


Apfelkorn is a sweet apple flavored liqueur made from 100% wheat spirits (like a wheat vodka) blended with sweet, ripe apples. It was invented in Germany in the 1970s. The original was made by Berentzen[1]. Apfelkorn, invented by Hans Berentzen and Friedrich Berentzen, is technically considered a Schnapps, but is very naturally sweet, and has about half the alcohol. Caution should be taken as it will freeze or slush in a cold freezer. Apfelkorn was the first of a number of "new" similar liqueurs entering the German market from the late 1970s onwards.

The product range of Berentzen started with “Apfelkorn”. In 1975, a salesman from Berentzen recognized a trend in bars for young people. In these bars, a cocktail of apple juice and a product called "Korn" was popularly served. This information was given to Berentzen and the development of a new product started. The first consumer tests were made for the so called “Appel”. The roll-out of the new product, based on a base of korn (grain spirit) and a significant apple taste, with a final alcohol content of 25% was made in February 1976. The first bottles of “Appel” were sold to some small regional wholesalers. Afterward, increasing distribution around the country was very rapid, until “Appel” was sold nation-wide with huge success. Very soon the first orders came from countries bordering Germany and so started the export of the Berentzen product range. In the early 80s, the name “Appel” was changed into “ApfelKorn” referring to the base liquor of the product. Over the years, the product and the packaging developed to the needs of today. Nowadays, Berentzen is a complete fruit range and is sold in more than 60 countries all over the world.

The brand range

In the brand range “ApfelKorn” is still the leading product. The range of tastes is a spread of fruits which are naturally growing in Northern Europe with an alcohol content between 15 % and 20 %. Today the product range exists of some other Apple tastes as well as Saurer, Pear, Peach, Cherry, Plum, Black Berries and others. All products are based on “Korn” with natural fruit juice. The range is offered in the characteristically square Berentzen bottle in different bottle sizes.

About Korn

The product Korn is only made out of grain. The product Korn is bound to the regions of Germany, Austria and some Belgium villages of German origin. This gives the product its high quality standard and clarity in taste.

History of the Company

The company was founded in Haselünne, Germany, in the year 1758 by Johann Bernhard Tobias Berentzen. For more than 250 years now, the name Berentzen has been synonymous with a long tradition of distilling brands and the enjoyment of fine spirits. The development from a regional producer to an international working company happened mainly in the last century. In 1994 the Berentzen Company went public as the first spirit company in Germany. Today the Berentzen Company has a portfolio of spirits brands and a non alcoholic division with water and soft drinks under the name VIVARIS

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