Arkforce was an improvised formation of the British Expeditionary Force (World War II) formed on 9th June 1940, commanded by Brigadier A C L Stanley-Clarke DSO of 154 Brigade and charged with the aiding the defence of Le Havre during the Battle of France. The force's formation was centred on Arques-la-Bataille (its name being a modified version of this village). The force was to form a defensive line around 30km to the east of Le Havre, on the Fécamp-Bolbec line to allow the French corps and the 51st Highland Division to retreat. It was also charged with providing the reconnaissance for a line of defence closer to Le Havre to aid the evacuation.[1][2][3]
The units in ARK force included the following:
154th Brigade, 51st Highland Division (acting Brigadier D J Grant MC)
"A" Brigade, Beauman Division but attached to 51st Highland on 09 June 1940 (Brigadier M A Green)
Divisional units
Due to road congestion units were late arriving and the elements of the 7th Panzer Division were already driving between Ark force and the rest of the its Corps. Following orders which had anticipated this possibility most of Ark force was withdrawn leaving a small force on the original line[1]. The whole force was evacuated from Le Havre on the morning of 13th June; part of Operation Cycle[5].