
In mathematics, anticommutativity is the property of an operation that swapping the position of any two arguments negates the result. Anticommutative operations are widely used in algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis and, as a consequence, in physics: they are often called antisymmetric operations.



An n-ary operation is anticommutative if swapping the order of any two arguments negates the result. For example, a binary operation * is anti-commutative if for all x and y, x*y = −y*x.

More formally, a map  \scriptstyle *:A^n \longrightarrow \mathfrak{G} from the set of all n-tuples of elements in a set A (where n is a general integer) to a group  \scriptstyle\mathfrak{G} is anticommutative if and only if

 x_1*x_2*\dots*x_n = \sgn(\sigma) x_{\sigma(1)}*x_{\sigma(2)}*\dots* x_{\sigma(n)} \qquad \forall\boldsymbol{x} = (x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n) \in A^n

where  \scriptstyle\sigma:(n)\longrightarrow(n) is an arbitrary permutation of the set (n) of the first n non-zero integers and \mathrm{sgn}(\sigma) is its sign. This equality expresses the following concept:

Note that this is an abuse of notation, since the codomain of the operation needs only to be a group: "−1" does not have a precise meaning since a multiplication is not necessarily defined on  \scriptstyle\mathfrak{G} .

Particularly important is the case n=2. A binary operation  \scriptstyle *:A\times A\longrightarrow \mathfrak{G} is anticommutative if and only if

 x_1 * x_2 = -x_2 * x_1 \qquad\forall(x_1,x_2)\in A\times A

This means that  \scriptstyle x_1 * x_2 is the inverse of the element  \scriptstyle x_2 * x_1 in  \scriptstyle\mathfrak{G} .


If the group  \scriptstyle\mathfrak{G} is such that

 \mathfrak{-a} = \mathfrak{a} \iff \mathfrak{a} = \mathfrak{0}\qquad \forall \mathfrak{a} \in \mathfrak{G}

i.e. the only element equal to its inverse is the neutral element, then for all the ordered tuples such that  x_j = x_i for at least two different index i,j

x_1*x_2*\dots*x_n = \mathfrak{0}

In the case  n = 2 this means

 x_1*x_1 = x_2*x_2 = \mathfrak{0}


Anticommutative operators include:

See also


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