Azerbaijani parliamentary election, 2005


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The 2005 Azerbaijan parliamentary election was held on November 6. It pitted candidates of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party against opposition led by the Azadlıq (Freedom) bloc of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, the Equality Party and Azerbaijan Democratic Party. The polling stations closed 19:00. The result is contested, with allegations of vote-rigging from the opposition and outside groups.

The Central Election Commission reported, with 28% of votes counted, a 62% win for the NAP, 3% for the Equality Party, 1% for the APFP, 2% to independent candidates and 2% each to two other small parties. These results are contradicted by a Mitofsky International and Edison Media Research poll which found the NAP going from 75 to 56 seats in the 125-member assembly, with the Azadliq bloc getting 12 seats.[1][2]

Human Rights Watch expressed concern about widespread intimidation of opposition supporters, saying that the elections could not be free or fair under such conditions. [3]

ARTICLE 19 said Azerbaijani authorities were responsible for the violent harassment of journalists covering opposition rallies, frequent attacks and forced closure of independent media outlets, and widespread abuse of state and local resources in favour of pro-government candidates. [4]

The opposition hoped for another color revolution, but analysts doubted this would happen. Movements like Yox!, Yeni Fikir or Meqam are not ready for revolution yet, according to Emin Huseynov, founder of the former. [5]


e • d Summary of the 6 November 2005 National Assembly of Azerbaijan election results
Parties and alliances Votes % Seats
New Azerbaijan Party (Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyası)   61
Freedom (Azadlıq)   MP 5
Motherland Party (Ana Vatan)   - 2
Civic Solidarity Party (Vətəndaş Həmrəyliyi Partiyası)   3
Azerbaijan Hope Party (Azərbaycan Ümid Partiyasi)   - 1
Azerbaijan Social Prosperity Party (Azərbaycan Sosial Rifah Partiyası)   - 1
Azerbaijan Justice Party (unknown)   - 1
Azerbaijan Political Party of Democratic Reforms (Azərbaycan Demokratik Islahatlar Siyasi Partiyasi)   - 1
Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (Bütöv Azərbaycan Xalq Cəbhəsi Partiyasi )   - 1
Great Order Party (Böyük Qurulus Partiyasi)   - 1
Civil Union Party (Vətəndas Birliyi Partiyasi)   - 1
Non-partisans   - 43
Persons who did not indicate their party affiliation   - 3
Total   125


  1. ^ Adventure In Baku: Exit-Polling Azerbaijan, NCPP
  2. ^ Poll Stir, QBS
  3. ^ Azerbaijan: Run-Up to Election Not Free or Fair Human Rights Watch, October 31 2005
  4. ^ ARTICLE 19 calls on government to prove its commitment to free and fair elections International Freedom of Expression eXchange, 4 November 2005
  5. ^ Weder orange noch rosarot Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 6 November 2005

See also