
Antisexualism is opposition or hostility towards sexual behavior and sexuality.[1] In pre-modern times, antisexual social movements were usually expressed in religious terms, but they now often have a secular social reform agenda. Most antisexual people believe that sexuality, but not asexuality, is a kind of addiction resulting in both physical and social effects, that it disrupts relationships, and causes people to lie and cheat to achieve the pleasure of sexual gratification. Antisexuals are not necessarily antinatalist, so they do not necessarily object to sex for procreation. Some antisexuals believe sexuality to be the cause of many of the world's problems. Antisexuals can also be opposed to the idea of romantic love, with some describing it as an "addiction to a person".


Reasons for antisexualism

The antisexual movement promotes antisexualism as a way of life. Antisexuals are not always asexual, although they say it is not impossible to become asexual and they seek asexuality, but the reasons for their antisexuality are often based on their reasoning or morals. A few of the claims some antisexuals make include:

Famous antisexualists

In history

In fiction

See also


  1. ^ John Ince (2005), The politics of lust, Prometheus Books, p. 11, ISBN 9781591022787, "consists of any negative response directed at sex organs or harmless sex expression" 
  2. ^ Trumbo, A. (June 29, 2001). "The Racial World-view of H.P. Lovecraft". 1:1.

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