
Stadsdeel Centrum is a deelgemeente of the municipality of Amsterdam, North-Holland, the Netherlands. This stadsdeel was founded in 2002. Prior to 2002 it was managed by the local government of Amsterdam. This part of the city has 81,100 inhabitants and has a surface of 8.04 square kilometres (of which is 0.22 km2 water)


Neighborhoods in stadsdeel Centrum

Stadsdeel governing board

Dayly governing board

Since 2010 is Jeanine van Pinxteren (Groenlinks) the stadsdeel president. Between 2006 and 2010 was Els Iping (PvdA) stadsdeel president. She succeeded Anne Lize van der Stoel (VVD).

Stadsdeel council

The council was founded in 2002, with the deelgemeente. The number of council members was set at 27, but in 2006 it was raised with 2 till 29.

Deelraad seats
Party 2002 2006 2010
PvdA 7 7 5
VVD 7 6 6
Groenlinks 6 6 8
SP - 5 3
D66 3 2 7
AA/DG 2 2 - - 1 -
CDA 1 - -
Mokum Mobiel 1 - -
Totaal 27 29 29

The underlined numbers form the coalition.

External links