List of Static Shock characters

This is a list of characters who appear in the series Static Shock.



Static, AKA Virgil Hawkins, is the lead character of the series.


Gear, real name Richard "Richie" Osgood Foley is an ally of lead character Static. He was voiced by Jason Marsden. He was not present for the Big Bang, but Static's clothes still carried some of the gas, and his powers were dormant until Season Three. His power is superhuman intelligence, having invented a number of weapons and devices for Static and himself to use, and through his visor and Back-Pack the power of technopathy.

According to series creators, Richie's character was based on Rick Stone, Virgil's best friend in the comics, who is gay. However, since his sexual orientation could not be explored within the context of a children's television series, it was left ambiguous.

Sharon Hawkins

Sharon Hawkins is Virgil Hawkins' older sister.

The Meta-Breed

The Meta-Breed is a gangster group of Bang Babies led by Ebon.


The head of a group of Bang Babies including Shiv and Talon, Ebon is an umbrakinetic transmorph; a living shadow and inter-dimensional portal able to hide within and manipulate shadows, as well as transport others to locations of his choice. Ebon's real name is Ivan Evans and he is Rubber-Band Man's brother.

Ebon is always recruiting members to add to his crew and has come head to head with several other Bang Babies over the course of his life. With a rivalry with Static and Gear, Ebon also does not get along too well with Madelyn or Hot-Streak.

When Dr. Todd’s Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage another Big Bang, one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one. Ebon and Hot-Streak fought over the final vial of gas and, being exposed to an overdose of it, merged into one giant Bang Baby-monster which combined both their powers. With Static and Gear being the only two remaining Bang Babies, they were able to take down Ebon and Hotstreak by blowing up a fuel tank inside their body, but it remains unknown whether both survived this final confrontation. See full size image

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Getting his 'nom-de-crime' from a shiv (a kind of bladed weapon), Shiv is the immature jokester in the Meta-Breed; in fact, when he encountered the Joker, he tells the villain "Big fan, big fan...". He has been described as insane by both fans and creators of the show and comics. Shiv may be one of the many Bang Babies whose mental health was affected by the Big Bang, but this is never confirmed; he may simply just be an eccentric, childish jokester. Shiv's powers enable him to generate "light energy", which he could blast at opponents, and fashion into weapons which he could hold, throw, or fashion around his arms and hands—giving rise to his new alias; 'Shiv'. Shiv is assumed to have either returned to normal, or is now among the re-infected Dakota's Bang-Baby population at the end of the series.


A teenage girl of Hispanic heritage, Talon is a metahuman whose exposure to the Big Bang transformed her into a humanoid avian bird, a fact which she was bitter about throughout the series. As a metahuman, Talon had claw-like digits on her hands and talon-like digits on her feet; she was covered in orange feathers, but retained her red hair color. The most notable attribute of her transformation was a set of feathered patagia extending from her scapula to her forearms which enabled her to fly by flapping her arms. As an offensive aspect bestowed upon her by her exposure to the Big Bang, Talon could emit a lavender-colored focused, destructive hypersonic shriek from her mouth and vocal cords, similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Banshee and DC's Black Canary.

Talon was first introduced as a member of the Meta-Breed, making her a frequent opponent of Static. Talon was restored to normal by a cure made by scientists from Big Bang gas; at the hospital, Talon told Static and Gear that Ebon was using the Big Bang gas to set off another Big Bang. During the same night, Talon got kidnapped by Ebon, who refused to let her leave his side, and was taken to the docks to be re-exposed. Talon/Teresa was saved by Static and Gear. In return, she freed them from captivity and escaped the area just before Ebon and Hot-Streak began wreaking havoc as a fused supermonster.

Francis Stone/F-Stop/Hot-Streak

Hot-Streak (Francis Stone/F-Stop) was one of the gang members at the docks when the Big Bang occurred. After being exposed to the gas, Francis Stone became Hot-Streak. His powers added to his hotheadedness by giving him the ability to create and shoot blasts of fire. His powers are loosely based on the Human Torch and Pyro. In the tv show, his bullying seems mainly driven by his crush on Frieda.

Hotstreak was one of Static’s very first rivals, giving him a challenge nearly every time they meet. He seemed to mellow out as the series went on, and enough time might have made him a good guy. Unfortunately, when Dr. Todd’s Bang Baby cure was returning the Bang Babies back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage another “Big Bang”, one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one. Ebon and Hot-Streak fought over the final vial of gas and, being exposed to an overdose of it, merged into one giant Bang Baby-monster which combined both their powers. With Static and Gear being the only two remaining Bang Babies, they were able to take down Ebon and Hotstreak by blowing up a fuel tank inside their body, but it remains unknown whether both survived this final confrontation.


Aquamaria (real name unknown) is a Latina girl, who was transformed into a transmorph, in her case a being of living water, by the Big Bang. Unlike other Bang Babies with transmorphic abilities like Rubber-Band Man, Aquamaria could not change to and from her true human form (at least she was never seen to have such an ability in either of her appearances during the series run). The only known background information given about Aquamaria is that she has a mother and a younger sister, who she lived with before she was exposed to Big Bang gas, not returning home after becoming a Bang Baby.

As a life-form composed of colloidal water, the Bang-Baby known now as Aquamaria is capable of hydrokinetic abilities, able to manipulate her own form, expanding or compressing her physical mass and 'shapeshifting' parts of her body (like turning her hand and forearm into a net/bag to gather up cash when she and Hot-Streak robbed a music store in Wet and Wild.) In a fight, Aquamaria can aim a pressurized water attack from her arms similar to a geyser, or become one herself. Able to merge with a larger body of water, Aquamaria can overwhelm opponents by becoming a living flood.

In her first appearance, in Bad Stretch (in season 2), Aquamaria, having been recruited by Ebon into the Meta-Breed, was undergoing her initiation by first robbing a stadium with the intention to lure out Static, and then take him down one-on-one. Ebon had been counting on her victory as he had thought that "her water powers would stop him for sure." While Aquamaria had successfully shorted out Static's powers, she was taken on and captured by the Rubber-Band Man. She was then taken into police custody and kept contained by a specialized containment unit that was custom-made just for her. Aquamaria was later broken out of jail, along with other members of the Meta-Breed, by Ebon disguised as Rubber-Band Man to frame him. When Static revealed Ebon's deception and incapacitated Talon and Shiv, he then had to take on Aquamaria, successfully neutralizing her by using his head and electrolysis to break her down from water into hydrogen and oxygen--while she survived this, it left her unconscious.

Aquamaria later teamed up with Hot-Streak, but was frozen by Static and Gear. Later, a team of scientists offered her the chance to be the first to try their antidote for the Big Bang mutagen, and despite an attempt by Hot-Streak to sabotage the treatment, Aquamaria was eventually returned to normal. She was based on a Blood Syndicate character and Marvel's Hydro-Man.


A heavy-set teenage bully (with a voice pattern similar to Fat Albert) who always steals other people's food like the kids at Burger Fool. Slipstream was affected by the Big Bang and given incredible wind powers. After his first fight with Static, however, he was rarely heard from again, but he was seen in Power Outage among the de-powered Bang Babies who were following an offer from Ebon to have their powers restored.


After both of their parents died and they were taken in by their grandmother, Boom and his younger sister, Mirage (Miranda), were exposed to a spill of the Big Bang gas. Boom was able to generate large amounts of sound waves from a loudspeaker on his chest, causing massive amounts of damage. Mirage's powers are of illusion casting. Boom and Mirage steal a lot of money; Boom claims it's for supporting his grandmother. While it's implied that Boom's aggressive personality may have been the result of his exposure to Big-Bang gas (as Mirage reveals to Static that her brother never acted like that before), Mirage keeps her own personality and becomes increasingly disturbed by Boom's actions (as Boom's Quantum Vapour-exposure may have just brought-out a worse side of him he had just never shown before). Mirage finally helps Static trap her brother, and in return, creates an illusion of Static flying away (to mislead Sharon, who was starting to suspect that Virgil and Static were one and the same). Boom was seen in Power Outage as one of the meta-humans wanting to have their powers restored, but he was not exposed to the Big Bang Gas; both Boom and his sister are presumed to have been returned to normal. He resembles Siryn from the X-Factor.


A teenage boy mutated into a humanoid armadillo, Carmendillo possessed a bulletproof hide and could be launched like a projectile. He lived in garbage cans and stole food. At one point, Carmendillo was accompanied by a dog-like Bang Baby (similar to the Blood Syndicate character Dogg) whom he calls "Chomper". Carmendillo had worked with the Meta-Breed and the Meta-Men, but mostly operated by himself, serving pretty much as comic relief. In every episode he appeared, he only acts at the beginning and is quickly defeated, sometimes without interfering with the central plot.

He is always in a group for one episode and then quits stating that he would not be in any group again seen in A League of Their Own. It is unknown why he joined The Meta-Breed and The Meta-Men. When he first worked for The Meta-Breed, he got scared due to Ebon hearing his brother is one of the good guys after nearly robbing a store; he was defeated after getting repelled by Static, but was later freed by Ebon. He almost fought Static again but did not and was so scared that he went into a ball pen and quit. His work with The Meta-Men was short after being taken out by Hawkgirl. Afterwards he fights Static again on his own stating that he's been working out and is muscular and his eyes started to have pupils. He's last seen in the episode "Where Rubber Meets The Road" and is seen in a bar with other bang babies and makes fun of Tarmac stealing a valuable generator for only a thousand bucks and informs him of Alva's million dollar reward.


A teenage girl that was caught in the Big Bang. She can now turn into a monster and has superhuman strength. She wanted revenge on her boyfriend Marcus Reed for not showing up at the docks, so she decided to frame him. With her appearance, she could easily do so. Static and Gear bought this at first, but Static found out and defeated her. She was taken into custody soon after that.

She appeared in Power Outage after she was weakening due to Dr. Todd's Bang Baby cure which was spreading through the air. She joined Ebon's crew to regain them, along with several other Bang Babies.

Ebon/Hot-Streak - "Ebon-Streak"

When Dr. Todd’s Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage another “Big Bang”, one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one.

Ebon and Hot-Streak fought over the final vial of gas and, being exposed to an overdose of it, merged into one giant Bang Baby-monster which combined both their powers. With Static and Gear being the only two remaining Bang Babies, they were able to take down Ebon-Streak by blowing up a fuel tank inside their body, but it remains unknown whether both survived this final confrontation.

The Rough Pack

The Rough Pack is a group of three criminal Bang Babies led by Hyde but the group went inactive after Kangor and Ferret left the group; Ferret wanted to fend for himself while Kangor was going to find a better group.


Real name unknown, Hyde is physically mutated with thick folded skin, making him tougher and stronger (like the Rhino from Marvel Comics' Spider-Man comics). Hyde managed to grab a piece of Static's coat, had Ferrett track down Static for some payback for ruining his plot, and nearly discovered his identity. The alias 'Hyde' comes from the fact that his skin has become thick and wrinkly like a rhinoceros or an elephant. Hyde's lead was short after being defeated by Static who turned him into a basketball.


Kangorr is an original character to the animated series who has never appeared in the comic books. Kangorr's real name is never mentioned, and much of his backstory is never brought up in the series—which puts Kangorr across as just another juvenile delinquent gangbanger, but with some common sense, making him into one of the more formidable Bang-Babies in the series. Kangorr was another of the victims of the Bang Baby gas incident at the docks. A Jamaican American in his late teens, Kangorr speaks with a Jamaican accent, and Jamaican music starts to play whenever he shows up or starts a fight.

Kangorr’s exposure and reaction to the Big Bang gas has super-developed his lower body, especially his feet; the bone and muscle mass of Kangorr's legs and feet is noticeably larger than his upper body, endowing him with incredible lower body strength and giving rise to his nom-de-crime. Kangorr prefers to get around by jumping rather than by walking, (probably because of his big feet keep getting in the way of each other due to their size.) In battle, Kangorr typically leaps or cartwheels into action; his kicks are powerful enough to smash stone and concrete with one hit.

Aside from being the first villain featured in the intro for season two—Kangorr makes his first appearance in The Big Leagues. Kangorr, along with Hot-Streak, Talon, Shiv, under the leadership of The Joker formed up a new team in Dakota. He is first seen when Ferret's gag is taken off and the members of The Joker's crew are revealed. Kangorr uses his feet later on to break into the Dakota Bank in a heist along with the other Bang Babies in The Joker's crew. Kangorr is arrested at the end of the episode, but comes back to make his second appearance in season 2 in "Static Shaq" as a part of The Rough Pack. Only to get a taste of his own medicene by Shaq.

Kangorr was the first known Bang Baby to be seen cured by Dr. Todd’s aerosol Bang Baby cure at the end of the series.


Another victim of the Big Bang gas, Ferret’s nose became much larger and gave him an incredible sense of smell, which was so acute he could tell Static was coming by smelling the ionized oxygen which surrounded him when his power was on.

Ferret’s encounters with Static were few. Ferret’s first encounter with Static was at a farmer's market,but ended with the Joker gassing him. He was cured by Batman’s antidote and eventually began to cause trouble again, but not before, along with all the other Bang Babies, reverted back to his human form, when the antidote was spread throughout the city. Ferret does not really fight because of his size and non-offensive power, but is forced to by Hyde in Static Shaq and was defeated and again taken into police custody. After that Ferret and Kangor both quit and joined The Meta-Breed; Ferret did not join until Season 4. Like most of the other Bang Babies he was changed back to normal by Dr. Todd's antidote.

Other villains


Once a member of the same gang as Dule, both were exposed together to the Big Bang gas and both gained metal tentacles and the ability to absorb metal objects, but Chainlink suffered the brunt of the attack. While Dule could hide his powers, Chainlink could not and was forced to show his all the time.

Jealous of the success and fame of his football career, Chainlink attempted to extort Dule into giving him 90% of all his earnings. After Dule attempted to kill Chainlink, but failed, the two had a finale showdown at the football stadium, where Chainlink was eventually defeated and taken away by the police. He is similar to the character Doctor Octopus.

Dwayne and Aaron

Dwayne and Aaron are step brothers, but only Dwayne is a Bang Baby. Dwayne is shy, misguided, and does not have very many friends, while Aaron has zero-interest in his younger stepbrother and hangs with several unruly crowds.

When Aaron finds out about Dwayne’s Bang Baby powers (the ability to warp reality), Aaron tells his brother to manipulate them to get him free money and other goods from the banks and malls of Dakota. Static eventually discovers what’s going on and tells Dwayne to stop listening to his brother. While Dwayne did not believe what Static was saying (and tried to kill him in a rage), Static plays a tape of himself (as Virgil) and Aaron talking. The tape was all that Dwayne needed to hear, as Aaron frequently expressed his dislike of Dwayne in the recording.

Edwin Alva Jr./Omnifarious

The son of Edwin Alva, he uses stolen Big Bang mutagen gas to give himself a variety of temporary metahuman powers and called himself "Omnifarious" (at first, Static mistakes this for "I'm nefarious."). Alva Jr. combined all the samples of his altered/refined mutagenic gas, intending to use all those powers to destroy the main Alva Industries building, but instead was turned into stone following an overload. He was the first villain to learn Static's real identity.

Ironically, only after losing his son this way did Alva Sr. realize what he has lost and committed all possible resources into restoring him to flesh and blood, including hiring Specs and Trapper as additional help (a useless move, since they would work on their own secret projects rather than do what their employer says). In No Man's Island, Alva later restored Edwin Jr. to normal with the help of Static, Gear, and Hot-Streak.

Royce Axelrod

Royce Axelrod was a student at Dakota Union High School, but was in fact nothing more than a thug--Royce is an aggressive juvenile delinquent and an impulsive thief with a history of stealing prior to the event of the episode Pop's Girlfriend. His 'best friend,' (the term is used loosely) was Frankie, his shadow, lap-dog, doormat, flunky, and 'Yes-Man' for most of the episode. It was hinted in the episode that he may have had some prior association with F-Stop. Although not a Bang-Baby originally, Royce's exposure to vapors of a stolen sample of concentrated Big Bang liquid turns him into a large, misshapen humanoid Bang Baby, with light pink skin color and reduces his mind to a primitive caveman-like mentality. Royce only appearance was in the episode Pop's Girlfriend.

In his first appearance in the episode, Royce and his 'running buddy', Frankie, are racing to catch the subway; Royce pushes a news stall vendor down as he reaches the steps, followed by Frankie—who then both proceed to jump over the ticket stalls to avoid paying and run to get on the train before the doors close. While still on the train, Royce sees a large man in a fancy suit, with metal briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, who then sits down and unlocks the cuffs to tend to his wrist—Royce sees an opportunity to take the briefcase, (even though he has no clue what's inside) and times it so that the doors have closed after he and Frankie have made it off and the man is trapped inside. At school, when a preoccupied Virgil Hawkins bumps into Royce accidentally, Royce was hostile towards him, ignoring Virgil's apology and would have started a fight had the principal not been there in the hallway. Richie Foley comments on what Royce's trouble-making tendencies would result in: "Royce Axelrod: most likely to be sent Upstate."

In an alley, after school, Royce and Frankie having taken the metal briefcase, break into it with a screwdriver and inside discover three vials of a glowing purple liquid, along with some papers—remaining hidden from a patrolling police car, they keep the briefcase with them, now hoping to turn the "purple stuff" into "green stuff." Royce keeps the briefcase hidden in his school locker because he can't keep it at home. According to him, "after that shoplifting thing, my Mom's been on the lookout for stuff that don't belong to me." Royce then brings up the papers he found inside and tells Frankie they're going to stay behind after school so that Frankie can use the computers to look up the vial's codes "about the purple stuff."

When their research reveals that the 'purple stuff' they stole is, in fact, "Big Bang Super-Juice," Royce decides to inhale some the gas, only thinking about super powers gas could give him, "like it did to F-Stop," but Frankie speaks out against it and their arguing causes a few drops to fall into a wastepaper basket, and before their actions went any further, the arrival of a teacher makes them leave the computer lab with the case hidden away. Their actions, however, were not without consequences as a spider and a cockroach are exposed to the Big Bang liquid that spilled into the bin, and grow into super-sized versions of themselves.

The next day, Royce appears at school, and to Frankie's surprise, Royce had grown noticeably bigger, taller, and stronger than before, able to tear a hardback school textbook in half like it was paper, and, to Frankie's dismay, blows Frankie off as a "loser," now that the Big Bang liquid has starting taking effect. This is not enough for Royce; after the results of just smelling the gas, he plans to drink the liquid and see what will happen to him next. Royce never got to go through with it; during a class test, Royce spontaneously mutates into a hideous, misshapen humanoid Bang-Baby, with pale pink skin and a primitive mentality. The 'monster' that Royce had now become attacked anyone within reach. In the end, Static restrained Royce using the arms of a statue to confine him.

What became of Royce after these events was never revealed before the series cancellation.


Frankie, (last name unknown) is/was a student at Dakota Union High School. Frankie is a juvenile delinquent, who hung out with Royce all the time. For most of the episode, Frankie can be seen as Royce's lap dog, going along with all of Royce's antics, until Royce opts to expose himself to samples of Big Bang gas they had found in a metal briefcase they had stolen from a man on the subway. Frankie, however, was against exposing himself to the gas, not wanting to become a freak.

When Royce's initial reaction to gas had him grow taller in size, he more-or-less blew Frankie off as a "loser" in favor of his new status. When Royce's mutated into a misshapen humanoid in the middle of class, Frankie was confronted by Virgil Hawkins, who then knew that Frankie knew where the stolen briefcase with the vials of Big Bang gas were hidden. Frankie's fate after the events of the episode remains unknown.


Leech is able to do just what his name implies—leech the powers from any Bang Baby and keep them as his own (like his bloodsucking namesake, only different). Unfortunately, after a while the powers wear out, and Leech requires the host to be “sucked” dry again. Every time he sucks an unwilling host's powers, he gets a physical feature of them, like a hairdo (as was the case with Hotstreak and Static) or something related to the host's power (like Talon's wing feathers on her arms).

While he had some of the most powerful Bang Babies under his capture, including Ebon, Hotstreak, Talon, and Static, he had the chance to steal Gear's powers, not knowing he had any, but claims his powers were "the kind you could buy from a hardware store." His plans were foiled by Static and Lil’ Romeo. Remembering what Static had said about his powers, Lil’ Romeo “shorted” out Leech after he absorbed Static’s powers, frying him and leaving him unconscious. He is based on Parasite and Rogue in X-Men.

Madelyn Spaulding

Madelyn Spaulding was a self-centered control freak, who believed everything revolved around her. However, her reality was crushed when the students of Dakota High would not vote her as class president. She used her newly discovered Bang Baby powers to brainwash them, making them behave like zombies (or "brain puppets", as her victims are referred to in the show). Static was able to evade her mind control and ended up frying Madelyn’s brain into forgetting everything. Despite learning of Static’s identity previously, she forgot it when she was hospitalized. Madelyn is one of the villains (alongside Omnafarious) to find out Static's secret identity.

Madelyn was later released from the hospital but was not allowed back in school, so she was forced to work at a comic book store. She was only able to remember a few moments from her encounter with Static. With the loss of her original powers Madelyn gained new powers that enabled her to move things with her mind, which were triggered from her anger caused by thinking Virgil and Richie were laughing at her.

She freed Ebon, Hot-Streak, and Talon from jail and took “charge” of the team. Her lead was short, however, as Ebon and she eventually had a fight, ending with both being sent to jail.


Puff’s Bang Baby powers includes creation of different vapors in her breath (including a strong acid vapor and knock-out gas) and the ability to make her legs turn into a “puff” cloud, which allows her to float and fly through the air. She and Onyx consider themselves bounty hunters, but are basically mercenaries working for whatever bad guy that pays well.

Puff’s been known to hang out with Hot-Streak, Carmendillo, and even more so with Onyx. Her powers are similar to Vapor from the U-Foes.


Onyx is Puff's longtime friend and together they were exposed to the Big Bang gas. Onyx was transformed into a giant, purple strong man, who is able to crush and smash things in his way with very little effort. Onyx is usually more forgiving than Puff and tries to be the voice of reason, but often ends up doing what she tells him to in order to get the job done.


An old man that was affected by the Big Bang gas, Ragtag is able to transfer Bang Baby powers; this allows him to temporarily bestow abilities unto ordinary humans as well as relinquish those belonging to actual metahumans, but apparently cannot make use of any for himself. His only real “power” is the ones he holds over the people he gives the powers too; once they wear off, they always return to him. In order for him to keep giving, they must steal for him. However it works both ways, as he can suck the powers out of a metahuman as well as seen with his battle with Static.

Static eventually found out about Ragtag’s powers and took him down with the help of Richie.

Run, Jump, and Push

The three cohorts of Ragtag, all of whom he granted special powers to do his dirty work for him. Run has super-speed, allowing him to move at a higher rate, both in locomotion and mobility. Jump can practically jump through space instantly - an ability preferably referred to as teleportation. Push can generate purple energy (usually from the hands) to fend or blast away objects (hence the name); Push can also use this power defensively by generating a protective sphere around himself, capable of holding outside forces at bay, at least for as long as he still has power in him. He could also use his powers to exercise a form of levitation where he channels his power to the ground to act as propulsion, propelling him high into the air. Run resembles DC's The Flash and Marvel's Quicksilver, Jump resembles Nightcrawler, and Push resembles the Invisible Woman.

“Push” is really Richie Foley, friend of Static. When Ragtag gave him his powers, he would not tell Static where they came from; but when Richie was forced to steal for Ragtag, he turned on Run and Jump and sounded the alarm. Static showed up and together they took Run and Jump down. Later Richie's old friend is a Bang Baby who is working for Ragtag who gave him the powers that he gave Richie and calls himself Push.


Johnny Morrow was a child superstar, but as he got older, people forgot about him. When he was afflicted by the Big Bang gas, Johnny gained the ability to replicate himself, making stealing items and running from the cops incredibly easy. Replay is similar to Multiple Man from Marvel Comics.

In a tangle with Static, Johnny accidentally replicates Static instead of himself. With this Static clone, Johnny takes Static for a “crime spree” across Dakota, framing Static in the process. Static eventually discovers what’s going on and puts a stop to Replay with the help of Richie, who put the fight between Static and his clone live on air, publicly revealing the duplicity.

Replay's former career as an out-of-work child star may be a reference to Harris' previous role on the live action sitcom "Doogie Howser, M.D.."


Replikon is a metamorph with the ability to change his appearance at will and alter his molecular structure. Jealous of his friend’s success, Replikon terrorized Rubber-Band Man about his record deal with A.J. McLean. Repilkon captured A.J. and posed as him to get a deal signed with Replikon instead of Rubber-Band Man. His plan was eventually revealed, and Static took Replikon down.

The character's overall visual design is clearly based on Coolio, who also voices the character.

Specs and Trapper

Specs and Trapper are two villains Static encounters in Static Shock. They are upperclassmen in the Vanmoor Institute of Science who contemptuously pride themselves of being much smarter than anyone else. Patton Oswalt voices Specs and Michael Rosenbaum voices Trapper. In The New Kid Specs and Trapper, on the orders of Edwin Alva, tell the students to build an electronic eye to track static electricity; in actuality, they plan to use these devices to track Static down, using a giant robot they control. However, they are defeated, and as a consequence, they seek revenge on Static.

At one point, they are hired by Edwin Alva Sr. to help restore his petrified son, but Specs and Trapper have other ideas; to effect their revenge on Static, they use the technical facilities to construct special equipment and adopt supervillain personae: Specs becomes Spectral and Trapper becomes Speedtrap. After they capture Static, however, Alva fires them because he is no longer primarily interested in capturing his enemy. So Specs and Trapper hit upon a new plan: destroy Edwin Alva's son. At the end, Static saves Alva's son, and Specs and Trapper are both taken to jail.

Some time later (in Where the Rubber Meets the Road) Specs and Trapper have gone truly renegade. They pay a Bang-Baby called Tarmack to steal a state-of-the-art fusion engine from Alva Industries. They plan to hold the city for ransom. They turn on Tarmack out of greed, and in the middle of a fight with Static, Gear, and Rubber-Band Man, Tarmack makes off with the fusion engine. In the end, Static and Gear defeat Specs and Trapper by disabling their gadgets, and Rubber-Band Man subdues Tarmack and disables the unstable fusion engine.


Speedwarp is a villain who is able to move very quickly. His real name is Eddie Felson. He was called "Weird Eddie, the nerd who all the other nerds would pick on," according to Static. Eddie knew Virgil and Daisy from a science camp and developed an obsessive crush on Daisy. After getting an internship at a laboratory, he steals a device called the Time Gauntlet, which allows the wearer to move so quickly it appears that the world is standing still. He uses his new power to steal and offers to steal gifts for Daisy. When his colleague Dr. McDonald discovers this, he leaves a message on Eddie's answering machine that he has seen security footage of him stealing the Time Gauntlet and advises him to turn himself in immediately. Using the Time Gauntlet, Speedwarp uses it to reclaim the security footage Dr. McDonald was going to turn over to the cops and sabotage the airplane he was on (which Static and Gear stopped). Gear designs a one-time use device for Static that mimics the Time Gauntlet's affects. Speedwarp uses the Time Gauntlet to crash the B2K concert to get to Daisy, but ended up fighting Static. When Speedwarp touches Static's device, it has the effect of causing him to move extremely slowly, leading to his defeat. Static later had the police pick him up.


Starburst is one of the new villains on the show. His real name is Brandon. A disgruntled employee of Bernie Rast, Starburst attempted to sabotage Bernie’s new reality TV show with Static and Gear. With his knowledge of technology, Starburst was able to create a device that absorbed Static’s powers and in turn humiliated him on TV.

Static and Gear eventually discovered the source to Starburst's powers and were able to disable his suit and reveal to Bernie Rast who it really was that was defeating them on his new reality show. When Bernie Rast learns of this, Brandon told Bernie that he needed the money to start his own TV project. Starburst was taken to jail and has not been heard from since. On a related note, Virgil read an article to Richie that Starburst had learned how to create that technology at a Science Camp.


Whenever Thomas Kim gets angry or upset, he transforms into the “Tantrum”, a purple-skinned, muscular, and violent metahuman that will destroy and wreak havoc on those he was angry at. Similar to Marvel's Hulk, Tantrum is, ironically violent, strong, unintelligent, and sturdy; he is Thomas' polar opposite, like Bruce Banner is to the Hulk. They also both have contempt for their alter ego as when Static kept saying Tantrum was Thomas, he replied, "No. Not Thomas. Thomas weak." Thomas first became Tantrum in a nearby restaurant, destroying the inside and hurling Static into a nearby elevator. The next day, after receiving a 99/100 on an essay from Mrs. Pettibone due to a typographical error, he attacked her in the school parking lot. Later Richie found Thomas' near-perfect essay in the parking lot, leading Virgil and him to suspect Thomas was Tantrum. They confront Thomas about this in his home. Feeling threatened, accused, and teased Thomas got angry and sent them away, transforming into Tantrum just moments later. Back at the Hawkin's home, Richie and Virgil are watching some home movies, in particular one where baby Virgil is throwing a fit. His mother tells his sister "sometimes you've got to let them work through that crankiness." Minutes later Tantrum arrives, breaking down the front door in the process, angry at them for accusing and teasing him. Virgil manages to distract him so Richie can escape. Virgil (now Static) leads Tantrum away from the inner parts of the city and into an abandon amusement park. Still enraged, Tantrum began throwing equipment and debris with Static dodging and blocking but not attacking. Static was eventually able to “tire” Tantrum out by letting his rampage run its course without making his anger worse by attacking; by doing this, Tantrum reverted back to his human form. Thomas' father seemed to raise his son for academic perfection. This is implied to cause social problems for Thomas, including stress and anger. After Static verifies that Thomas and Tantrum are the same person, he tells this to Mr. and Mrs. Kim, so that Thomas can get help for his problems. It is unknown if Thomas was one of the Bang Babies that was exposed to the Bang Baby cure and, if he was, reinfected again.


Tarmack is one of the characters in the series that originated from the 93-97 Milestone comic book series, making his first appearance in Static issue# 3. Tarmack would also appear in an issue of Blood Syndicate and Icon, as well as the My Name is Holocaust miniseries. Revealed in the comics, Tarmack's real name was Charles Bell.

After the Big Bang, Bell became a transmorph, a large man of living hot tarmac; as such Tarmack is as strong and as tough as tar, able to pummel his way through any obstacle, and is also able to project heat energy to melt obstacles. He is highly vulnerable to water.

Like his comic book incarnation, Tarmack was a character with low intelligence and this element was carried on to his animated portrayal in Where the Rubber Meets the Road; where at intervals throughout the episode, other characters made fun of Tarmack's slow wits and how easily he was talked into doing a job for Specs and Trapper for so little money.

When he was recruited by Specs and Trapper to steal a device from Edwin Alva, Tarmack decided he wanted in on the ransom money. Unfortunately for him, Static and Gear interfered, leaving the ransom money to never arrive. Tarmack's powers are similar to DC's Clayface, and his appearance is similar to Magma from Batman Beyond.


Dr. Karen Roberts is the head of Edwin Alva’s project to find Static’s secret identity and expose him, Dr. Roberts funding was pulled when Alva lost interest in the project. Angry with Alva for going back on his word to fund her other project, she found out Static’s identity herself and hired Puff and Onyx to capture his father as blackmail. Stealing the components she needed, Static was able to eventually stop Omnara’s plan of controlling every computer in the world via a virus with the help of an anti-virus created by Gear.

Heavy Man

Heavy Man was a scientist who worked with She-bang's parents on a project involving cell matter absorption. The project was canceled but Heavy Man remained, using himself as a test subject. The results were strength and the ability to absorb non-living matter, but a gruesome look as well. Worse, he was going to become as heavy as a statue and unable to move. So he stole She-bang's parents and threatened to poison them if they did not help him make an antidote. They devised the antidote, but he had absorbed so much matter at this time, it did not get through his thick skin. He left them to die, but Static, Gear, and She-bang intervened and while Static fought him, Gear and She-bang freed her parents. He was beaten when he absorbed too much matter while fighting Static, which accelerated the process and made him too heavy to move.

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