
  Sura 86 of the Qur'an  
سورة الطارق
Sūrat al-Ṭāriq
The Morning Star

Arabic text · Translations

Classification Meccan
Other names (Eng.) The Nightcomer, The Night-Star, That Which Comes in the Night
Position Juz' 30
Structure 17 verses

Sūrat al-Ṭāriq (Arabic: الطارقaṭ-Ṭāriq, The Morning Star, The Nightcomer) is the 86th sura of the Qur'an with 17 ayat.

At-Tariq is 86th Chapter of the Quran. It is a Makki Surah i.e. this chapter was sent to Mohammed, when he was in Mecca. There are 17 verses in this chapter. In this chapter, Allah takes an oath by the sky and At-Tariq to say that, there is an assigned watcher over every human being. All his deeds and sins done by human beings are being recorded. Allah then asks the human beings to think about how they were created. Allah then goes on to say that He has created human beings from the gushing water originating between backbone and ribs. Allah then reminds the human beings about the Judgment day, the day when all the secrets would be revealed. On that day (Judgment Day), human beings would have no power and no one would help them. Allah then takes another oath on the heaven and the earth to say that, whatever being said here is word of Allah and must be taken very seriously. In the last three verses of the chapter, Allah says that the non-believers are plotting a scheme but in return Allah is also planning a scheme.


Arabic Verses

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

  1. وَ السَّمَآءِ وَ الطَّارِقِ

  2. وَ مَاۤ اَدۡرٰىکَ مَا الطَّارِقُ

  3. النَّجۡمُ الثَّاقِبُ

  4. اِنۡ کُلُّ نَفۡسٍ لَّمَّا عَلَیۡہَا حَافِظٌ

  5. فَلۡیَنۡظُرِ الۡاِنۡسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِقَ

  6. خُلِقَ مِنۡ مَّآءٍ دَافِقٍ

  7. یَخۡرُجُ مِنۡۢ بَیۡنِ الصُّلۡبِ وَ التَّرَآئِبِ

  8. اِنَّہٗ عَلٰی رَجۡعِہٖ لَقَادِرٌ

  9. یَوۡمَ تُبۡلَی السَّرَآئِرُ

  10. فَمَا لَہٗ مِنۡ قُوَّۃٍ وَّ لَا نَاصِرٍ

  11. وَ السَّمَآءِ ذَاتِ الرَّجۡعِ

  12. وَ الۡاَرۡضِ ذَاتِ الصَّدۡعِ

  13. اِنَّہٗ لَقَوۡلٌ فَصۡلٌ

  14. وَّ مَا ہُوَ بِالۡہَزۡلِ

  15. اِنَّہُمۡ یَکِیۡدُوۡنَ کَیۡدًا

  16. وَّ اَکِیۡدُ کَیۡدًا

  17. فَمَہِّلِ الۡکٰفِرِیۡنَ اَمۡہِلۡہُمۡ رُوَیۡدًا

English Transliteration:

Waalssamai waalttariqi [1] Wama adraka ma alttariqu [2] Alnnajmu alththaqibu [3] In kullu nafsin lamma AAalayha hafithun [4] Falyanthuri alinsanu mimma khuliqa [5] Khuliqa min main dafiqin [6] Yakhruju min bayni alssulbi waalttaraibi [7] Innahu AAala rajAAihi laqadirun [8] Yawma tubla alssarairu [9] Fama lahu min quwwatin wala nasirin [10] Waalssamai thati alrrajAAi [11] Waalardi thati alssadAAi [12] Innahu laqawlun faslun [13] Wama huwa bialhazli [14] Innahum yakeedoona kaydan [15] Waakeedu kaydan [16] Famahhili alkafireena amhilhum ruwaydan [17]

English Translation of verses

English Translation by Muhammad Shameem, Mohammad Wali Raazi and Muhammad Taqi Usmani:

I swear by the sky and the Night-Comer, [1] and what may let you know what the Night-Comer is? [2] The star of piercing brightness! [3] there is no human being, but there is a watcher over him. [4] So, let man consider of which stuff he is created. [5] He is created of a spouting water [6] that comes out from between the loins and the chest-bones. [7] Surely He is Powerful to bring him back [8] on a day when all the secrets will be searched out, [9] and he will have no strength (to defend), nor a supporter. [10] I swear by the sky that rains, [11] and the earth that cracks open (for plants), [12] this is a decisive word, [13] and it is not a joke. [14] They are devising plans, [15] and I Am devising plans. [16] So leave the disbelievers at the moment; give them respite for a while. [17]

English Translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall:

By the heaven and the Morning Star [1] Ah, what will tell thee what the Morning Star is! [2] The piercing Star! [3] No human soul but hath a guardian over it. [4] So let man consider from what he is created. [5] He is created from a gushing fluid [6] That issued from between the loins and ribs. [7] Lo! He verily is Able to return him (unto life) [8] On the day when hidden thoughts shall be searched out. [9] Then will he have no might nor any helper. [10] By the heaven which giveth the returning rain, [11] And the earth which splitteth (with the growth of and plants) [12] Lo! this (Qur’an) is a conclusive word, [13] It is no pleasantry. [14] Lo! they plot a plot (against thee, O Muhammad) [15] And I plot a plot (against them). [16] So give a respite to the disbelievers. Deal thou gently with them for a while. [17]

English Translation by Yusuf Ali:

By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);- [1] And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?- [2] (It is) the Star of piercing brightness;- [3] There is no soul but has a protector over it. [4]Now let man but think from what he is created! [5] He is created from a drop emitted- [6] Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs: [7] Surely ((Allah)) is able to bring him back (to life)! [8] The Day that (all) things secret will be tested, [9] (Man) will have no power, and no helper. [10] By the Firmament which returns (in its round), [11] And by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),- [12] Behold this is the Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil): [13] It is not a thing for amusement. [14] As for them, they are but plotting a scheme, [15] And I am planning a scheme. [16] Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: Give respite to them gently (for awhile). [17]

English Translation by Amatul Rahman Omar:

I call to witness the heaven and the visitant (in the darkness) of the night. [1] And what should make you know what the night-visitant is? [2] (It is) the star of piercing brightness. [3] Remember! a guardian is appointed (by God) over every soul.[4] Therefore let (every) human being consider from what material he is created.[5] He is created from a jetting fluid, [6] Which issues forth from between the loins and the breast-bones. [7] Verily, He (Who created him the first time) has the power of bringing him back to life (in the Hereafter). [8] On the Day, when the hidden things shall be exposed, [9] Then the person (who has engrossed himself in worldly affairs) shall have neither power to defend himself nor he will have any (other) helper. [10] I call to witness the clouds that rain over and over again, [11] And the earth that bursts forth (with herbage and with springs), [12] (That) verily, this (Qur'ân) is a decisive word. [13] And it is not a vain (revelation).[14] And they (- the disbelievers) devise a device (against it). [15] And (in return) I (too) devise a (counter) device. [16] Therefore grant the disbelievers respite, yes grant them respite for a little while.[17]

Detailed Explanation of Verses

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم

Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm

Say, In (or with) the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة [Chapter 86] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator]

86:12 وَالأَرْضِ ذَاتِ الصَّدْعِ Moreover, by the Earth, her qualitative trait is that she is the possessor of rift developing mechanism; [86:12]

The Root of word الصَّدْعِ is ص د ع. The basic perception and signification infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibn Faris [died:1005], is this:

          يدلُّ على انفراجٍ فى الشىء

That, this leads us to a perception and visualization of an act of divergence, rift, the mechanism of moving apart-appearance of an opening and intervening space, gap, or breach, having occurred within an object. The learned scholar, facilitated his readers to perceive a near exact image of the object, by using the word انفراجٍ made from Root "ف ر ج" and by disclosing that this phenomenon occurs within a thing/object. This Root, too, signifies divergence and intervening space and specifically refers to the "bulge between the legs, pudendum" of man and woman, sensitive starting point from where the divergence and rift appears between the two legs. Lane's Lexicon: Cleaving, splitting, slitting, or cracking of a hard object/thing. A cleft, slit, or crack. Elsaid M Badawi/Muhammad Abdul Haleem's dictionary: Crack, split, fault, to cleave. لسان العرب :الصَّدْعُ: الشَّقُّ في الشيءِ الصُّلْبِ Cleavage within a solid/hard thing/object.

ذَاتِ الصَّدْعِ is a Possessive Phrase. The first feminine noun means, holder of, possessor; and الصَّدْعِ is a Verbal Noun: Definite; genitive, relating to صَدَعَ-يَصْدَعُ transitive verb. Verbal noun signifies the action indicated in the verb that is derived from it. Another peculiarity of Verbal Noun is that if the verb is transitive, likewise the Verbal noun will be transitive. Verbal noun only refers to an act, activity, mechanism, or process without signifying the time-line. It means "Rifting". The peculiar feature of the Earth is stated as "the Possessor of the Rifting mechanism/Rift". This is rater interesting and strange coincidence that the British explorer John Walter Gregory gave the name "The Great Rift Valley",  in the late 19th century, to the continuous geographic trench, approximately 6,000 kilometers (3,700 mi) in length, that runs from northern Syria in Southwest Asia to central Mozambique in South East Africa. The Grand Qur'aan tells us: We have not neglected mention, in the Book-Grand Qur'aan, from amongst a thing.[Refer 6:38] [for details please see link on Surat Fateha "Word by Word Analysis" by Mazhar A. Nurani]

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