Argentine Marines

The Argentine Marine Corps, officially Comando de la Infantería de Marina or COIM ( English: Marine Infantry Command ), but better known as Infantería de Marina de la Armada de la República Argentina or IMARA ( English: Marine Infantry of the Navy of the Argentine Republic ), is the land warfare amphibious branch of the Argentine Navy and one of its four operational commands.

Argentine Marines have the same rank insignia and titles as the rest of the Navy.



The Marines trace their origins in Spanish Marine Corps, at the time of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. After the Argentine War of Independence, it was under joint administration administration of the Argentine Army and the Argentine Navy. A 1946 law placed the marines solely under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

Battles and interventions

Under Spanish dominion:

During independence:

Argentine confederation:

Argentine Republic


IMARA routinely train in joint exercises with similar units of Brazil, Chile and the United States.[1]

Current deployments

IMARA has two Infantry Companies deployed in Haiti and Cyprus under the auspices of MINUSTAH[2] and UNFICYP respectively in joint operations with the Argentine Army and Argentine Air Force. A small platoon was also deployed in Serbia/UN ProvinceKosovo (NATO KFOR mandate), attached to Argentine Engineers Company, which was in turn attached to the Italian Brigade.

Several Marine Officers and NCO's are routinely deployed as military observers for the UN.


Fleet Marine Force (FAIF)

The FMF was formerly called the Brigada de IM No. 1 ( English: 1st Marine Brigade )

Southern Marine Force (FAIA)

The SMF was formerly called the Fuerza de IM No. 1.

River Operations Unit

Marine Security Forces

Landing Ships

Weapons and vehicles[3]

3rd Naval Helicopter Sqn. (Bell UH-1H, now in reserve status) was usually attached to the Fleet Marine Force.

See also


  1. ^ Videos from Ops: Intercambio Sur, Anfibio, UNITAS, etc
  2. ^ (Video Haiti), YouTube
  3. ^ Armada Argentina - Sitio Oficial
  4. ^ Youtube video
  5. ^
  6. ^ La Infantería de Marina adquirió armamento antitanque descartable

External links