An authentic interpretation is an official interpretation of a statute issued by the statute's legislator. In civil law and canon law, an authentic interpretation has the force of law.
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Besides the Pope, who has plenary legislative power, there are several other legislative authorities in the Roman Catholic Church with varying degrees of authority. Primary examples are diocesan bishops and their equivalents, episcopal conferences, and particular councils.[1] Any of these legislators can issue authentic interpretations of their laws[2] and their predecessor's laws.[3] These authentic interpretations trump even administrative decisions of ordinaries and judgments of ecclesiastical courts, for neither of those acts have the force of law like an authentic interpretation.[4] The effect of an authentic interpretation depends on the extent of the interpretation:
An authentic interpretation which is presented by way of a law has the same force as the law itself, and must be promulgated. If it simply declares the words which are certain in themselves, it has retroactive force. If it restricts or extends a law or explains a doubtful one, it is not retroactive.[5]
Legislators also can entrust the power to authentically interpret their laws to someone else.[6] For the Code of Canon Law, the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, and other Papal laws, the Pope has delegated the authority to issue authentic interpretations to the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.[7] The following table contains the authentic interpretations issued by that dicastery (with Pontifical approval).
Latin Canon(s) | Publication | Summary |
Can. 87, §1 | AAS, v. 77 (1985), p. 771 | Diocesan bishop cannot dispense from canonical form for the marriage of two Catholics. |
Can. 119, 1º | AAS, v. 82 (1990), p. 845 | Relative majority suffices on the third scrutiny. |
Can. 127, §1 | AAS, v. 77 (1985), p. 771 | Superior does not have the right of voting, unless it is an existing custom in the community. |
Can. 230, §2 | AAS, v. 86 (1994), p. 541-542 | Both lay men and women can serve at the altar. |
Cann. 346, §1 and 402, §1 | AAS, v. 83 (1991), p. 1093 | Bishops emeriti may be elected to the Synod of Bishops. |
Cann. 434 and 452 | AAS, v. 81 (1989), p. 388 | Auxiliary bishops cannot fill office of president of an episcopal conference. |
Can. 455, §1 (also cann. 31-33) | AAS, v. 77 (1985), p. 771 | "General decrees" includes general executory decrees. |
Can. 502, §1 | AAS, v. 76 (1984), p. 746-747 | Consultor continues in office even when no longer a member of presbyteral council.
Consultors need not be replaced unless the minimum required number is lacking. |
Can. 509, §1 | AAS, v. 81 (1989), p. 991 | It is not required to select the president of a chapter of canons by election. |
Can. 684, §3 | AAS, v. 79 (1987), p. 1249 | "Religious" includes religious in temporary vows. |
Can. 700 | AAS, v. 78 (1986), p. 1323-1324 | Religious to be notified of dismissal after confirmation by Holy See.
Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes to receive suspensive recourse against dismissal. |
Cann. 705-707 | AAS, v. 78 (1986), p. 1323-1324 | A religious bishop does not enjoy active and passive voice in his own institute. |
Cann. 705-707 | AAS, v. 80 (1988), p. 1818-1819 | Religious appointed judges of the Roman Rota are not exempt from the religious Ordinary. |
Can. 767, §1 | AAS, v. 79 (1987), p. 1249 | Diocesan bishop cannot dispense from the prescription that the homily is reserved to priests or deacons. |
Can. 830, §3 | AAS, v. 79 (1987), p. 1249 | Imprimaturs must indicate the name of the Ordinary giving his permission, and where and when the permission was given. |
Can. 910, §2 (also can. 230, §3) | AAS, v. 80 (1988), p. 1373 | Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion cannot exercise their function when ordinary ministers (who are not impeded from distributing the Eucharist) are present in the church, even though not celebrating the Mass. |
Can. 917 | AAS, v. 76 (1984), p. 746-747 | A person may receive Holy Communion on the same day only twice, outside of the danger of death. |
Can. 951, §1 | AAS, v. 79 (1987), p. 1132 | Mass offerings for multiple celebrations on the same day are to be sent to the proper Ordinary of the celebrant. |
Can. 964, §2 | AAS, v. 90 (1998), p. 711[8] | A priest may choose to hear confession in a confessional with a fixed grille. |
Can. 1103 | AAS, v. 79 (1987), p. 1132 | Force and fear invalidate the matrimonial consent of non-Catholics as well. |
Can. 1263 | AAS, v. 81 (1989), p. 991 | External schools of religious institutes of pontifical right are not subject to taxation by diocesan bishop. |
Can. 1367[9] | AAS, v. 91 (1999), p. 918 | "Desecration" includes any voluntary and gravely comptemptuous action towards the Eucharistic species. |
Can. 1398 | AAS, v. 80 (1988), p. 1818-1819 | "Abortion" includes the killing of a fetus in any way whatsoever, at any time from the moment of conception onwards. |
Cann. 1522 and 1525 | AAS, v. 78 (1986), p. 1324 | Can reintroduce a case in another tribunal after instance is finished through peremption or renunciation. |
Can. 1673, 3º | AAS, v. 78 (1986), p. 1323-1324 | The judicial vicar of the interdiocesan tribunal of the respondent cannot give the consent required for hearing a nullity case in the diocese of the plaintiff. |
Can. 1686 (also cann. 1066-1067) | AAS, v. 76 (1984), p. 746-747 | The pre-nuptial investigation suffices to determine the invalidity of a prior marriage due to lack of canonical form; a declaration of nullity via the documentary process is not required. |
Can. 1737 (also can. 299, §3) | AAS, v. 80 (1988), p. 1818 | A non-juridical group with a grievance must take hierarchical recourse as individuals. |