Aussie Bites
Aussie Bites is a series of short novels, aimed at 7–10 years old, written by a variety of Australian authors. Each novel stands alone, not forming linking storylines, although there are several sequels. They are published by Puffin Books, a subsidiary of Penguin Books.
Aussie Bites are identifiable by having a bite-mark cut-out on the top right corner of their book covers.
Following the success of Aussie Bites, Puffin Books have also released other similar series called:
Aussie Bites Authors
Aussie Bites Novels
- A Box of Chicks
- Bernice Knows Best
- Crackle!
- David, The Best Model Maker in the World
- Even Bigger Whoppers
- Frank and the Emergency Joke
- Frank and the Secret Club
- Haggis McGregor and the Night of the Skull Moon
- Hello World, It's Me!
- Imp
- Isador Brown's Strangest Adventures of All
- Jaleesa The Emu
- Jason Prince
- Joan of Art
- Let It Rip!
- Monkey Trix
- Moving House
- Mummy's Boy
- Nathan and the Ice Rockets
- No Place for Grubbs!
- One Night at Lottie's House
- Pop!
- Rattler's Place
- Silent Knight
- Sing,Pepi,Sing!
- S.N.A.G.: The Sensitive New-Age Gladiator
- Snap!
- Teacher's Pest
- The Chewing-Gum Kid
- The Even Stranger Adventures of Isador Brown
- The Excuse
- The Lenski Kids and Dracula
- The Strange Adventures of Isador Brown
- The Sugar-Gum Tree
- The Water-Dragons
- The Worst Nurse
- Whoppers
- Willie Tell- Or Won't He?
See also