
Atomika is an American comic book series created in 2005 by Andrew Dabb (writer), Sal Abbinanti (penciller) and Buzz (inker), and published first by Speakeasy Comics and later by Abbinanti's Mercury Comics.



In the 20th century the Soviet Union creates its own god, Atomika. With a skin of steel and the power of the atom burning inside him the new, red god confronts the old gods of Rus. Always controlled and advised by Arohnir, the real leader of the red empire and the man who forged Atomika in the furnaces of the earth with the fire of science. One after another the old gods of Rus fall under the power of Atomika, but does he understand Rus, its people? Atomika casts doubts on his mission, but do gods have doubts? Then he fights Baba Yaga, an enemy which seems to be the death of the red god... or a new life!?


The story is being collected as trade paperbacks:

See also

External links