
Renzoku Terebi Shōsetsu (連続テレビ小説?, "a serial TV novel") also known as an Asadora (朝ドラ?, "Morning Drama") is a serialized television series broadcast by NHK in the mornings in Japan. The asadora started in 1961 with the black-and-white Musume to Watashi (娘と私), starring Takeshi Kitazawa. It was airing one work every year, but since 1975, it has been airing two works every year. Works in the first half of the year are produced by the NHK Tokyo Broadcasting station and works in the second half of the year are produced by the NHK Osaka Broadcasting station.

Today, it airs in Japan Monday through Saturday morning on NHK General TV from 8:00 to 8:15, with a rebroadcast the same day from 12:45 to 13:00. The asadora have become some of the most popular shows on Japanese television, with some, like Oshin, earning over 50% in ratings.[1]


Current series

Noted series


  1. ^ "Men and Women of Character". 50 Years of NHK Television. NHK. Retrieved 8 October 2011. 
  2. ^ NHK Information - Comment from the Top. Japan Broadcasting Corporation. Accessed April 3, 2008.
  3. ^ NHK Information - Comment from the Top: Summary of Press Conference (October, 2007). Japan Broadcasting Corporation. Accessed April 3, 2008,

See also

External links