "Speaking of the Azerbaijan culture originating at that time, in the XIV-XV cc., one must bear in mind, first of all, literature and other parts of culture organically connected with the language. As for the material culture, it remained traditional even after the Turkicization of the local population. However, the presence of a massive layer of Iranians that took part in the formation of the Azerbaijani ethnos, have imposed its imprint, primarily on the lexicon of the Azerbaijani language which contains a great number of Iranian and Arabic words. The latter entered both the Azerbaijani and the Turkish language mainly through the Iranian intermediary. Having become independent, the Azerbaijani culture retained close connections with the Iranian and Arab cultures. They were reinforced by common religion and common cultural-historical traditions.”.[70]

Ancient period

Caucasian Albanians are believed to be the earliest inhabitants of the region where the modern day Republic of Azerbaijan is located.[64] Early Iranian settlements included the Scythians in the ninth century BC.[71] Following the Scythians, the Medes came to dominate the area to the south of the Aras.[64] The Medes forged a vast empire between 900-700 BC, which was integrated into the Achaemenids Empire around 550 BC. During this period, Zoroastrianism spread in the Caucasus and Atropatene. The Achaemenids in turn were defeated by Alexander the Great in 330 BC, but the Median satrap Atropates was allowed to remain in power. Following the decline of the Seleucids in Persia in 247 BC, an Armenian Kingdom exercised control over parts of Caucasian Albania between 190 BC to 387 AD.[72][73] Caucasian Albanians established a kingdom in the first century BC and largely remained independent until the Persian Sassanids made the kingdom a vassal state in 252 AD.[64]:38 Caucasian Albania's ruler, King Urnayr, officially adopted Christianity as the state religion in the fourth century AD, and Albania would remain a Christian state until the 8th century.[74][75] Sassanid control ended with their defeat by Muslim Arabs in 642 AD.[76]

Medieval period

Muslim Arabs defeated the Sassanids and Byzantines as they marched into the Caucasus region. The Arabs made Caucasian Albania a vassal state after the Christian resistance, led by Prince Javanshir, surrendered in 667.[64]:71 Between the ninth and tenth centuries, Arab authors began to refer to the region between the Kura and Aras rivers as Arran.[64]:20 During this time, Arabs from Basra and Kufa came to Azerbaijan and seized lands that indigenous peoples had abandoned; the Arabs became a land-owning elite.[77] Conversion to Islam was slow as local resistance persisted for centuries and resentment grew as small groups of Arabs began migrating to cities such as Tabriz and Maraghah. This influx sparked a major rebellion in Iranian Azerbaijan from 816–837, led by a local Zoroastrian commoner named Bābak.[78] However, despite pockets of continued resistance, the majority of the inhabitants of Azerbaijan converted to Islam. Later on, in the 10th and 11th centuries, Kurdish dynasties of Shaddadid and Rawadid ruled parts of Azerbaijan.

In the middle of the eleventh century, the Seljuq dynasty overthrew Arab rule and established an empire that encompassed most of Southwest Asia. The Seljuk period marked the influx of Oghuz nomads into the region and, thus, the beginning of the Turkification of Azerbaijan as the West Oghuz Turkic language supplanted earlier Caucasian and Iranian ones.[79][80]

Iranian cultural influence, however, survived extensively, as evidenced by the works of then contemporary writers such as Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi. The emerging Turkic identity was chronicled in epic poems or dastans, the oldest being the Book of Dede Korkut, which relate allegorical tales about the early Turks in the Caucasus and Asia Minor.[64]:45 Turkic dominion was interrupted by the Mongols in 1227. Turkic rule returned with the Tamerlan and then Sunni Qara Qoyunlū (Black Sheep Turkmen) and Aq Qoyunlū (White Sheep Turkmen), who dominated Azerbaijan until the Shi'a Safavids took power in 1501.[64]:113[77]:285

Modern period

The Safavids, who rose from Iranian Azerbaijan and lasted until 1722, established the modern Iranian state.[81][82][83] Noted for achievements in state building, architecture, and the sciences, the Safavid state crumbled due to internal decay and external pressures from the Russians and Afghans. The Safavids encouraged and spread Shi'a Islam which is an important part of the national identity of Iranian Azerbaijani people as well as many Azerbaijanis north of the Aras. The Safavids encouraged the arts and culture and Shah Abbas the Great created an intellectual atmosphere which according to some scholars was a new Golden Age of Persia.[84] He reformed the government and the military, and responded to the needs of the common people.[84]

The brief Ottoman occupation followed the Safavid state. After the defeat of Afghans and the re-conquest by Nadir Shah Afshar, a chieftain from Khorasan, tried to stabilize the internal affair by balancing the power of the Shi'a.[77]:300 The brief reign of Karim Khan came next, followed by the Qajars, who ruled Azerbaijan and Iran starting in 1779.[64]:106 Russia loomed as a threat to Persian holdings in the Caucasus in this period. The Russo-Persian Wars began in the eighteenth century and ended in the early nineteenth century with the Gulistan Treaty of 1813 and the Turkmenchay Treaty in 1828, which officially gave the Caucasian portion of Qajar Iran to the Russian Empire.[66]

Iranian Azerbaijan's role in the Iranian constitutional revolution cannot be underestimated. The greatest figures of the democracy seeking revolution Sattar Khan[85] and Bagher Khan were both from Iranian Azerbaijan. The Constitutional Revolution of 1906–11 shook the Qajar dynasty, whose kings had virtually sold the country to the tobacco and oil interests of the British Empire and had lost territory to the Russian empire. A parliament (Majlis) came into existence by the efforts of the constitutionalists. It was accompanied in some regions by a peasant revolt against tax collectors and landlords, the only indigenous mainstay of the monarchy. Pro-democracy newspapers appeared, and Iranian intellectuals began to relish the modernist breezes blowing from Paris and Petrograd. The Qajar Shah and his British advisers crushed the Constitutional Revolution, but the demise of the dynasty could not be long postponed. The last Shah of the Qajar dynasty was soon removed by a military coup led by Reza Khan, an officer of an old Cossack regiment, which had been created by Czarist Russia and officered by Russians to protect the Qajar ruler and Russian interests. In the quest of imposing national homogeneity on the country where half of the population consisted of ethnic minorities, Reza Shah issued in quick succession bans on the use of Azerbaijani language on the premises of schools, in theatrical performances, religious ceremonies, and, finally, in the publication of books.[86]

Upon the dethronement of Reza Shah in September 1941, Soviet forces took control of Iranian Azerbaijan and helped to set up the Azerbaijan People's Government, a client state under the leadership of Sayyid Jafar Pishevari backed by Soviet Azerbaijan.[87] The Soviet military presence in Iranian Azerbaijan was mainly aimed at securing the Allied aid route during World War II. Concerned with continued Soviet presence after the war, the United States and Britain pressured the Soviets to withdraw by late 1946. Immediately thereafter, the Iranian government regained control of Iranian Azerbaijan.

According to Professor. Gary R. Hess:

On December 11, an Iranian force entered Tabriz and the Peeshavari government quickly collapsed. Indeed the Iranians were enthusiastically welcomed by the people of Azerbaijan, who strongly preferred domination by Tehran rather than Moscow. The Soviet willingness to forego its influence in (Iranian) Azerbaijan probably resulted from several factors, including the realization that the sentiment for autonomy had been exaggerated and that oil concessions remained the more desirable long-term Soviet Objective.[88]

While the Azerbaijanis in Iran are integrated into the Iranian society, their kins in the Republic of Azerbaijan lived through the transition from the Russian imperial to brief independence in 1918–1920, followed by over 70 years of Soviet rule. Azerbaijan restored independence in October 1991, and became embroiled in a war with the neighboring Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.


In many references, Azerbaijanis are designated as a Turkic people, due to their Turkic language.[89][90][91] However, modern-day Azerbaijanis are believed to be primarily the descendants of the Caucasian Albanian[92][93] and Iranic peoples who lived in the areas of the Caucasus and northern Iran, respectively, prior to Turkification. Various historians including Vladimir Minorsky explain how largely Iranian and Caucasian populations became Turkish-speaking:

In the beginning of the 5th/11th century the Ghuzz hordes, first in smaller parties, and then in considerable numbers, under the Seljuqids occupied Azerbaijan. In consequence, the Iranian population of Azerbaijan and the adjacent parts of Transcaucasia became Turkophone while the characteristic features of Ādharbāyjānī Turkish, such as Persian intonations and disregard of the vocalic harmony, reflect the non-Turkish origin of the Turkicised population.[94]

Thus, centuries of Turkic migration and turkification of the region helped to formulate the contemporary Azerbaijani ethnic identity.


"Turkic penetration probably began in the Hunnic era and its aftermath", there is evidence to indicate "permanent settlements".[90] The earliest major Turkic incursion began and accelerated during the Seljuk period.[95] The migration of Oghuz Turks from present-day Turkmenistan, which is attested by linguistic similarity, remained high through the Mongol period, as many troops under the Ilkhans were Turkic. By the Safavid period, the Turkification of Azerbaijan continued with the influence of the Kizilbash. The very name Azerbaijan is derived from the pre-Turkic name of the province, Azarbayjan or Adarbayjan, and illustrates a gradual language shift that took place as local place names survived Turkification, albeit in altered form.[96]

Most academics view the linguistic Turkification of predominantly non-Turkic-speaking indigenous peoples and assimilation of small bands of Turkic tribes as the most likely source of Azeris background.[64][66]

Iranian origin

The Iranian origins of the Azeris likely derive from ancient Iranic tribes, such as the Medes in Iranian Azerbaijan, and Scythian invaders who arrived during the eighth century BCE. It is believed that the Medes mixed with Mannai.[97] Ancient written accounts, such as one written by Arab historian Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Masudi (896-956), attest to an Iranian presence in the region:

The Persians are a people whose borders are the Mahat Mountains and Azarbaijan up to Armenia and Aran, and Bayleqan and Darband, and Ray and Tabaristan and Masqat and Shabaran and Jorjan and Abarshahr, and that is Nishabur, and Herat and Marv and other places in land of Khorasan, and Sejistan and Kerman and Fars and Ahvaz...All these lands were once one kingdom with one sovereign and one language...although the language differed slightly. The language, however, is one, in that its letters are written the same way and used the same way in composition. There are, then, different languages such as Pahlavi, Dari, Azari, as well as other Persian languages.[98]

Scholars see cultural similarities between modern Persians and Azerbaijanis as evidence of an ancient Iranian influence.[99] Archaeological evidence indicates that the Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism was prominent throughout the Caucasus before Christianity and Islam and that the influence of various Persian Empires added to the Iranian character of the area.[100] It has also been hypothesized that the population of Iranian Azerbaijan was predominantly Persian-speaking before the Oghuz arrived. This claim is supported by the many figures of Persian literature, such as Qatran Tabrizi, Shams Tabrizi, Nizami, and Khaghani, who wrote in Persian prior to and during the Oghuz migration, as well as by Strabo, Al-Istakhri, and Al-Masudi, who all describe the language of the region as Persian. The claim is mentioned by other medieval historians, such as Al-Muqaddasi.[96][101] Other common Perso-Azerbaijani features include Iranian place names such as Tabriz[102] and the name Azerbaijan itself.

Encyclopaedia Iranica explains that "The Turkish speakers of Azerbaijan (q.v.) are mainly descended from the earlier Iranian speakers, several pockets of whom still exist in the region."[103] The modern presence of the Iranian Talysh and Tats in Azerbaijan is further evidence of the Iranian ethnic influence in the region.[104][105] As a precursor to these modern groups, the ancient Azaris are also hypothesized as ancestors of the modern Azerbaijanis.

Caucasian origin

According to Encyclopædia Britannica about Azeris in the Republic of Azerbaijan:

The Azerbaijani are of mixed ethnic origin, the oldest element deriving from the indigenous population of eastern Transcaucasia and possibly from the Medians of northern Persia.[106]

The Caucasian origin mostly applies to the Azeris of the Caucasus, most of whom are now inhabitants of the Republic of Azerbaijan. There is evidence that, despite repeated invasions and migrations, aboriginal Caucasians may have been culturally assimilated, first by Iranians and later by the Oghuz. Considerable information has been learned about the Caucasian Albanians including their language, history, early conversion to Christianity, and close ties to the Armenians. Many academics believe that the Udi language, still spoken in Azerbaijan, is a remnant of the Albanians' language.[107][108]

This Caucasian influence extended further south into Iranian Azerbaijan. During the 1st millennium BCE, another Caucasian people, the Mannaeans (Mannai) populated much of Iranian Azerbaijan. Weakened by conflicts with the Assyrians, the Mannaeans are believed to have been conquered and assimilated by the Medes by 590 BCE.[109]


Some new genetic studies suggest that recent erosion of human population structure might not be as important as previously thought, and overall genetic structure of human populations may not change with the immigration events but in the Azerbaijani case; some Azerbaijanis of Azerbaijan republic genetically resemble other Caucasian people like Kurds and Armenians[110] and people in the Azerbaijan region of Iran to other Iranians.[111]

According to a study of Eurasia's population by the American Society of Human Genetics, the different Iranian populations show a striking degree of homogeneity and nonsignificant FST values among themselves.[112] It seems that the people are largely Iranian settlers both before and after Islam.

2010 genetic study of Andonian et al shows Turkification of this region was predominantly by the process of elite dominance, i.e. by the limited number of invaders who left only weak patrilineal genetic trace in modern populations of the region and not mass migration.[113]

Studies conducted at Cambridge and Stanford Universities

A recent study of the genetic landscape of Iran was completed by a team of Cambridge geneticists led by Dr. Maziar Ashrafian Bonab (an Iranian Azerbaijani).[114] Bonab remarked that his group had done extensive DNA testing on different language groups, including Indo-European and non Indo-European speakers, in Iran.[115] The study found that the Azerbaijanis of Iran do not have a similar FSt and other genetic markers found in Anatolian and European Turks. However, the genetic Fst and other genetic traits like MRca and mtDNA of Iranian Azeris were identical to Persians in Iran.

In 2006 M. Regueiro and A.M. Cadenas of Stanford University show that the population of central Iran (Isfahan) group to Caucasian Azeri people more than population of Turkey in terms of haplogroup distributions and genetic homogeneity.[116]

Studies conducted in the Caucasus

A 2003 study found that: "Y-chromosome haplogroups indicate that Indo-European-speaking Armenians and Turkic-speaking Azerbaijanians (of the Republic of Azerbaijan) are genetically more closely related to their geographic neighbors in the Caucasus than to their linguistic neighbors elsewhere."[118] The authors of this study suggest that this indicates a language replacement of indigenous Caucasian peoples. There is evidence of genetic admixture derived from Central Asians (specifically Haplogroup H12), notably the Turkmen, that is much higher than that of their neighbors, the Georgians and Armenians.[119] MtDNA analysis indicates that the main relationship with Iranians is through a larger West Eurasian group that is secondary to that of the Caucasus, according to a study that did not include Azerbaijanis, but Georgians who have clustered with Azerbaijanis in other studies.[120] The conclusion from the testing shows that the Caucasian Azeris are a mixed population with relationships, in order of greatest similarity, with the Caucasus, Iranians and Near Easterners, Europeans, and Turkmen. Other genetic analysis of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes indicates that Caucasian populations are genetically intermediate between Europeans and Near Easterners, but that they are more closely related to Near Easterners overall.[118] Another study, conducted in 2003 by the Russian Journal of Genetics, links Iranians in Azerbaijan (the Talysh and Tats) with Azerbaijanis of the Republic:

the genetic structure of the populations examined with the other Iranian-speaking populations (Persians and Kurds from Iran, Ossetins, and Tajiks) and Azerbaijanis showed that Iranian-speaking populations from Azerbaijan were closer to Azerbaijanis than to Iranian-speaking populations inhabiting other world regions.[121]

A 2011 study at Yerevan State University and Tehran University of Medical Sciences shows Azeris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language change with regard to Azeris occurred through elite dominance mechanism rather than demographic diffusion model.[117]


Historically the Turkic speakers[122] of Iranian Azerbaijan and the Caucasus called themselves or were referred to by others as Muslims, Turks, or Ajams (by Kurds),[123] and religious identification prevailed over ethnic identification. When the South Caucasus became part of the Russian Empire in the nineteenth century, the Russian authorities, who traditionally referred to all Turkic people as Tatars, defined Tatars living in the Transcaucasus region as Caucasian or Aderbeijanskie (Адербейджанские) Tatars to distinguish them from other Turkic geoups.[124] The Russian Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, written in the 1890s, also refers to Tatars in Azerbaijan as Aderbeijans (адербейджаны).[125] According to the article Turko-Tatars of the above encyclopedia:

some scholars (Yadrintsev, Kharuzin, Chantre) proposed to change the terminology of some Turko-Tatar people who have little in common with the Turks, for instance, to call Aderbaijani Tatars (Iranians by race) Aderbaijans (адербайджаны), but this has not yet taken root...[126]

This ethnonym was also used by Joseph Deniker:

[The purely linguistic] grouping [does not] coincide with the somatological grouping: thus the Aderbeijani of the Caucasus and Persia, who speak a Turkish language, have the same physical type as the Hadjemi-Persians, who speak an Iranian tongue.[127]

In Azerbaijani-language publications, the expression "Azerbaijani nation" referring to those who were known as Tatars of the Caucasus first appeared in the newspaper Kashkul in 1880.[128]

Demographics and society

There are an estimated 24 to 33 million Azerbaijanis in the world, but census figures are difficult to verify. The vast majority live in Azerbaijan and Iranian Azerbaijan. Between 16 and 23 million Azerbaijanis live in Iran, mainly in the northwestern provinces. Approximately 7.6 million Azerbaijanis are found in the Republic of Azerbaijan. A diaspora, possibly numbering in the millions, is found in neighboring countries and around the world. There are sizable communities in Turkey, Georgia, Russia, UK, USA, Canada, Germany and other countries.[129] In Russia, Azeris are listed among the indigenous small-numbered people of Dagestan (Russia).[53]

While population estimates in Azerbaijan are considered reliable due to regular censuses taken, the figures for Iran remain questionable. Since the early twentieth century, successive Iranian governments have avoided publishing statistics on ethnic groups.[130] Unofficial population estimates of Azerbaijanis in Iran range from 20–24%.[7][131] However, many Iran scholars, such as Nikki Keddie, Patricia J. Higgins, Shahrough Akhavi, Ali Reza Sheikholeslami, and others, claim that Azeris may comprise as much as one third of Iran's population.[130][132][133]

A large expatriate community of Azerbaijanis is found outside Azerbaijan and Iran. According to Ethnologue, there were over 1 million Azerbaijani-speakers of the north dialect in southern Dagestan, Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan as of 1993.[129] Other sources, such as national censuses, confirm the presence of Azeris throughout the former Soviet Union. The Ethnologue figures are outdated in the case of Armenia, where the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has affected the population of Azeris.[134] Ethnologue further reports that an additional 1 million South Azeris live outside Iran, but these figures most likely are a reference to the Iraqi Turkmen, a distinct though related Turkic people.[135]

Azerbaijanis in The Republic of Azerbaijan

By far the largest ethnic group in Azerbaijan (over 90%), the Azerbaijanis generally tend to dominate most aspects of the country. Unlike most of their ethnic brethren in Iran, the majority of Azerbaijanis are secularized from decades of official Soviet atheism. The literacy rate is very high, another Soviet legacy, and is estimated at 99.5%.[136] Whereas most urban Azerbaijanis are educated, education remains comparatively lower in rural areas. A similar disparity exists with healthcare.

Azerbaijani society has been deeply impacted by the war with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh, which has displaced nearly 1 million Azerbaijanis and put strains upon the economy.[137] Azerbaijan has benefited from the oil industry, but high levels of corruption have prevented greater prosperity for the masses.[138] Many Azeris have grown frustrated over the political process in Azerbaijan as the election of current president Ilham Aliyev has been described as "marred by allegations of corruption and brutal crackdowns on his political opposition".[139][140] Despite these problems, there is a renaissance in Azerbaijan as positive economic predictions and an active political opposition appear determined to improve the lives of average Azeris.[141][142]

Azerbaijanis in Iran

Azerbaijanis in Iran are mainly found in the northwest provinces: East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Zanjan, parts of Hamedan, Qazvin, West Azerbaijan and Markazi.[143] Many others live in Tehran, Fars Province, and other regions. Generally, Azerbaijanis in Iran were regarded as "a well integrated linguistic minority" by academics prior to Iran's Islamic Revolution.[144][145] Despite friction, Azerbaijanis in Iran came to be well represented at all levels of "political, military, and intellectual hierarchies, as well as the religious hierarchy".[130]

Resentment came with Pahlavi policies that suppressed the use of the Azerbaijani language in local government, schools, and the press.[146] However with the advent of the Iranian Revolution in 1979, emphasis shifted away from nationalism as the new government highlighted religion as the main unifying factor. Within the Islamic Revolutionary government there emerged an Azeri nationalist faction led by Ayatollah Kazem Shariatmadari, who advocated greater regional autonomy and wanted the constitution to be revised to include secularists and opposition parties; this was denied.[147] In May 2006 Iranian Azerbaijan witnessed riots over publication of a cartoon[148] that many Azeris found offensive.[149][150] The cartoon was drawn by Mana Neyestani, an ethnic Azeri, who was fired along with his editor as a result of the controversy.[151][152]

Despite sporadic problems, Azeris are an intrinsic community within Iran. Currently, the living conditions of Azeris in Iran closely resemble that of Persians:

The life styles of urban Azerbaijanis do not differ from those of Persians, and there is considerable intermarriage among the upper classes in cities of mixed populations. Similarly, customs among Azerbaijani villagers do not appear to differ markedly from those of Persian villagers.

Andrew Burke writes:

Azeris are famously active in commerce and in bazaars all over Iran their voluble voices can be heard. Older Azeri men wear the traditional wool hat, and their music & dances have become part of the mainstream culture. Azeris are well integrated, and many Azeri-Iranians are prominent in Persian literature, politics, and clerical world.[153]

Azerbaijanis in Iran are in high positions of authority with the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei currently sitting as the Supreme Leader.

Relations between both sides

In contrast to what one may at first presume, Azerbaijanis on both sides are politically conservative towards one another despite the cultural and linguistic gel. The main, and possibly only source of interaction and unification between the two lies in the city of Astara. Astara is a multi-bordered city with its northern part in Azerbaijan and southern part in Iran and this enables residents of both sides to communicate and trade easily.[154] Iranians often cross into the Azeri section to purchase alcohol freely and Azeris go into Iran to gain resources that are of a cheaper amounts.[154]


In many respects, Azerbaijanis are Eurasian and bi-cultural, as northern Azerbaijanis have absorbed Russo-Soviet and Eastern European influences, whereas the Azerbaijanis of the south have remained within the Turko-Iranian and Persianate tradition. Modern Azerbaijani culture includes significant achievements in literature, art, music, and film.

Language and literature

The Azerbaijanis speak Azerbaijani (sometimes called Azerbaijani Turkish or Azeri), one of branches of Oghuz Turkic languages. Oghuz Turks entered in Azerbaijan in 11th and 12th century CE and Azeri went through a gradual development before assuming its present form.[155] Early Oghuz was mainly an oral language. The origins of the later compiled epics and heroic stories of Dede Korkut, is probably this period. Oral tradition continues for the next two hundred years. The first accepted Oghuz Turkic text goes back to 15th century. The beginning of written, classical Azeri literature was after the Mongol invasion.[155] Some of the earliest Azerbaijani writings of the past are traced back to the poet Nasimi (died 1417) and then decades later Fuzûlî (1483–1556). Ismail I, Shah of Safavid Persia wrote Azerbaijani poetry under the pen name Khatâ'i. Modern Azeri literature continued with a traditional emphasis upon humanism, as conveyed in the writings of Samad Vurgun, Shahriar, and many others.[156]

Azerbaijanis are generally bilingual, often fluent in either Russian (in Azerbaijan) or Persian (in Iran). As of 1996, around 38% of Azerbaijan's roughly 8,000,000 population spoke Russian fluently.[157] Moreover, in 1999, around 2,700 Azeris in the Azerbaijan Republic (0.04% of the total Azeri population) reported Russian as their mothertongue.[158] An Iranian survey (2002) revealed that 90.0% of the sample household population in Iran is able to speak Persian, 4.6% can only understand it, and 5.4% can neither speak nor understand Persian. Azeri is the most spoken minority language in an Iranian household (24%).[159]


The majority of Azerbaijanis are Twelver Shi'a Muslims. Religious minorities include Sunni Muslims (mainly Hanafi),[160] Zoroastrians, Christians and Bahá'ís. Azerbaijanis in the Republic of Azerbaijan have an unknown number showing no religious affiliation, since being in a secular country. Many describe themselves as cultural Muslims.[71][161] There is a small number of Naqshbandi Sufis among Muslim Azerbaijanis.[162] Christian Azeris number around 5,000 people in the Republic of Azerbaijan and consist mostly of recent converts.[163] Some Azerbaijanis from rural regions retain pre-Islamic animist beliefs, such as the sanctity of certain sites and the veneration of certain trees and rocks.[164] In the Republic of Azerbaijan traditions from other religions are often celebrated in addition to Islamic holidays, including Norouz and Christmas. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijanis have increasingly returned to their Islamic heritage as recent reports indicate that many Azerbaijani youth are being drawn to Islam.[165] A recent study indicated that radical Islam is growing in the nation, capturing the attention of some ultra-secularists.[166]

Performance art

Azerbaijani musicians in performance
Chess player Teimour Radjabov

Azerbaijanis express themselves in a variety of artistic ways including dance, music, and the media. Azerbaijani folk dances are ancient and similar to that of their neighbours in the Caucasus and Iran. The group dance is a common form found from southeastern Europe to the Caspian Sea. In the group dance the performers come together in a semi-circular or circular formation as, "The leader of these dances often executes special figures as well as signaling and changes in the foot patterns, movements, or direction in which the group is moving, often by gesturing with his or her hand, in which a kerchief is held."[167] Solitary dances are performed by both men and women and involve subtle hand motions in addition to sequenced steps.

Azerbaijani musical tradition can be traced back to singing bards called Ashiqs, a vocation that survives to this day. Modern Ashiqs play the saz (lute) and sing dastans (historical ballads).[168] Other musical instruments include the tar (another type of lute), balaban (a wind instrument), kamancha (fiddle), and the dhol (drums). Azerbaijani classical music, called mugham, is often an emotional singing performance. Composers Uzeyir Hajibeyov, Gara Garayev and Fikret Amirov created a hybrid style that combines Western classical music with mugham. Other Azerbaijanis, notably Vagif Mustafa Zadeh and Aziza Mustafa Zadeh, mixed jazz with mugham. Some Azerbaijani musicians have received international acclaim, including Rashid Behbudov (who could sing in over eight languages) and Muslim Magomayev (a pop star from the Soviet era).

Meanwhile in Iran, Azerbaijani music has taken a different course. According to Iranian Azerbaijani singer Hossein Alizadeh, "Historically in Iran, music faced strong opposition from the religious establishment, forcing it to go underground."[169] As a result, most Iranian Azerbaijani music is performed outside of Iran amongst exile communities.

Azerbaijani film and television is largely broadcast in Azerbaijan with limited outlets in Iran. Some Azerbaijanis have been prolific film-makers, such as Rustam Ibragimbekov, who wrote Burnt by the Sun, winner of the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival and an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1994. Many Iranian Azeris have been prominent in the cinematic tradition of Iran, which has received critical praise since the 1980s.


Sports have historically been an important part of Azerbaijani life. Numerous competitions were conducted on horseback and praised by poets and writers such as Qatran Tabrizi and Nizami Ganjavi.[170] Other ancient sports include wrestling, javelin throwing and ox-wrestling.

The Soviet legacy has in modern times propelled some Azeris to become accomplished athletes at the Olympic level.[170] The Azeri government supports the country's athletic legacy and encourages Azeri youth to take part. Football is very popular in both Azerbaijan and Iranian Azerbaijan. There are many prominent Azerbaijani soccer players such as Ali Daei, the world's all-time leading goal scorer in international matches and the former captain of the Iran national soccer team. Azeri athletes have particularly excelled in weight lifting, gymnastics, shooting, javelin throwing, karate, boxing, and wrestling.[171] Weight lifters, such as Iran's Hossein Reza Zadeh, world's super heavyweight lifting record holder and two times Olympic champion in 2000 and 2004 and Nizami Pashayev, who won the European heavyweight title in 2006, have excelled at the international level.

Chess is another popular pastime in Azerbaijan. The country has produced many notable players, such as Teimour Radjabov and Shahriyar Mammadyarov, both highly ranked internationally.


Azerbaijan and Iranian Azerbaijan have developed distinct institutions as a result of divergent socio-political evolution. Azerbaijan began the twentieth century with institutions based upon those of Russia and the Soviet Union, with strict state control over most aspects of society. Since, they have moved towards the adoption of Western social models as of the late twentieth century. Since independence, relaxed state controls have allowed local civil society to develop. In contrast, in Iranian Azerbaijan Islamic theocratic institutions dominate nearly all aspects of society, with most political power in the hands of the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Council of Guardians. Yet both societies are in a state of change. In Azerbaijan there is a secular democratic system that is mired in political corruption and charges of election fraud. Azerbaijan's civil society is a work in progress:

The lack of more 'modern' forms of self-organization and the experience of liberal democratic rule is the main reason why the building of civil society and the process of democratization in Azerbaijan takes place in a parallel rather than linear way. In the result, today Azerbaijan society may be characterized mostly as quasi civil and quasi democratic society the structures and institutions of which having signs of civil and democratic society from the standpoint of their level of development do not correspond to the modern criteria of the modern democratic society.[172]

Despite these problems Azerbaijan has an active political opposition that seeks more expansive democratic reforms.[142] Azeris in Iran remain intertwined with the Islamic republic's theocratic regime and lack any significant civil society of a secular nature that can pose a major challenge. There are signs of civil unrest due to the policies of the Iranian government in Iranian Azerbaijan and increased interaction with fellow Azeris in Azerbaijan and satellite broadcasts from Turkey have revived Azeri nationalism.[173]


Azerbaijani females have historically struggled against a legacy of male domination but have made great strides since the twentieth century. In Azerbaijan, women were granted the right to vote in 1919.[174] Women have attained Western-style equality in major cities such as Baku, although in rural areas more traditional views remain.[175][176] Some problems that are especially prevalent include violence against women, especially in rural areas. Crimes such as rape are severely punished in Azerbaijan, but rarely reported, not unlike other parts of the former Soviet Union.[177] Azeri women were forced to "give up the veil".[178] Women are under-represented in elective office but have attained high positions in parliament. An Azeri woman is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Azerbaijan, and two others are Justices of the Constitutional Court. As of 7 November 2010, women constituted 16% of all MPs (twenty seats in total) in the National Assembly of Azerbaijan.[179] Abortion is available on demand in the Republic of Azerbaijan.[180] The human rights ombudsman since 2002, Elmira Suleymanova, is a woman.

A groundswell of grassroots movements have emerged seeking gender equality since the 1980s.[48][181] Regular protests take place in defiance of government bans and are often dispersed through violence, as in June 2006 when "[t]housands of women and male supporters came together on June 12 in Haft Tir Square in Tehran" and were dispersed through "brutal suppression".[182] Past Iranian leaders, such as Mohammad Khatami, promised women greater rights, but the government has opposed changes that they interpret as contrary to Islamic doctrine. As of 2004, nine Azerbaijani women have been elected to parliament (Majlis) and while most are committed to social change, some represent conservative positions regarding gender issues.[183] The social fate of Azeri women largely mirrors that of other women in Iran.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ "Azerbaijanis ethnic people in all Countries". Retrieved 2011-10-08. 
  2. ^ The Continuum political encyclopedia of the Middle East by Avraham Sela Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group; Rev Upd edition (October 2002) ISBN 0826414133 ISBN 978-0826414137
  3. ^ Azerbaijanis - Introduction, Location, Language, Folklore, Religion, Major holidays, Rites of passage, Relationships, Living conditions
  4. ^ Library of Congress, Library of Congress – Federal Research Division. "Ethnic Groups and Languages of Iran". Retrieved 2009-12-02.  16% estimated in 2009
  5. ^ - language map of Iran [1] (19% with 13% as native speakers)
  6. ^ "Peoples of Iran" in Looklex Encyclopedia of the Orient. Retrieved on 22 January 2009. Excerpt: "Azerbaijanis 12,000 17.0% "
  7. ^ a b "Iran: People", CIA: The World Factbook: 24% of Iran's total population. Retrieved on 22 January 2009.
  8. ^ G. Riaux, "The Formative Years of Azerbaijani Nationalism in Post-Revolutionary Iran", Central Asian Survey, 27(1): 45-58, March 2008: 25% of Iran's total population (p. 46). Retrieved on 22 January 2009.
  9. ^ "Borders and Brethren: Iran and the Challenge of Azerbaijani Identity" in The Azerbaijani Population by Brenda Shaffer, pp. 221–225. The MIT Press (2003), ISBN 0-262-19477-5.
  10. ^ Swietochowski, Tadeusz; Collins, Brian C. (1999). Historical dictionary of Azerbaijan. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc. ISBN 0-8108-3550-9. pg 28: "15 million (1999)"
  11. ^ Nationalism & ethnic politics, Volume 8, Issues 1-4 Authors Nederlands Instituut te Rome, Netherlands. Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk Werk, Taylor & Francis, Publisher Frank Cass, 2002, Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Jul 19, 2010
  12. ^ R. Khanam, "Encyclopaedic ethnography of Middle-East and Central Asia: A-I, Volume 1", Global Vision Publishing Ho, 2005. pp 75: "in Iran, they are estimated to be approximately 8.8 million, from 15 to 20 percent of the country's population"
  13. ^ According to the Kurdish-Belgian-American scholar Mehrdad Izady whose work can be found at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Gulf 2000 Project web site.( - language map of Iran [2]), the Iranian census of 2001 mentions that 68% speak Persian as first language. Mehrdad Izady (2006-2011), [3] while he himself gives the following figures:
  14. ^ A recent survey by the US based organization "Terror Free Tommorow" with error is +/- 3.1 percent margin and uniform sampling based on provincial populations mentions the breakdown as following [4] *Azeri 21.6% (of Irans population)
  15. ^ Minahan, James (2002). Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: S-Z. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 1765. ISBN 9780313323843. "Approximately (2002e) 18,500,000 Southern Azeris in Iran, concentrated in the northwestern provinces of East and West Azerbaijan. It is difficult to determine the exact number of Southern Azeris in Iran, as official statistics are not published detailing Iran's ethnic structure. Estimates of the Southern Azeri population range from as low as 12 million up to 40% of the population of Iran - that is, nearly 27 million." 
  16. ^ Nationalism & ethnic politics, Volume 8, Issues 1-4 Authors Nederlands Instituut te Rome, Netherlands. Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk Werk, Taylor & Francis, Publisher Frank Cass, 2002, Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Jul 19, 2010 (30 million quoting Mahmudali Chehregani
  17. ^ Turkey-Iran relations, 1979-2004: revolution, ideology, war, coups and geopolitics Author Robert W. Olson, Publisher Mazda Publishers, 2004, ISBN 1568591144, 9781568591148, Length 284 pages (30 million).pp 76: "in Ankara, Johragani denounced 'Persian' chauvanism and their violation of human rights against the '30 million Azeri of Iran"
  18. ^ Encyclopedia of language & linguistics , Volume 1 Authors, E. K. Brown, R. E. Asher, J. M. Y. Simpson; Edition 2; Publisher Elsevier, 2006; Original from the University of Michigan; Digitized Aug 10, 2010; ISBN 0080442994, 9780080442990
  19. ^ Establishing security and stability in the wider Black Sea area: international politics and the new and emerging democracies, NATO Science for Peace and Security, Volume 26 of NATO science for peace and security series: Human and societal dynamics; Authors Peter M. E. Volten, Blagovest Tashev; Editors Peter M. E. Volten, Blagovest Tashev; Publisher IOS Press, 2007; ISBN 158603765X, 9781586037659
  20. ^ Censuses of Republic of Azerbaijan 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009 The State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic . Retrieved 25 December 2006.
  21. ^ "Azerbaijan: People", CIA Factbook. Azeri ethnic percentage of 90.6% used to calculate population derived from Azeri census . Retrieved 7 June 2006.
  22. ^ "Turkey: Religions & Peoples", Encyclopedia of the Orient . Retrieved 7 June 2006.
  23. ^ "Azerbaijanis in Russia", 2002 Russian Census . Retrieved 7 June 2006.
  24. ^ State Statistics Department of Georgia: 2002 census. Retrieved 16 July 2006.
  25. ^ Ethnic Composition of Kazakhstan (1999 census) . Retrieved 4 March 2009.
  26. ^ " 1999 Census of Kazakhstan Republic". Retrieved 2011-10-08. 
  27. ^ "About number and composition population of Ukraine by data All-Ukrainian census of the population 2001", Ukraine Census 2001 . Retrieved 7 June 2006.
  28. ^ Results of population censuses in Uzbekistan in 1959, 1970, 1979, and 1989.
  29. ^ "Ethnic Atlas of Uzbekistan" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-10-08. 
  30. ^ United Nations Statistics Division. "United nations. Demographic Yearbooks". Retrieved 2011-10-08. 
  31. ^ Ethnic composition of Turkmenistan in 2001, Demoscope Weekly, No. 37-38, 8–21 October 2001.]
  32. ^ Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Bilateral relations with the Netherlands: Diaspora. NB Of these, 7,000 are immigrants from Azerbaijan. Retrieved on 3 June 2009
  33. ^ National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic 2009. Retrieved on 4 September 2010
  34. ^ Retrieved 13 June 2009.
  35. ^ National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved 4 September 2010
  36. ^ First, Second, and Total Responses to the Ancestry Question by Detailed Ancestry Code: 2000. This number includes both primary and secondary ancestry. . Retrieved 18 April 2008.
  37. ^ List of Canadians by ethnicity (following 2006 census). NB Canadian census on ancestry may not reflect current ethnic affiliation in Canada. (retrieved 7 June 2006). In the 2006 census, 1,480 people indicated 'Azeri'/'Azerbaijani' as a single response and 1,985 - as part of multiple origins.
  38. ^ Population Register of Latvia (2000). NB Of these, only 232 (13.7%) are Latvian citizens.
  39. ^ Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Azerbaijan-Austria relations: Diaspora Info (February 2008). NB Of these, about 70-75% are Iranian Azeris, 15-20% are Turkish Azeris and 5-10% are Azeris originally from Azerbaijan and the former Soviet Union.
  40. ^, Census of Lithuania.
  41. ^ Estonia: Population Census of 2000: select "Azerbaijani" under "Ethnic nationality". NB Of these, only 162 held Estonian citizenship as of 31 March 2000.
  42. ^ Jeyran Bayramova. Рахман Мустафаев: "Греция - это дружественное соседнее государство, с которым можно и нужно выстраивать взаимовыгодное сотрудничество во всех сферах". Zerkalo. 3 July 2010. Retrieved 3 July 2010.
  43. ^ 2006 Australian Census. NB According to the 2006 census, 290 people living in Australia identified themselves as of Azeri ancestry, although the Australian-Azeri community is estimated to be larger. . Retrieved 1 April 2008.
  44. ^ StatBank Denmark (2010). NB This number includes Danish citizens who declare Azerbaijan as their country of origin. It does not account for ethnic Azeris from Iran. Retrieved 14 August 2010.
  45. ^ "Ethnic People Groups of the Turkic Peoples Affinity Bloc". Joshua Project. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 
  46. ^ "Azerbaijani, North —". Archived from the original on April 4, 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 
  47. ^ ( /ˌæzərbˈɑːni/; in Azeri: Azərbaycanlılar, Azeris/Azərilər, Azeri Turks/Azərilər; Azeri Cyrillic: Азәриләр, Azeri: آذری لر ) or Azarbaijanis
  48. ^ a b "Iran", US Library of Congress Country Studies (retrieved 7 June 2006). (in Iran; also Azaris, Turks/Torks)
  49. ^ Helena Bani-Shoraka. "Language Policy and Language Planning: Some Definitions" in Annika Rabo, Bo Utas. The Role of the State in West Asia, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2005, ISBN 91-86884-13-1, 9789186884130, p. 144
  50. ^ Stephan Thernstrom, Ann Orlov, Oscar Handlin. Harvard Encyclopedia of American ethnic groups, Harvard University Press, 1981, p. 171, quote: In their homeland the Azerbaijanis, or Azerbaijani Turks as they are sometimes called...
  51. ^ Robertson, Lawrence R. (2002). Russia & Eurasia Facts & Figures Annual. Academic International Press. p. 210. ISBN 0875691994, 9780875691992. 
  52. ^
  54. ^ "Azerbaijani", Encyclopædia Britannica,Russian suzerainty of Azerbaijan . Retrieved 7 June 2006.
  55. ^ Suny, Ronald G.; Nichol, James; Slider, Darrell L. (1996). Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. DIANE Publishing. p. 105. ISBN 0788128132, 9780788128134. 
  56. ^ "Azerbaijan", MSN Encarta . Retrieved 25 January 2007. Archived 2009-10-31.
  57. ^ Sidney Harcave, Russia, a history, Edition: 6, Lippincott, 1968, Page 267
  58. ^ Pirouz Mojtahed-Zadeh, Boundary Politics and International Boundaries of Iran: A Study of the Origin, Evolution, and Implications of the Boundaries of Modern Iran with Its 15 Neighbors in the Middle a Number of Renowned Experts in the Field, Universal-Publishers, 2007, ISBN 1-58112-933-5, 9781581129335, Pages 372
  59. ^ Miniature Empires: A Historical Dictionary of the Newly Independent States by James Minahan, published in 2000, page 20
  60. ^ Lendering, Jona. "Atropates (Biography)". Archived from the original on October 29, 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-10. 
  61. ^ Chamoux, Francois. Hellenistic Civilization. Blackwell Publishing, published 2003, page 26
  62. ^ Bosworth, A.B., and Baynham, E.J. Alexander the Great in Fact and Fiction. Oxford, published 2002, page 92
  63. ^ Encyclopedia Iranica, "Azerbaijan: Pre-Islamic History", K. Shippmann
  64. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Historical Dictionary of Azerbaijan by Tadeusz Swietochowski and Brian C. Collins. The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Lanham, Maryland (1999), ISBN 0-8108-3550-9 . Retrieved 7 June 2006.
  65. ^ Azerbaijan: ethnicity and the ... - Google Books.,M1. Retrieved 2009-06-29. 
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  166. ^ The Jamestown Foundation: single
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  177. ^ "Women's rights in Azerbaijan", OneWomen . Retrieved 12 June 2006.
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  179. ^ 2010 Parliamentary Election Results. 7 November 2010. Retrieved 8 November 2010.
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  182. ^ "Iran: women's protest brutally attacked", Iranian, Jun 15, 2006. Retrieved 12 June 2006.
  183. ^ Iran: "Women's Gains at Risk in Iran's New Parliament", Women's Enews . Retrieved 12 June 2006.

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