This is a list of smoke-free ordinances, sometimes colloquially known as 'smoking bans', by country. Smoke-free ordinances bans are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations, which prohibit tobacco smoking in workplaces and/or other public spaces. Legislation may also define smoking as more generally being the carrying or possessing of any lit tobacco product.[1]
A law went into effect on 30 May 2007 restricting smoking in closed public areas and outlawing the advertisement of tobacco, although the measure has reportedly been poorly enforced.[2]
Since 2004, smoking is prohibited in government buildings, educational facilities, hospitals, enclosed sport facilities and buses. In 2010, an increase in restrictions at restaurants, bars, and workplaces was under discussion.[3]
A 2006 smoke-free law in Buenos Aires city prohibits smoking in public areas including bars and restaurants except if the bar is more than 100 m2 where it is possible to provide an area for smoking customers. Similar bans in other Argentine cities require bigger establishments to provide a separate, contained area for smoking customers. Argentina introduced a full smoke-free law in public places on 1 June 2011.
A law went into effect in March 2005 prohibiting smoking in hospitals, cultural and educational and mental institutions and on public transportation. On 1 March 2006 new rules came into effect requiring all public and private institutions, including bars and restaurants, to allow smoking only in special secluded areas. Absence of any legal sanctions against those who violate the smoking laws have made them completely ineffectual.[4]
In Australia, smoke-free laws are determined on a state-by-state basis. In chronological order by state:
Austria has implemented several laws which limit or outlaw smoking in certain areas:
Bahrain outlawed smoking in public places on 27 February 2008.
As of 1 October 2006, all enclosed workplaces in Bermuda are smoke-free, including restaurants, bars, private clubs and hotels.[15]
Following a resolution of the 87th session of the National Assembly on 17 December 2004, a national prohibition upon the sale of tobacco and tobacco products went into effect, but importing limited tobacco would still be permitted with very heavy taxes.[16] Smoking in all public places in Bhutan became illegal on 22 February 2005. It thus became the first nation in the world to outlaw this practice outright. However, there is little enforcement. Cigarettes are widely smuggled, and bars in the Bhutanese capital Thimphu are usually smoky.
The National Council[17] decided on 10 July 2009 to lift the bar upon the sale of tobacco and tobacco products while discussing the tobacco control bill.
The council, with a majority, agreed to delete the section C in chapter three of the bill, which says, “No person shall sell tobacco and tobacco products.” The council chairperson, Namgay Penjore, said that they discussed including a new clause to control the sale of tobacco and tobacco products through pricing.
Council members said that the bar upon sales had been ineffective and led to a black market. Some said tobacco was easily available anywhere, but at exorbitant prices because of the ineffective restrictions.
“The idea is to make tobacco expensive by imposing higher taxes,” said the chairperson. The name of the bill is “Tobacco control bill” and not ‘… ban’. “The change (deleting the clause) was to do away with the thriving black market,” he said.
Meanwhile, the council also suggested inserting another clause restricting the sale of tobacco products to youth below 18 years. However, Namgay Penjore said the bill was still under discussion and not endorsed. The bill will be submitted to the National Assembly.
3 June 2010
According to the bill, people selling tobacco products will be punished for the offence of misdemeanour liable for a prison term of one to three years. Smuggling tobacco products into the country will be punished for the offence of felony of fourth degree liable for prison term of three to five years. However, the bill was passed with 61 “yes” votes and five “no” votes. Bhutan Narcotic Control Agency (BNCA) will serve as the secretariat of the tobacco control office and its board members will also be the board members of the tobacco control board, according to the Health Minister. The tobacco control board, among other functions, will provide effective leadership and coordination in implementing the act, formulate and implement national tobacco control strategy, monitor the enforcement of the provisions under the act and approve rules framed under the act. The Health Minister said that, once His Majesty gives his assent to the bill, the rules and regulations will be drafted
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the nation has prohibited smoking in public buildings since 1 September 2007.
In Brazil, the sale and consumption of tobacco for 18 years older citizens is legal. However, product advertising on television and radio is prohibited. Tobacco advertising is restricted to posters in shops.[18] All cigarette packs contain advertisements against smoking and government warnings about possible adverse health effects.
Smoking is forbidden in all enclosed public spaces, such as shopping malls and libraries, except for specifically designated smoking areas.[19] In restaurants there should be a non smoking section but in reality most restaurants end up having tables side by side, one for non-smokers and another where smoking is allowed.
São Paulo, the most important Latin American state in economic terms, became the first in Brazil to adopt the most comprehensive ban, being followed by Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.[20] Under the new regulation there are no smoking sections in any place around the state.
The law became effective from 7 August 2009 with smoking forbidden in all indoor and enclosed public spaces such as bars and restaurants, clubs, shopping malls, movie theatres, banks, supermarkets, bakeries, chemist shops, health places, government offices and schools.
Also it is no longer allowed on work and study places, libraries, buses, cabs, commercial and residential common areas, hotels and inns.[21]
São Paulo government has graduated 500 specialised agents to make sure the rule is respected at all times. The first team was trained to measure ambient smoke in an area and to warn smokers about the risks for their health.
Anybody violating the law is charged with a fine. Public sites can be punished with a maximum fine of R$ 1.585,00 (Brazilian currency, ~USD 932,00). If there is a second infraction the site is closed. According to surveys, 88% of São Paulo’s inhabitants support the Smoke Free Law.
Smoking was restricted in 2010 for all indoor public spaces except bars, restaurants and clubs.[22] A comprehensive snoke-free law will be introduced, if approved, by 2013/2014.[23]
In Canada, indoor smoking is restricted by all territories and provinces and by the federal government. As of 2010,smoke-free laws within each of these jurisdictions are mostly consistent, despite the separate development of legislation by each. The federal government's smoke-free law workplaces law applies only to the federal government and to federally regulated businesses, such as airports. Smoking rooms are not permitted in hotels, although they are permitted in motels. Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Ontario have also prohibited smoking within vehicles with children under 16.[24][25]
Chile prohibits smoking in schools, hospitals, government offices, shopping centres, supermarkets, pharmacies, airports, buses, subway networks and other indoor public places. Smoking indoors in universities is restricted, although it is allowed outdoors. Restaurants with large dining areas (over 100 m²) must have fully partitioned non-smoking sections. Smaller restaurants can choose between being smoke-free or not, as is the case for cafes and pubs. Clubs, despite their size, are able to choose between being smoke-free or not, although in practice almost all are not.[26]
Shanghai Municipality expanded smoke-free regulations from hospitals to kindergartens, schools, libraries and stadiums, effective 1 March 2010,[27] and had attempted to restrict smoking in restaurants for the 2010 World Expo, but restaurants do not adhere to the law and it is not enforced.
In Guangdong Province, the municipalities of Guangzhou and Jiangmen restricted smoking in public places in 2007, but the law is not enforced.[28]
A new national smoke-free law, which extends to all enclosed public areas, came into effect on May 1, 2011. However enforcement of this is patchy at the best of times, especially outside developed cities like Beijing.[29]
In summer 2009, Colombia has extended its existing tobacco control regulations by requiring all indoor work places and public places be immediately smoke-free; prohibiting tobacco advertising, promotions and sponsorship, and the use of terms such as ‘light’ and ‘mild’ on packaging, requiring large, pictorial health warnings on tobacco packaging (covering 30 per cent of the front and back) within a year, preventing the sale of tobacco products to minors; and mandating public education programs on the deadly effects of tobacco use.
On 22 November 2008 the Croatian Parliament passed legislation[30] prohibiting smoking in public institutions such as hospitals, clinics, schools, nurseries and universities with infractions punishable with up to 1000 kuna (140 euros). A notable exception in the Act are psychiatric wards in Croatia's hospitals. The law went further in May 2009 when smoking was banned in all enclosed public areas including bars, restaurants and cafes. The smoke-free law applies to all public areas where non-smokers could suffer from second-hand smoke including open public areas like sport stadiums, arenas, open air theatres, tram and bus stations etc.[31] It is estimated that 30 percent of Croatia’s adult population are smokers.[32][33] On 10 September 2009 the regulations restricting smoking in bars and cafes in Croatia was partially repealed for a grace period until 9 April 2010, local media has reported. Proprietors with establishments that are up to 50 sq m that meet very strict conditions will now be able to choose whether to allow smoking. One of the conditions is a ventilation system that is able to change indoor air at least 10 times per hour. By March 2010 only 16 (out of 16,000) establishments in all of Croatia had met the conditions and been permitted to allow smoking.[34] Larger establishments will have to include a designated and separately ventilated smoking area[35]
Cuba has prohibited smoking in most work places, removed cigarette machines and made it illegal to sell tobacco products close to schools since February 2005.[36]
On 9 July 2009 Cyprus passed a new law, tightening up ineffective 2002 legislation, which provided for smoke-free bars, restaurants, nightclubs and workplaces as of 1 January 2010.[37] Since the introduction of the smoke-free law 1 January 2010, compliance levels have been variable, apparently mainly due to a lack of enforcement by the police. A spokesman for some restaurant & bar owners has nevertheless complained that the introduction of the smoke-free law has led to a drop in revenue[38] but produced no evidence to support this statement.
The second German anti-tobacco organization, the Bund Deutscher Tabakgegner (Federation of German Tobacco Opponents), was established in 1910 in Trautenau, Bohemia. In 1920, a Bund Deutscher Tabakgegner in der Tschechoslowakei (Federation of German Tobacco Opponents in Czechoslovakia) was formed in Prague, after Czechoslovakia was separated from Austria at the end of World War I.[39] Currently, there is a law in force that restricts smoking in some public places such as institutions, hospitals, bus stops and other public service stops, but not in restaurants, bars and clubs. In June 2009 the parliament approved a bill ostensibly regulating smoking in public places. However, this only requires bars and restaurants where smoking is allowed, i.e. practically all of them, to post a sign. In February 2011, the popular initiative "stop kouření" announced, that 115,000 people had signed their petition demanding smoke-free restaurants and denouncing the country's high cancer rate, poor rating concerning tobacco control and possible corruption of members of the Czech parliament.[40]
Since 15 August 2007, smoking in hospitality facilities, restaurants, bars, clubs, public transport, and all private and public workplaces has been restricted. Exemptions to the law are bars with a floor space less than 40 m² and offices only used by a single employee. Separate smoking rooms are allowed in hospitality facilities as long as no food or beverage is served there. The law's initially controversial reception was accompanied by variable enforcement.
Smoking is more common among men and younger people in Ecuador.[41] Smoking is common in bars and dance clubs, but non-smoking signs in restaurants in Quito are generally respected.
Smoking has been restricted in indoor public areas and workplaces since 4 June 2005, except in restaurants. Subsequently, a smoke-free law covering bars, restaurants, coffee shops and nightclubs started on 5 June 2007 (although smoking is still allowed in isolated smoking rooms).
Smoking has been prohibited in all enclosed public spaces since 1 July 2008.
Smoking has been banned in indoor public areas and workplaces from 1 March 1995, except in specially designated smoking rooms; restaurants were included in 2007. Legislation aimed towards voluntary prevention of secondary smoking was enacted, but it was not successful. Few establishments installed ventilation systems capable of eliminating secondhand smoke. Dividing a restaurant into a smoking and non-smoking section was also an ineffective measure. Thus, smoking has been banned in all indoor public and workplaces, including bars, cafes, clubs and restaurants from 1 June 2007, except in those places which have been permitted a transition period of up to two years. Smoking in bars and trains is still allowed in enclosed smoking booths, where is not permitted to serve or consume food or drink. Many smaller bars have not been able to build such smoking booths and patrons have to smoke outside. The bans are respected by the general population.
As of early 2010, Finland plans to phase out smoking completely.[42]
Smoking is now banned in all public places (stations, museums, etc.); an exception exists for special smoking rooms fulfilling strict conditions, see below. However, a special exemption was made for cafés and restaurants, clubs, casinos, bars, etc. until 1 January 2008,[43] although the French government allowed a day of reflection on New Year's Day.[44] Opinion polls suggest 70% of people support the ban.[45] However, a recent story by Time Magazine suggests that smokers are now blatantly ignoring the smoking ban due to low enforcement.[46]
Under the new regulations, smoking rooms are allowed, but are subjected to very strict conditions: they may occupy at most 20% of the total floor space of the establishment and their size may not be more than 35 m²; they need to be equipped with separate ventilation which replaces the full volume of air ten times per hour; the air pressure of the smoking room must constantly be lower than the pressure in the contiguous rooms; they must have doors that close automatically; no service can be provided in the smoking rooms; and cleaning and maintenance personnel may enter the room only one hour after it was last used for smoking.
Previously, under the former implementation rules of the 1991 Évin law, restaurants, cafés etc. just had to provide smoking and non-smoking sections, which in practice were often not well separated. In larger establishments, smoking and non-smoking sections could be separate rooms, but often they were just areas within the same room.
A legal challenge against the new regulations was filed before the Conseil d'État in 2007, but was rejected.[47]
With some of Europe's highest smoking rates, Germany's patchwork of smoking bans continues to be contested.
In February 2009, Der Spiegel reported that the smoking bans in bars are being very weakly controlled by the authorities, and in many places the ban is not observed at all.[48]
As of 2010, Greece is the country with the highest rate of tobacco consumption (more than 40%) in the European Union.[49] Since older legislation was not very efficient a new, stricter law was passed. Effective from 1 September 2010, this law prohibits smoking and consumption of tobacco products by other means, in all working places, transport stations, in taxis and passenger ships (in trains, buses and airplanes smoking is already prohibited), as well as in all enclosed public places including restaurants, night clubs, etc., without any exception. Casinos and bars bigger than 300 sq m will be given eight months to apply the law.[50] This law is poorly enforced in Greece.
Complete ban: Smoke-free legislation covering all types of places and institutions. On December 2008 the Guatemalan Congress approved Decree 74-2008 and it became effective on February 2009. This law bans smoking in all workplaces including health-care facilities, governmental facilities, schools, universities, airports, bars and restaurants. However, two years after law implementation enforcement has been deficient.Governments are facing pressures to legalize smoking again by local tobacco companies and citizens.[51]
Smoking bans were introduced at different times in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, a British Crown dependency. Smoking was banned in all public places in the island of Guernsey, including workplaces, bars, clubs and restaurants, on 2 July 2006, under the "Smoking (Prohibition in Public Places and Workplaces) (Guernsey) Law 2005". Anyone who breaks the law, upon conviction, could be fined up to the maximum of £1000 (~€1150, ~$1470). Smoking is allowed anywhere outside and in whatever company.[52]
In Alderney, the States of Alderney passed anti-smoking legislation with the President's casting vote on 13 January 2010; the legislation came into force at 4 am on 1 June 2010.[53]
Smoking in indoor public places remains legal in Sark.
Hong Kong has seen all public smoking banned from 1 January 2007 under the government's revised Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371), first enacted in 1982 with several amendments subsequently. The latest amendment enlarges the smoking ban to include indoor workplaces, most public places including restaurants, Internet cafés, public lavatories, beaches and most public parks. Some bars, karaoke parlors, saunas and nightclubs were exempt until 1 July 2009. Smoking bans in lifts, public transport, cinemas, concert halls, airport terminal and escalators had been phased in between 1982 and 1997. The ban in shopping centres, department stores, supermarkets, banks, game arcades has been in place since July 1998.
An anomaly to the smoking ban is on cross-border trains between Hong Kong and Mainland China as they are operated jointly between MTR Corporation and the Chinese Railways, of whom the latter allows smoking in the restaurant car and in the vestibules at the end of the cars, but not in the seating area.
Any person who smokes or carries a lighted tobacco product in a statutory no smoking area commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a maximum fine of HK$5,000. Unlike many other jurisdictions, Hong Kong does not place the onus on licensees of liquor licensed premises to enforce smoking bans with subsequent loss of licence for non compliance. A new law, that was to enter into force in September 2009, provides for fixed-penalty arrangement (HK$1,500) for smoking, on a par with that for littering. At the same time smoking will be banned in designated public transport interchanges, but the government has yet to clarify how it will enforce this against non Hong Kong ID card holders and tourists, since the offender has 21 days after the ticket issue to pay up.
The overall daily smoking rate in Hong Kong is 11.8% (HK Department of Census and Statistics Household Thematic Survey 36) with 25% of males smoking whereas in China 63% of males smoke.
The government has mentioned a full-ban of tobacco import and smoking is technically possible in Hong Kong upon the release of the budget in 2009. However, as the decreasing daily smoking rate in recent years mainly due to increasing tobacco tax, the government currently has no further plans to control sales of tobacco other than by adjusting taxation.
Smoking has been restricted for several years on public transport, in hospitals and airports and in public and federal buildings, including the Parliament. From 2010, smoke-free has been in effect in playgrounds and underpasses.[54] Several cities, including Budapest, have prohibited smoking in public transport stops.[55][56] Following a decade of resistance by the tobacco lobby a comprehensive nationwide smoke-free law covering all public spaces (including workplaces, clubs and restaurants) will be in effect from January 2012.[57][58]
Smoking and the use of other tobacco products is banned in most public spaces in Iceland. This includes all enclosed spaces in common ownership, all public land intended for use by children, all public transport and all services; including restaurants, bars, clubs and cafés.[59]
A nationwide ban on smoking in public places came into effect from 2 October 2008. Places where smoking is banned include auditoriums, movie theatres, hospitals, public transport (aircraft, buses, trains, metros, monorails, taxis) and their related facilities (airports, bus stands/stations, railway stations), restaurants, hotels, bars, pubs, amusement centres, offices (government and private), libraries, courts, post offices, markets, shopping malls, canteens, refreshment rooms, banquet halls, discotheques, coffee houses, educational institutions and parks. Smoking is allowed on roads, inside one's home or vehicle. Smoking is also permitted in airports, restaurants, bars, pubs, discotheques and any other banned area if they provide designated separate smoking areas.[60] Anybody violating this law will be charged with a fine of 200.[61]
The Cable Television Network (Regulation) Amendment Bill, in force since 8 September 2000, completely prohibits cigarette and alcohol advertisements.[62]
In 2007, Chandigarh became the first city in India to become 'smoke-free'. However despite there being some difficulties and apathy by the authorities[63] the Smoke-Free Chandigarh[64] ban has been a success story. Taking a cue from the Chandigarh's success, cities like Shimla also followed the Smoke-Free Chandigarh model to become smoke-free.[65] The success of Chandigarh had been widely recognised and the architect of smoke-free Chandigarh Hemant Goswami.[66] was also awarded the Global Smoke-Free Partnership Award for the initiative.[67] The state of Kerala also had implemented a more relaxed ban on public smoking earlier though it was never properly followed. However since the nationwide ban, it is being enforced more strictly.
In Jakarta's restaurants, hotels, office buildings, airports and public transport, and overall public areas smoking is banned. Restaurants which want to allow smoking have to provide a separate smoking space starting 4 February 2006.[68] As in many Asian nations, it remains to be seen whether it can be enforced. Building separate facilities for smokers had only taken place in half of establishments by June 2007.[69]
The Republic of Ireland became the first country in the world to institute an outright ban on smoking in workplaces on 29 March 2004. Before the total ban, smoking had already been outlawed (1988) in public buildings, hospitals, public pharmacies, schools, banking halls, cinemas, restaurant kitchens, part of all restaurants, on public transport aircraft and buses, and some trains (Intercity trains provided smokers' carriages).[70]
On 1 July 2009, Ireland banned in-store tobacco advertising and displays of tobacco products at retail outlets and new controls on tobacco vending machines.
The Isle of Man ban is similar to the one introduced in England. The ban came into effect on 30 March 2008.
The smoking ban also saw Europe's first smoke-free prison.[71]
In Israel, it is forbidden to smoke in public closed places since 1983.[72] The law was amended in 2007 so that owners are held accountable for smoking in premises under their responsibility. The ban includes cafés, restaurants discos, pubs and bars, and it is illegal for owners of such places to put ashtrays anywhere inside closed spaces. Also, owners of public places must put "no smoking" signs and prevent visitors from smoking. They can also designate a well-ventilated and completely separate area for smokers, as long as the non-smokers' area does not fall below 75% of the whole area. The fine for owners of public places is ₪ 5,000 (around US$1400) and for smokers – ₪ 1000. In spite of all of this, the smoking bans in Israel are not altogether effective and smoking remains quite prevalent in pubs, bars and clubs. In 2011 Israel approved a new law banning smoking in train stations, bus stops, and prohibits the sale of tobacco products in automatic machines.
Italy was the fourth country in the world to enact a nationwide smoking ban. Since 10 January 2005 it is forbidden to smoke in all public indoor spaces, including bars, cafés, restaurants and discos. However, special smoking rooms are allowed. In such areas food can be served, but they are subjected to strict conditions: they need to be separately ventilated, with high air replacement rates; their air pressure must constantly be lower than the pressure in the surrounding rooms; they must be equipped with automatic sliding doors to prevent smoke from spreading to tobacco-free areas; they may occupy at most 50% of the establishment. Only 1% of all public establishments have opted for setting up a smoking room. Smoking is also forbidden in all enclosed workplaces – this includes also trains and underground stations. It is indeed allowed to smoke outdoors, which means that since Italy has sunny weather more than half of the year, people can still smoke at restaurants and bars as long as they sit on the outside tables and people still smoke there.
Although there are no consistent nationwide smoking bans in Japan and all moves to introduce such laws are strongly opposed by the powerful lobby groups, there are a growing number of local ordinances banning smoking. Smoking is forbidden on the streets of the Chiyoda, Shinagawa, Shinjuku and Nakano wards of Tokyo[73] for reasons of child safety (not health). Smoking is banned on most public transport and on many train station platforms, however enforcement mechanisms such as fines remain absent. Kanagawa Prefecture has implemented in April 2010 the nation's first prefecture-wide smoking ban, banning smoking in public facilities, including hospitals, schools and government offices. The ordinance requires large restaurants and hotels to choose whether to become nonsmoking or create separate smoking areas, while mah-jong and pachinko parlors, restaurants with floor space of up to 100 sq. meters and hotels of up to 700 sq. meters are merely required to "make efforts" to prevent passive smoking. Another Kanagawa ordinance last month to ban smoking at swimming beaches expected to be implemented in May 2010.[74] Although still relatively few, there is a growing number of private businesses implementing smoking bans in restaurants, taxis, buildings and bars[75].[76]
Smoking is restricted in public places in Jersey (a British Crown dependency).
The Restriction on Smoking (Jersey) Law 1973[77] enabled the States of Jersey to pass regulations prohibiting or restricting smoking in places of entertainment and public transport. In pursuance of this law, smoking was banned on public transport by the Smoking (Public Transport) (Jersey) Regulations 1982.[78]
The Restriction on Smoking (Jersey) Law 1973 was amended by the Restriction on Smoking (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2006[79] adopted 16 May 2006 which enabled the States to make regulations to prohibit or restrict smoking tobacco or a substance (or a mixture of substances) other than tobacco, or the use of tobacco, in a workplace or other defined places.
Kazakhstan partially banned smoking in public places on 1 April 2003.[80] A full ban was instituted in September 2009.[81] Enforcing the smoking ban appears to be somewhat problematic as far as public bus services are concerned. While smoking by passengers on the public bus services was never an issue, bus operators on duty were being consistently reported as smoking inside the bus vehicles and persistently ignoring requests by the passengers not to do so.[82]
Smoking in public indoor areas is banned in Nairobi, Kenya, since July 2007.[83] Small private bars will be exempted. Mombasa already has a similar preexisting ban on smoking.
As of 1 May 2010, smoking has been completely banned in restaurants and bars. Previously non-smoking area had to be larger than half of the total area. Smoking is also banned in parks and ten meters around public buildings and public transportation stops. Smoking on public transportation, except for ferries, is also forbidden.
Recently some municipalities, for example, Ozolnieku novads, have banned smoking on balconies and by an open window in apartment blocks and others multi-storey buildings.
Smoking has been banned in restaurants, bars, places where food is served, clubs (except for special cigar and pipe clubs), and nightclubs since 1 January 2007. Furthermore, smoking on public transportation is forbidden except on long-distance trains with special facilities. The ban is well respected, at least in the main cities.
Smoking is banned in all indoor public places, like hospitals, shopping centres, schools and restaurants. However, cafés and bars that only serve snacks are exempt from the law. There is a smoking prohibition from 12 noon to 14:00h and 19:00h to 21:00h in cafés in which meals are served.
Macedonia has a strong national smoking ban in all public indoor areas, and in some cases in outdoor areas. Smoking is banned in bars, cafes, restaurants, and nightclubs starting 1 January 2010.[84] Smoking is not banned only in people's homes, at open spaces and public areas free of sporting competitions, cultural and entertainment events, gatherings and other public events.[85]
By official law, smoking is prohibited in taxi-brousses, but it is not enforced. The only places where they banned smoking is at Antananarivo International Airport and on Air Madagascar flights. It is also prohibited to smoke in the pubs and clubs.
No smoking ban is in place, nor planned (December 2011)
In April 2004, smoking was banned in all enclosed public spaces, including public transportation, clubs and restaurants, although smoking areas are allowed. you have to be 18
In all, 21 areas are banned, including hospitals/clinics, airports, public lifts and toilets, air-conditioned restaurants, public transport, government premises, educational institutions, petrol stations, Internet cafes, shopping complexes and private office spaces with central air-conditioning. However, enforcement does not exist, and the government claims to have plans to get tougher on offenders.[86][87]
Starting 1 June 2010, it is an offence to smoke at private office spaces with central air-conditioning. People who violate the rules can be fined up to RM10,000 (US$3,333), or two years of imprisonment.[88]
Since March 1, 2009, smoking is completely banned in all public places and workplaces.
Smoking in hospitals and airports has been restricted for at least 15 years. Smoking is allowed in designated areas at the Cancun Airport. Mexico City's current smoking policy, passed in April 2004, requires physically separate smoking and non-smoking areas, and for non-smoking areas to make up at least 30% of all space in restaurants and bars.[89] A proposal debated early in 2007 to extend Mexico City's smoking policy to provide completely smoke-free restaurants, bars, schools, taxis, and buses, did not pass.[90] It was proposed again in the middle of 2007.
Since April 2008 the law has covered Mexico City, and since 28 August 2008 the law has been extended nationwide, although now some restaurants and other public places have the same designated areas for smokers as those which existed before the introduction of the law. Some bars and clubs continue to tolerate illegal indoor smoking at night, regardless of the law.
Advertisement of tobacco products has been barred from TV and radio for approximately 6 years.
There is a ban on smoking in public indoor places in Monaco since 1 November 2008, it includes bars, restaurants and nightclubs.
Smoking in public places is banned in Montenegro. The ban also forbids smoking advertising and the display of people smoking on television.[91]
Morocco's House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill banning smoking in public places.
Since 2007, smoking has been banned in indoor public places including public transport, government buildings, schools, hospitals, libraries, cinemas, theatres, restaurants and bars, with the exception of specially designated smoking rooms.[92][93]
There is currently no smoking ban in Namibia (December 2011). On 8 October 2009, the Namibian National Assembly adopted the Tobacco Products Control Bill, one of the most comprehensive smoking bans in the world. The law, (once implemented) will ban "the smoking of tobacco in a public place, any outdoor public place or any area within a certain distance of a window, ventilation inlet, door or entrance".
The bill was voted into law on 16 February 2010 but has yet (Dec 2011) to be implemented.[94][95]
Nepal Government put a ban on smoking in public places effective from 7 August 2011. The Tobacco (Control and Regulatory) Act bans smoking in airports, hotels, restaurants, government offices and other public places. The act also makes it obligatory for tobacco product manufacturers to ensure that product packs carry graphic warnings about the adverse effects of smoking and the harmful ingredients the products contain. The warnings should cover at least 75% of the total pack area.[96] The act also prohibits sales of tobacco products to pregnant women and people below the age of 18.
The Tobacco Control and Regulation Act-2068 was signed by President Dr.Ram Baran Yadav on April 29.
The Act includes provisions for officials to inspect implementation of the new law. A fine of Rs 100-100,000 will be slapped on anyone who smokes in public places or sells tobacco products to people below 18 or to pregnant women.
Smoking of tobacco is prohibited by law in all public buildings and in public transport. As of 1 January 2004 every employee has the right to work in a smoke-free environment. Tobacco legislation states that employers are obliged to take measures to ensure that employees are able to carry out their work without being bothered or affected by smoke from others. On 1 January 2008 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol became the first European airport with a total smoking ban; however, since August 2008 it has been allowed in the designated smoking rooms. Since 1 July 2008 the smoking ban has also applied to all hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes in The Netherlands. Separate smoking rooms are allowed in hospitality facilities as long as no food or beverage is served there. All forms of tobacco advertising, promotion or sponsorship are prohibited. Smoking of cannabis (marijuana and hashish) in coffee-shops is permitted as long as it is not mixed with tobacco. In 2010 the new government spoke out against the smoking ban in small catering businesses. The ban was widely ignored with statistics showing that around 41% of bars and discos had flouted the law.[97] On 3 November 2010 the new government lifted the ban for bars of 70 square metres or less which did not employ any staff other than the owner.[97] Around 3,000 of the 5,500 bars in The Netherlands are staffed by the owner alone.[97]
The first building in the world to have a smoke-free policy was the Old Government Building in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1876. This was over concerns about the threat of fire, as it is the second largest wooden building in the world.[98]
New Zealand passed an amendment to the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 law on 3 December 2003 (effective in 2004) which covers all indoor public workplaces and inside hospitality venues (pubs, bars, restaurants and casinos). Studies have shown very high levels of compliance with the law. Also the air quality inside hospitality venues is very good compared to similar settings in other countries where smoking is still permitted. In New Zealand, tobacco cannot be sold to anyone under 18. However, unlike alcohol, it is still legal for a minor to buy, consume, or publicly possess tobacco, so no sanctions are placed upon the under-age smokers themselves.[99]
Outdoor smoke-free laws cover the grounds of all schools, the grounds of some hospitals, stadiums and two university campuses (Massey University, and the University of Auckland, in 2010). Victoria University of Wellington has restricted smoking rules with specified areas in which one may smoke. The government has not moved to restrict smoking in cars but has run mass media campaigns that promote smoke-free cars and homes.
There are also increasing numbers of local councils implementing educative smokefree policies. South Taranaki District Council was the first. In May 2005 the Council made its playgrounds, parks and swimming pools smokefree, as well as ensuring that all Council events held in South Taranaki parks were to be promoted as smoke-free events and in May 2006 the Upper Hutt city council followed suit and declared all "open areas for which members ofthe public gather" (i.e. parks, playgrounds, pools) smoke-free however this by-law lacks in enforcement other than a polite request by city council officials and Security Guards (rather than confisacation and court penalty). At least 19 of New Zealand's other Councils have followed suit. (Source:
On 5 September 2007, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) New Zealand called for the removal of tobacco from sale by 2017.[100] however with current legislation and (lack of) law enforcement (as they do with alcohol this demand seems more of a pipe dream
From the start of the first semester of 2010, New Zealand's largest university, the University of Auckland, banned smoking on any of its property including inside and outside of buildings in areas that were once designated smoking areas. The university sprawls through most of Symonds Street and is the largest private complex in Auckland CBD.
A decree banning smoking in public places in Niger was issued in September 2008. Fines range from 5,000 to 1 million CFA francs, whilst there is also the possibility of a prison term.[101]
Smoking is prohibited in public places in Lagos, Nigeria, and is punishable by a fine of not less than N200 and not exceeding N1000 or to imprisonment to a term of not less than one month and not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment.[102][103]
In Norway, smoking has been banned in public buildings, workplaces and public transportation since 1988. Since 1 June 2004, smoking is also banned in restaurants, bars, cafes, etc.[104][105][106]
In 2010 the Hamas-led Islamist government of Gaza imposed a ban on women smoking nargilas in public. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry explained that "It is inappropriate for a woman to sit cross-legged and smoke in public. It harms the image of our people."[107] The ban was soon lifted and women returned to smoking in popular venues like the cafe of Gaza's Crazy Water Park.[108] The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Gaza Strip) has arrested women for smoking in public.[109] The park was burned down by masked men in September 2010, after being closed by the Hamas.[110]
Effective April 2010, Paraguay has banned smoking in all indoor areas including bars and restaurants.[111]
The Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance-2002 came into effect on 30 June 2003. The law had the following aspects: Ban on tobacco use in public buildings and transportation, limiting tobacco advertising, banning tobacco sale within 50 meters from educational institutions, and requiring “no smoking” signs displayed in public places.
In Peru, it is nominally illegal to smoke in any public place (indoors), according to Law 28704. The ban is normally not enforced.
Davao has banned smoking in a large number of public places, including public buildings, entertainment venues, hospitals, shopping malls, concerts since 2002. Smoking at gasoline stations is also banned.[112]
Manila has banned smoking in large public areas like hospitals, malls, public transport, as well as Makati in 2002 Ordinance 2002-090, banning all public transport and enclosed indoor smoking.[113]
Caloocan has begun to established ordinance recently concerning about the anti-smoking bans in accordance with the Republic Act No. 9211 also known as Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003.
Four jurisdictions have somefree regulations including bars and restaurants, albeit with designated smoking rooms permitted: Davao City, Makati City, Legazpi and Talisayan.
Tobacco companies have misrepresented the science on secondhand smoke and have successfully prevented policies from being introduced at national level. There is also evidence that the tobacco industry is lobbying against local smokefree laws.
Smoking is banned in schools, hospitals or other medical facilities and public transport (including the vehicles such as train or bus and bus stops, train stations, etc.).
Since 1 January 2011, it is forbidden to smoke in all public indoor spaces, including bars, cafés, restaurants and discos, though enclosed smoking areas within facilities are permitted.[114]
Portuguese Law 37/2007 governs various aspects of the consumption, sale and control of tobacco in Portugal, and lists a large number of enclosed spaces where smoking is not permitted, including such obvious cases as schools, hospitals and theatres. The law states that exceptions to the no-smoking rule may be made in the cases, inter alia, of enclosed eating and drinking establishments (i.e. restaurants, cafes and bars) not frequented by under-18s if the smoking area is physically separated from the non-smoking area or where ventilation and air extraction systems directed towards the exterior are effective to the point of preventing smoke from entering the non-smoking area, and that in the case of establishments with a floor area of more than 100 square metres no more than 40% (if physically separated) or 30% otherwise may be designated a smoking area. In effect, restaurants are almost always smoke-free as are most cafes whose trade is mainly for food, whereas in bars the law is ignored by customers and bar owners alike. A study published in 2011 by the Ministry of Health showed that while in establishments which had a total smoking ban compliance was 90%, in establishments where smoking is permitted in part or whole of the area (i.e. most bars) 50% were not in compliance with the law. [115] [116] [117]
The Law Num. 40 from 1993, the Law to Regulate the Smoking Practice in Public Places, and its later 1996 amendment Law 133, regulate smoking in private and public places. The most recent modification established in [2 March 2007], Law 66, amended articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11 of Law Num. 40, forbids this practice inside jails, pubs, restaurants (including open-air terraces with one or more employees), bars, casinos, workplaces, educational institutions, cars with children under age 13 and most public places. Smoking sections are not allowed. Fines start at $250.
The capital of Qatar, Doha, banned smoking in public or closed areas in 2002. The law discouraged shopkeepers from selling to under-aged people and completely banned tobacco advertisements in the country and punished violaters with hefty fines. However, the law is openly flouted especially by the youth.[118]
Russia does not yet have a smoking ban in force; however, there is some proposed legislation in the Duma. The legislation, passed by the State Duma 406-0, bans smoking in workplaces, on aircraft, trains and municipal transport as well as in schools, hospitals, cultural institutions and government buildings. It requires specially designated smoking areas to be set up and also requires restaurants and cafes to set up no-smoking areas. Russia's no smoking bill must go through two more readings in the Duma before being sent to the Federation Council for approval and to President Dmitry Medvedev for his signature.[119]
Saudi Arabia has almost no restrictions against smoking. However, on 20 June 2010, the Council of Ministers urged the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) to ban smoking at all airports and their facilities in the Kingdom. It also advised GACA to impose a fine of SR200 on people who violate the new regulations.[120]
In Serbia, as of November 2010 smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public spaces including entertainment and restaurants, bars, internet cafes, which have to designate a special room for smoking to be allowed. The ban is obligatory for all hospitals, media houses and theaters, but mainly not enforced.[121]
Smoking was banned in hawker centres, coffee-shops, cafes and fast-food outlets beginning 1 July 2006. For establishments with an outdoor area, 10–20% of the area can be set aside for smoking, although they would have to be clearly marked to avoid confusion. Gradually, the ban has been extended to bus interchanges and shelters, public toilets and public swimming complexes.[122]
On 1 July 2007, the ban was extended to entertainment nightspots. The rule allows for the construction of designated smoking rooms which can take up to 10% of the total indoor space.
On 1 January 2009, the ban was extended to all children's playgrounds, exercise areas, markets, underground and multi-storey carparks, ferry terminals and jetties. It was also extended to non-air conditioned areas in offices, factories, shops, shopping complexes and lift lobbies.[123]
Smokers found flouting the rules are fined S$200 while the owners of the establishments are fined S$200 and S$500 for a subsequent offence.
On 22 November 2010, the Towards Tobacco-Free Singapore online campaign was launched to support the initiative to phase out tobacco in Singapore by preventing the supply of tobacco to Singaporeans born from the year 2000. The initiative was put forward by a team consisting of a lung cancer surgeon, medical officers, a university professor and a civil servant. The proposal has received strong public support and has attracted media interest.
As of 2011, no-smoking enforcement has not been effective as the enforcement officers are few and sporadically make checks. Furthermore, smokers will light up again when these enforcement officers leave the premise.[124] Link to Section on Proposed ban in Singapore
Smoking is prohibited in most indoor places. Since 2004, employers have been obliged to provide separate smoking rooms or a designated outdoor smoking place if smoking is allowed at work. Smoking is also prohibited in the majority of indoor public places. The regulations currently exempt bars which do not serve food. Restaurants are also excepted from indoor smoking restrictions. Since 2010 there has been no requirement for restaurants to have separate smoking and non-smoking areas. Smoking is also prohibited in shopping centres but a loop-hole in the law allows smoking on the balconies of cafeterias in shopping centres. Enforcement of this law is the responsibility of the Slovak Business Inspection (SOI) service.
There is also a partial restriction upon outdoor smoking, especially around railways stations and bus termini, and close to the entrances of government buildings. Local police forces are responsible for enforcing these laws, although this has on occasion been lax, reportedly due to a mix of corruption and insufficiently clear legislative requirements.
On 22 June 2007, the Slovenian National Assembly approved a law prohibiting smoking in all indoor public and work places, effective 5 August 2007. Exempted from the ban are "open public areas, special smoking hotel rooms, special smoking areas in elderly care centres and jails, and special smoking chambers in bars and other work places. The smoking chambers, which will have to meet strict technical standards, will however not be allowed to occupy more than 20% of an establishment."[125] The law also raised the minimum age to purchase tobacco products from 15 to 18 and mandated that tobacco labels carry the telephone number of a quit-smoking hotline.
The South African government passed the first Tobacco Products Control Act in 1993 and started implementing the act in 1995. The act regulated smoking in public areas and prohibited tobacco sales to people under the age of 16. Some aspects of tobacco advertising were also regulated for example labelling.[126] The 1993 act was not considered to be comprehensive enough and the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act was passed in 1999. This act bans all advertising and promotion of tobacco products, including sponsorship and free distribution of tobacco products. The act also restricts smoking in public places which includes the workplace, restaurants and bars and public transport. The act also stipulates penalties for transgressors of the law, and specifies the maximum permissible levels of tar and nicotine. The regulations were implemented in 2001.[127]
The government proposed further amendments to the bill in 2007 which will seek to deal with new practices designed to circumvent the provisions of the Act. These amendments will also aim to bring the current law into compliance with the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). This framework has been ratified by the South African government.[128]
The South African government is currently looking at increasing the minimum legal age for smokers to 18.[129]
From 2006 to 2010, Spain had a partial ban on smoking in public places. Offices, schools, hospitals and public transportation were smoke-free, but restaurants and bars could create a "smokers section" or allow smoking if they were small (under 100m2).[130]
After 2 January 2011, smoking is banned in every indoors public place, including restaurants, bars and cafes. Hotels may have 30% of smoking rooms; mental hospitals, jails and old people's residences may have public rooms where workers cannot enter. Outdoor smoking is also banned in childcare facilities, in children's playparks and around schools and hospital facilities.[131]
Establishments can be closed by the authorities for repeatedly violating the smoking ban, as happened for the first time on 10 February 2011 in Marbella.[132]
In Sweden, smoking was banned in restaurants, cafes, bars and nightclubs in June 2005. Smoking rooms are, however, allowed in these institutions. The smoking rooms contain a few restrictions: no serving or consumption of food or beverages is allowed in the smoking rooms and it may not cover more than 25% of the institution's total area. The ban was very popular amongst the population and even the industries affected.[133] In January 2008, The Swedish Prison and Probation Service banned smoking indoors in prisons.[134]
The Swiss Federal Assembly enacted a law for the protection against passive smoking in 2008, which came into force on 1 May 2010. It prohibits smoking in enclosed, publicly accessible areas and in rooms that are workplaces for several persons. There are exceptions for bars and restaurants, which may allow smoking in separate, ventilated rooms or in establishments smaller than 80 square meters, but the federal statute allows for more stringent cantonal smoking bans.[135]
Until the ban came into force, each canton determined its own smoking laws. As of June 2009, all cantons, with the exception of Zurich, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Glarus, Jura, Obwalden and Schaffhausen, have banned smoking in enclosed public areas (although restaurants are exempt in Lucerne and Nidwalden). The details of the restrictions vary somewhat, and in several cantons the bans will not enter into force until some time between 2009 and 2012. The ban in Geneva came into force on 31 October 2009.[136]
Smoking is banned inside cafes, restaurants and other public spaces by a presidential decree issued on 12 October 2009 and came in to force on 21 April 2010. Syria was the first Arab country to introduce such a ban. The decree also outlaws smoking in educational institutions, health centres, sports halls, cinemas and theatres and on public transport. The restrictions include the nargile, or waterpipe. According to the official news agency SANA, fines for violating the ban range from 500 to 100,000 Syrian pounds (US$11 to $2,169).[137][138]
A decree in 1996 banned tobacco advertising while a 2006 law outlawed smoking on public transport and in some public places, introducing fines for offenders. Under-18s are not allowed to buy tobacco.[138]
Smoking is regulated by the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act (Taiwan), promulgated on 11 July 2007.
Indoor smoking ban effective in all indoor air conditioned establishments throughout Thailand since November 2002, with entertainment areas exempted. Cigarettes have graphic pictures since 2005, and advertising is banned. Enforcement and compliance have been strong.
On 10 January 2008, Thailand announced that smoking would be banned in restaurants, bars, and open-air markets effective 10 February 2008. In addition to fines, those who fail to comply may be arrested. Most legal bars comply with these regulations, but in establishments that operate illegally or semi-legally the bans are mostly disregarded.
Turkey currently bans smoking in government offices, workplaces, bars, restaurants, cafes, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, and all forms of public transport, including trains, taxis and ferries.[139] Turkey's smoking ban includes provisions for violators, where anyone caught smoking in a designated smoke-free area faces a fine of 69 liras (~€32/$45/£28) and bar owners who fail to enforce the ban could be fined from 560 liras for a first offence up to 5,600 liras.[139]
Smoking was first banned in 1997 in public buildings with more than four workers, as well as planes and public buses.[140]
On 3 January 2008, Turkey passed a law banning smoking in all indoor spaces including bars, cafés and restaurants. It also bans smoking in sports stadia, and the gardens of mosques and hospitals. The smoking ban came into force on 19 May 2008; however, bars, restaurants and cafes were exempted until mid-July 2009. On 19 July 2009, Turkey extended the indoor public smoking ban to include bars, restaurants, village coffeehouses and nargile (hookah) bars.[141]
In March 2004, smoking was banned in public places, including workplaces, restaurants and bars. An extension to private homes is being considered.
Emirates in the United Arab Emirates recently started banning smoking in shopping malls and public places. States leading the ban on smoking include Abu Dhabi,[142] Ajman,[143] Dubai[144] and Sharjah.[145]
Since 1 July 2007 smoking bans have been in effect across the whole of the UK. Smoking bans were introduced in each country of the United Kingdom separately as decided by the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the UK Parliament acting for England. For details, see (in chronological order of bans): Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.
Smoke-free regulations covering all indoor work-places in England, including bars, clubs and restaurants, cam into force on 1 July 2007. Some places, such as certain smoking hotel rooms, nursing homes, prisons, submarines, offshore oil rigs, and stages/television sets (if needed for the performance) were initially exampted, as well as Royal Palaces.[146] although members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords agreed to ban all smoking in the Palace of Westminster.[147] The on-the-spot fine for smoking in a workplace is £50 (~€70/~$100), £30 (~€45/~$60) if one pays within 15 days, while a business that allows it can be fined £2,500 (~€3,700/~$5,000). Smoking largely remains permitted outdoors, apart from railways stations.[148] However, a confidential government briefing obtained by The Independent on Sunday newspaper reveals that powers are available to extend coverage to further outdoor areas if required.[149]
In Northern Ireland, a smoking ban has been in effect since 30 April 2007. It is illegal to smoke in all enclosed workplaces. This includes bars, restaurants, offices (even if the smoker is the only person in the office) and public buildings. Like Scotland, the smoking ban is more comprehensive in that places, such as phone boxes and enclosed bus/train shelters are included. The on-the-spot fine for smoking in a workplace is £50 (~€70/~$100), while a business that allows it can be fined £2,500 (~€3,700/~$5,000).
A £200 fine may be levied by local councils if businesses fail to show signs. An opinion poll showed that 91% of people supported the ban.[150][151]
On 26 March 2006, Scotland prohibited smoking in enclosed (more than 50% covered) public places, which includes public buildings, workplaces, sports stadiums, bars and restaurants. Exemptions are in place to allow hotel guests to smoke in their own rooms, as long as the hotel has designated them as smoking rooms. The law also bans smoking in bus shelters, phone boxes or other shelters that are more than 50% enclosed. It also prohibits smoking in trucks and vans which are owned by a company whether or not the driver is the only person inside (though smoking while driving was and still is already illegal, covered by "driving without due care and attention" as it prevents you from having both hands on the wheel). Businesses covered by the smoking ban must display a statutory smoking sign at the entrance to, and around the building[152] as well as a Smoke-Free policy. Opinion polls at its introduction showed a clear majority of the Scottish public were in favour of the ban[153]
As in New Zealand, the ban was initially criticised by certain interested groups (e.g., publicans, cafe and bingo hall owners, etc.) who feared that it would adversely impact their businesses. A survey published by the Scottish Beer & Pubs Association one year on from the ban concluded that "the number of pub licensed premises in Scotland has remained more or less constant over the last year"[154] indicating fears of an adverse impact of the ban on the hospitality industry were unfounded. Widespread concerns prior to the ban about its impact on bingo halls[155] prove harder to objectively assess: As at May 2008 there is anecdotal evidence[156] to suggest an increase in closures of bingo halls since implementation of the ban. However, no statistical analysis has been conducted and speculation within the betting and gaming industry is that a decline could also be the result of demographic changes and increases in online gaming.[157]
The NHS Scotland Quit Smoking Line reported it received an additional 50,000 calls from people wishing to give up in the six months after the ban was introduced.[158] In September 2007 a study of nine Scottish hospitals over the twelve months following the ban reported positively on its impact on the country's health, including a 17% drop in admissions for heart attacks, compared with average reductions of 3% per year for the previous decade.[159]
Smoking was banned across all enclosed public premises and work premises in Wales on 2 April 2007. Adherence is widespread and public houses report increases in takings since the ban came into place.[160] However, six months after the ban's implementation, the Licensed Victuallers Association (LVA), which represents pub operators across Wales, claims that pubs have lost up to 20% of their trade. The LVA says some businesses are on the brink of closure, others have already closed down, and there is little optimism that trade will eventually return to pre-ban levels.[161]
Public places must display a special bilingual no smoking sign:
As United Nations buildings are not the subject of any national jurisdiction, the United Nations has its own smoking and non-smoking policies. Following the gradual introduction of partial smoking bans between 1985 and 2003, Secretary-General Kofi Annan introduced in 2003 a total ban on smoking at United Nations Headquarters.[162] Similar bans have not been introduced in field offices of the United Nations worldwide.
Some specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the United Nations Children's Fund and the World Health Organization have their own strict smoking bans which apply to their offices worldwide, but the same is not necessarily true for entities of the Secretariat, such as the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Only on 13 December 2007, OCHA introduced a smoking ban applicable to all its field offices.
In the United States, Congress has not attempted to enact any nationwide federal smoking ban. Therefore, smoking bans in the United States are entirely a product of state and local criminal and occupational safety and health laws. As a result, the existence and aggressiveness of smoking bans varies widely throughout the United States, ranging from total smoking bans (even outdoors), to no regulation of smoking at all. Jurisdictions in the greater South tend to have the least restrictive smoking bans or no statewide smoking bans at all. Of the 60 most populated cities in the United States, all but 17 are under some form of smoking ban covering all bars and restaurants.
According to Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, as of April 2011, 79.4% of the U.S. population lives under a ban on smoking in "workplaces, and/or restaurants, and/or bars, by either a state, commonwealth, or local law,"[163] though only 47.9% live under bans in all workplaces and restaurants and bars.[164]
As of April 2011, 27 states have enacted smoking bans in all general workplaces and public places, including bars and restaurants (though many of these exempt tobacconists, cigar bars, casinos, private clubs, and/or small workplaces). Six have enacted smoking bans that exclude all adult venues such as bars (and casinos where applicable). Georgia, Idaho, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia have particularized state laws banning smoking in specific places but leaving out all others. The remaining 11 states have no statewide smoking ban at all, though many cities and/or counties in those states have enacted local smoking bans to varying degrees (except Oklahoma, which prohibits local governments from regulating smoking at all).
As for U.S. jurisdictions that are not states, as of April 2011 smoking is banned in all public places (including bars and restaurants) in American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and United States Virgin Islands. Guam prohibits smoking in restaurants, but not in any other workplaces. The Northern Mariana Islands prohibits smoking in most workplaces and in restaurants but no smoking bans in bars.
In March 2006, it became illegal in Uruguay to smoke in enclosed public spaces. Now bars, restaurants or offices where people are caught smoking face fines of more than $1,100 or a three-day closure. This makes Uruguay the first country in South America to ban smoking in enclosed public spaces.[165]
Anti-smoking groups estimate that as many as a third of Uruguay's 3.4 million people smoke. President Tabaré Vázquez, a practicing oncologist, has cited reports suggesting about seven people die each day in Uruguay (an estimated 5,000 people a year) from smoking-related causes including lung cancer, emphysema and other illnesses.[166]
On 1 July 2002 a law signed by Pope John Paul II became effective which banned smoking on all places accessible to the public and in all closed places of work within the Vatican City and within all extraterritorial properties of the Holy See. Smoking bans in museums, libraries and churches on Vatican territory were already in force before that date for a long time.[167]
On May 31, 2011 Venezuela introduced a ban on smoking in all enclosed public and commercial spaces, including malls, restaurants, bars, discos, workplaces, etc.
The owners or managers of the establishments where smoking is banned, must post a notice measuring 80 cm. (31.5 inches) wide and 50 cm (19.7 inches) high; The poster should contain an international smoking ban pictogram and the following text: "Este es un ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco, por resolución del ministerio del poder popular para la salud" (This is a 100% Smoke-free environment, by resolution of the Ministry of Popular Power for Health), owners or managers also have the obligation to ensure compliance with this rule.
Owners or managers that do not post the notice or do not ensure compliance with the rule may be penalized with the closure of the establishment and / or a fine that can be up to 190,000 VEF (44,186.05 USD), however, regulation does not provide sanctions for smokers.[168]
To see the notice that should be posted Click Here
To see the official publication of the law Click Here
The Vietnamese government has banned smoking and cigarette sales in offices, production facilities, schools, hospitals, and on public transport nationwide[169] Smoking was banned in enclosed indoor spaces and public facilities in Ho Chi Minh City in 2005 with the exception of entertainment areas.
A ban has also been imposed on all forms of advertisement, trade promotion, and sponsorship by tobacco companies, as well as cigarette sales through vending machines, or over the telephone and on the Internet.
Smoking is prohibited in public places in Zambia and is punishable by a fine of K400,000 or imprisonment of up to two years.[170][171]
In some countries, such as Germany, India and Russia, bans enacted earlier allow for smoking sections in restaurants, as well as possible special rooms for use by smokers in other workplaces (though many employers prefer not to incur the costs of building and maintaining such rooms).
In the Czech Republic, there is a bill to prohibit smoking in all public areas and in all enclosed areas in pubs, restaurants, bars and others that do not have a separate room designated for smoking that has permanent ventilation and does not have an effect on smoke-free sections. There have recently been several bills proposing similar smoking restrictions, but these have never been enacted by the Chamber of Deputies.[177]
New Caledonia is likely to introduce restrictions on smoking in public places following a recent 25-nation global air-quality monitoring initiative.[178]
Niue is considering banning tobacco completely, and is seeking the cooperation of Australia and New Zealand to ensure that no tobacco can be imported into the country.[179]
Singapore citizens launched an online campaign to support the proposal to prevent the supply of tobacco to Singaporeans born from the year 2000.[180]
In the United Kingdom, there have been calls from MPs for the prohibition of smoking in cars which have children in them [181] This has been further pushed by doctors and the devolved governments of Wales and Northern Ireland [182]
Some countries have no legislation against smoking whatsoever. These countries include Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, and many other countries in Central and Western Africa.
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