Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), is located in Canberra, Australia. ABARE, established in 1945,[1] is an Australian government economic research agency, it is also involved in commercial consultancy.

Their mission is:

To provide high quality economic policy analysis and forecasts to enhance the competitiveness of Australia's agricultural, fishing, forestry, energy and minerals industries and the quality of the Australian environment.

ABARE maintains the AgSurf database which includes data for the last ten years on farm performance, production benchmarks, farm management, socioeconomic indicators relating to the grains, beef, sheep and dairy industries in Australia.


ABARE has been the subject of criticism because it receives funding from business and industry groups. ABARE's website notes that "Over half of ABARE's external revenue is derived from commercial consulting work."[2]


  1. ^ Library Catalogue record details, Geoscience Australia
  2. ^

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