Augsburg-Western Woods Nature Park

The Augsburg-Western Woods Nature Park (German: Naturpark Augsburg-Westliche Wälder) is one of the two nature parks in Bavarian Swabia. The 1988 founded park has a size of 1175 km².
The nature park is bordered by the rivers Danube, Wertach, Schmutter, Flossach and Mindel. The biggest part of it is located in Augsburg (district) and extends to the edge of the districts Unterallgäu, Günzburg (district) and Dillingen (district).



The gentle, hilly landscape is divided by the streams Schmutter, Neufnach and Zusam into gently undulating plateaus and flat interfluves. It is part of the tertiary hills between the Danube and the Bavarian Alpine Foreland. Nearly half (43%) of the region are forested and the proportion of grassland are high, too. The northern part around Welden is named Holzwinkel, the middle part around Dinkelscherben, Reischenau and the south part (south of the line Thannhausen-Ziemetshausen-Fischach-Gessertshausen-Stadtbergen) are the Stauden.

Sights and attractions

Nature-Park-House near Oberschönenfeld Abbey

The Nature-Park-House, which was opened in the year 1992, is located in an adjoining building of Oberschönenfeld Abbey south of Gessertshausen. In the rooms of the Nature-Park-House the exhibition Nature and Men in the Nature-Park is shown. Furthermore there is near the Nature-Park-House the last thatched Staudenhaus, a little farm house in the type of construction which was typical in the Stauden. This house was rebuilt at this place between the years 1974 and 1980. In the stables, unused since 1972, the Bezirk Schwaben established the Swabian Folklore and Crafts Museum (Schwäbische Volkskundemuseum) in 1984.

Further attractions and sights in the Augsburg-Westliche Wälder Nature Park

See also

External links