
Archeosofica is a school of esoteric Christianity founded by Tommaso Palamidessi in 1968 in Rome. It offers a program of research and of experimental results, by supplying Booklets and other textbooks in which the most important subjects of Archeosophy, i. e. “Science of Principles”, are developed[1].



The school requires neither a fee nor the subscription of any membership. The school of Archeosofica is free and offers a program of research and of experiments by supplying booklets and other texts. The foundation of Archeosofica is rooted in Palamidessi's spirit of collaboration on the spiritual realisation of man and woman. According to Tommaso Palamidessi, Archeosofica is

an esoteric school that prepares for Initiation: a free school for free scholars, who must not feel like pupils nor apprentices, but brothers who listen to the living voice of other brothers, or who wish to doctrinate themselves by their writings that present the results of serious studies and experiences: Brothers who have started out with a mentality free of prejudices and who have analyzed, chosen and accepted the best of all the other ancient and modern esoteric schools.[2]

It is a call addressed to all, and it does not matter if they belong to the different communities (Theosophists, Anthroposophists, Martinists, Rosicrucians, Catholics, Yoghists, etc.). The Brotherhood is only one, and it can have only one verb: Love one another; only one Master: Jesus the Christ.[2]

Tommaso Palamidessi's thought about co-operation and fraternal spirit and is repeated more than once in his works and reveals the idea which inspired the foundation of Archeosofica

...we are all brothers and we must unite, love each other and work together. The Ecumenical Council is not only of the religions, but also of the esoteric societies. The times require the co-operation of all, and we offer a Way which is safe, swift, direct, towards the overcoming of one's own moral, psychic, spiritual and biological state.[3]

Archeosofica and the integral Ascesis

Archeosofica proposes an integral Ascesis, composed, that is, of other integrative asceses which we enumerate as follows[4]:

  1. Physiological and Psychosomatic Ascesis, for the physical well being and the maximum balance and performability of the body, its energies, to the purpose of making it a temple of the spirit: a necessary basis for preparing a good karma (destiny) in view of the resurrection of the body, healthy and beautiful.
  2. Social Ascesis that is the effort, exercise, methodical and progressive action to become a perfect citizen and to make oneself a spokesman of a new society resting on the pillars of charity, non-violence, reciprocal economic, cultural and spiritual assistance.
  3. Mystical Ascesis, through an intense devotional life of dialogue with the Divinity; a process of inner transmutation leading to active ecstasy, to the vision of the Light. It is the Alchemist's Opus in White, the entrance into the Waters of Life, the sojourn of the Saints: prelude to a new state of superior ascent towards the Kingdom of God.
  4. Theurgical Ascesis, or progressing with the rites which attract the friendship and help of God, of the Christ, of the Mother, of the helpful Angelic Spirits, Archangelic and of the Universal Communion of the Adepts and the Saints.
  5. Magical Ascesis, effort and action to dominate the forces of Nature. Read the definition of Magic we have given in our Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archeosophy (40th Booklet - first part).
  6. Cosmic Ascesis, action and advance towards a syntony or cosmicization with the whole: stars, elements, skies, etc.
  7. Sapiential and Initiatic Ascesis, or the spiritual elevation of oneself through the Knowledge and particular practices leading to an inner transmutation and to the qualitative leap. It is the way to come out of the Waters of the phenomenic world, the going beyond the mystical state, it is the christic walking above the Waters. It is the perennial wakefulness and the Alchemist's Opus in Red, that is the royal state of who has finally exited from the game of creation.

All these forms of ascesis are explained as doctrine and as practice in special booklets called "Archeosophy Booklets".

Archeosophy Booklets

Subjects of Archeosophy are developed in special booklets called Archeosophy Booklets. There are about 50 Booklets which investigate various subjects as esoteric Christianity,Reincarnation, Out of Body Experience, Meditation, Clairvoyance, Esotericism, Alchemy, Symbolism, Mysticism, Pranotherapy, and so on[5].

See also


  1. ^ Palamidessi Tommaso, THE ARCHAIC TRADITION AND FOUNDATIONS OF ARCHEOSOPHICAL INITIATION, first Booklet, Archeosofica, 1968
  2. ^ a b Palamidessi Tommaso, 3rd Booklet of Archeosophy, ed Archeosofica, 1968
  3. ^ Palamidessi Tommaso, 1st Booklet of Archeosophy, ed Archeosofica, 1968
  4. ^ Palamidessi Tommaso, THE ARCHAIC TRADITION AND FOUNDATIONS OF ARCHEOSOPHICAL INITIATION, first Booklet, Archeosofica, 1968
  5. ^ A complete list of the booklets can be found on the Archeosophical Society site

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