Augmentation pharyngoplasty

Augmentation pharyngoplasty is a kind of plastic surgery for the pharynx (soft tissue at the back of the mouth) when the tissue at the back of the mouth is not able to close properly. It is typically used to correct speech problems in children with cleft palate. It may also be used to correct problems from a tonsillectomy or because of degenerative diseases.[1] After the surgery, patients have an easier time pronouncing certain sounds, such as 'p' and 't', and the voice may have a less nasal sound.

In this surgery, the posterior pharyngeal wall is moved forward, making it similar to an adenoid pad and closing the small gap that interferes with clear speech.

Several techniques have been used including: rearranging the soft tissue, implanting cartilage and injection or implanting different types of synthetic materials: (Peterson-Falzone et al., 2001)


Pharyngeal flap surgery is a common alternative surgery.


  1. ^ "Velopharyngeal Insufficiency". Retrieved 2008-02-11. 
