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Micrograph of an angiosarcoma. H&E stain.
ICD-O: M9120/3
eMedicine med/138
MeSH D006394

Angiosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of endothelial-type cells that line vessel walls. This may be in reference to blood (hemangiosarcoma) or lymphatic vessels (lymphangiosarcoma).

Its origin typically readily permits metastases to distant sites. Most tumors of visceral blood and lymphatic vessel walls are malignant. Hemangiosarcomas and lymphangiosarcomas of the skin are not common.

Angiosarcoma of the liver, a rare fatal tumor, has been seen in workers intensively exposed to vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), a gas, for prolonged periods in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) polymerization plants. Prolonged consumption and exposure to VCM in the blood stream can contribute to a built-up concentration in the liver in rare cases, causing angiosarcoma. It has also been associated with individuals exposed to arsenic-containing insecticides and Thorotrast. In canines, however, angiosarcoma is relatively common, especially in larger breeds such as golden retrievers and labrador retrievers.

See also


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