Apple Developer

Apple Developer, formerly Apple Developer Connection or ADC, is Apple Inc.'s developer network. It is designed to make available resources to help software developers write software for the Mac OS X and iOS platforms.[1] The cost is US$99/year per developer program.


Benefits of membership

Apple Developer Programs

Apple Developer offers both free and paid programs. Free programs include a basic Apple Developer account and the Safari Developer Program, while paid plans include the iOS Developer Program and the Mac Developer Program. Paid memberships are for one year, and are renewable at the same price as originally purchased. Alternate versions of these programs targeted towards universities and enterprises are also available.[2]

Software leaks

There have been several leaks of secret Apple software through the prerelease program, most notably the Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger leaks, in which Apple sued three men who allegedly leaked Mac OS X 10.4 prerelease builds to BitTorrent.[3]

OS X Lion was leaked several times as well. However, to combat this issue Apple installed an alert system in the preview builds, alerting them if the preview build was uploaded to a BitTorrent system.


  1. ^ Apple, Inc. (2011). Apple Developer. Retrieved on 2011-05-01.
  2. ^ "Apple Developer Programs - Apple Developer". Apple. Retrieved 2011-05-01. 
  3. ^ Fried, Ina (2004-12-21). "Apple sues over loose Tiger". CNET 

External links